Initial greenhouse observations on use of coal char as a soil amendment: Influences on plant growth and soil water holding capacity
May 2024
A greenhouse study was conducted to begin testing the use of coal char (CC) as a soil amendment. CC is a solid, porous activated carbon material resulting from high-temperature pyrolysis of coal. The objectives of this preliminary trial were to evaluate the impacts of different concentrations of CC added to the soil (0% (control), 1, 5, and 10% (v/v)) on plant biomass yield and soil water holding capacity (WHC). The...
Effect of extension services delivery on improved potato production in Northern zone of Plateau State, Nigeria
March 2024
The study examined the effects of extension service delivery on improved potato production in Northern Zone of Plateau State, Nigeria. Four thousand five hundred registered farmers were purposively selected from three local government areas (Barkin Ladi, Jos South, and Riyom) as sample frame. The procedure of sample based on proportion was adopted, and 4% of the total registered farmers were taken as sample size from...
Genotype x Environment Interaction Evaluation for Mungbean (Vigna radiata) in Tanzania
January 2023
Mungbean is one of the major pulses in Tanzania alongside soybeans, chickpeas, cowpeas, pigeon peas, and beans. Factors causes’ low productivity includes lack of improved varieties, disease severity, and drought. This study was objected on evaluating and identifying mungbean genotypes (G) with the most desirable traits. The study consists of five breeding lines and two checks laid in Randomized Complete Block...
Impact of Covid-19 on mobile pastorals livelihood: A review
December 2022
COVID-19 pandemic affects almost all pastoralists around the world are highly marginalized and ignored attentions. The extent of pastoral vulnerability towards COVID-19 pandemic was very high. The objective of the review is to show the impacts of COVID-19 on mobile pastorals livelihood. Pastorals have always lived with vulnerable situations like droughts, climate variability, climate change, market instability, water...
Concentration, isomorphous substitution and phosphate sorption of extractable iron and aluminum oxides in Hadejia-Jama’are wetland soils, Nigeria
December 2022
Most iron nodules have micropores as a result of isomorphous substitution of aluminum (Al) for Iron (Fe). Hadejia-Jama’are wetlands is currently facing serious threat of rapid growing weeds associated with poor phosphate management. The objectives were to study the concentrations of dithionite and oxalate Fe and Al oxides, degree of aluminum substitution and phosphate sorption index of Hadejia-Jama’are...
Assessment of dairy goat production in Korahey Zone, Somali, Ethiopia; Constraints and opportunities
June 2022
Characterization of dairy goat production, constraints, and opportunities was the aim of this study. The study was conducted in selected districts of Korahay Zone, Somali Regional State. The weredas and populations (owning goat) were selected purposively to assess management practices, performance of dairy goat, and problems of goat production in selected districts of Korahay Zone. Parameters like milk production of...
Factors influencing availability and conservation of green water for sustainable agricultural production and livelihoods in drylands of Kenya
April 2022
Green water is the water that is used in biomass production, and if well conserved this water can boost agricultural production. Drylands experience erratic rainfalls, poor soils and high rates of evapotranspiration. This situation has been made worse by climate variability as drylands are very sensitive to climate change due to their delicate nature. The effect of climate change in ASALs has resulted in poor...
Distribution of maize germplasm as affected by gender and socio-economic status in Burkina Faso
November 2021
Droughts coupled with lack of suitable varieties that perform well under insufficient and erratic distribution of rain significantly reduce production and productivity of maize especially in the savanna agro ecosystems. This problem together with poor soils and the migration of young people from villages to towns as well as damage by pests and diseases further make maize production less profitable. The work aimed to...
A low-cost integrated desalination and irrigation technique tested on dual-purpose sorghum in Turkana County, Kenya
September 2021
In arid and semi-arid lands, water salinity often restricts plant growth, degrades soils, and even causes irrigation systems to fail, especially in hot climates. Worldwide, it is a “major cause” of the irrigation-induced salinization that had already affected 76 million ha of soil in 1991. Our novel and inexpensive irrigation technique addresses these issues, thus potentially improving the food security of...
Potential of camel production and management Practices in Ethiopia: Review
July 2021
The camel is one of the most vital domestic animals species for pastoralist livelihood as much as their blood circulation. The annual camel milk production of Ethiopia in 2018 is estimated to be 176113 tones. Camel produces considerable amount of milk and for long period of time than other milk producing animals under harsh conditions. Meat quality is largely age dependent and as other animals, good meat is from young...
Multi-criteria SWOT-AHP analysis for the enhancement of agricultural extension services in Kano State, Nigeria
July 2021
The study analysed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) for the enhancement of agricultural extension services in Kano State, Nigeria. Agricultural extension officers (head of units and their deputies) were purposively selected for the study due to their responsibilities as administrators and planners. In this paper, the SWOT-AHP methodology was employed to assess and prioritize management...
Sustainable dryland management strategy in Buleleng Regency of Bali, Indonesia
July 2021
The research objective was to formulate a sustainable dryland management strategy in Buleleng Regency, Bali Province. The results showed that the effective strategies were namely: (1) Utilizing available dryland to increase the quantity and quality of agricultural production; (2) Utilizing the research results of research institutes of the Ministry and University related to dryland; (3) Attracting investors to invest in...
Agronomic and economic evaluation of nitrogen fertilizers types and levels on bread wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) in the vertisols of northern highlands of Ethiopia
June 2021
Optimum nitrogen fertilization from the right source is the most important production factors for higher grain yield of wheat. Study to investigate the effect of type and rate of Nitrogen fertilizer on yield of bread Wheat was conducted in Ofla and Endamehoni districts of northern Ethiopia in 2017 and 2018 main cropping season. The treatments consists four levels of different sources of nitrogen fertilizer (Prilled...
Screening for drought tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) using in vitro technique
June 2021
Drought is an important abiotic factor that is affecting crop production worldwide. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an important fibre affected by drought. Identifying cotton lines that are drought tolerant is crucial for breeding for drought tolerance in cotton, hence this experiment was undertaken to evaluate 12 lines of cotton for drought...
Determinants of distribution and utilization of Terminalia brownii (Fresen) in Eastern Kenya
May 2021
Terminalia brownii (Fresen) is one of the drought-resistant treespecies that support livelihoods in the rural households of Eastern Kenya. The tree is preferred for its versatile functions such as; medicinal use, carvings, energy, construction, and cultural reasons. In this regard, there has been an increased demand for Fresen products which include; charcoal, poles, posts, bee-hives, nativities among others. ...
Ecological restoration of pastoral landscapes in the drylands of East Africa
May 2021
The East African drylands cover about 47% of the land surface and host about 20 million people. Rural people living in the drylands are mainly pastoralists who depend on livestock for both economic and social well-being. During the dry season, pastoralists apply strategic mobility to access grazing resources efficiently. However, this strategy has experienced change and constraints due to various demographic- and...
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and phosphorus uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) at different levels of soil phosphorus and soil moisture
May 2021
Studies have shown arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) enhance phosphorus (P) uptake and drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in semiarid soils. However, little is known regarding the contribution of AMF to maize treated with different levels of phosphorus and grown in different soil moisture levels. This study was conducted to determine the effects of AMF (Glomus fasciculatum) inoculation on growth and P...
Groundnut (Arachis hypogea) Haulm marketing and constraints in selected Northern States, Nigeria
February 2021
This study examined the dynamics of groundnut haulm marketing in northern Nigeria states of Bauchi, Jigawa, Kano, Katsina and Kebbi. Using a market survey in each state, data were collected from 101 haulm sellers using chance sampling with the aid of a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to describe the profile of the sellers, seasonality in quantity traded, price and revenue;...
Greenhouse assessment of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen as influenced by compaction, Bradyrhizobium inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer application in maize-soybean cropping systems
January 2021
Soil microbial biomass (SMB) is the main driving force in nutrient cycling and good indicator of soil productivity. A greenhouse experiment was designed to assess the effect of soil compaction, cropping system [sole maize, rotation 1 (inoculated soybean-maize), rotation 2 (un-inoculated soybean-maize) and intercrop 1(inoculated soybean-maize)and intercrop 2(un-inoculated soybean-maize)] and nitrogen fertilizeron soil...
Mycorrhiza co-association with Aspilia pluriseta Schweif. and phosphorus uptake effects on growth of gadam sorghum in the semi-arid lower Eastern Kenya
August 2020
Mycorrhiza fungi are important components of soil microbiota in the rhizosphere and greatly influence the uptake of mineral elements by plants. A greenhouse experiment was conducted at the University of Embu to evaluate effect of Aspilia pluriseta rhizosphere mycorrhiza on phosphorus uptake by gadam sorghum. Pots were filled with soil from a predetermined source in the semi-arid Gakurungu, Tunyai and Kanyuambora regions...
Acclimatization and performance evaluations of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) on yield and yield components in different agro-ecologies of Northern Ethiopia
August 2020
The study is aimed at evaluating the genotype by environment interactions (GEI) on acclimatization of sweetpotato genotypes to the farmers’ field conditions. A field evaluation was done on six sweetpotato genotypes planted in RCBD, three replications in three different agro-ecologies. These genotypes were previously (2012, 2014) tested for yield performance in the same environment. Data collected were subjected to...
Crops residue trade-offs between livestock feed and soil amendment in no-till system in Moroccan dry area
July 2020
In the dry zone of Morocco, the production of biomass is irregular while the agricultural and animal production systems are matted. As a result, the crop residues use gives rise to tradeoffs which mainly translate into competition. This research aims to characterize the tradeoffs around cereal residues use between livestock feed and soil amendment in a no-till system. This study relied on a literature review, focus...
Effect of range land vegetation degradation on livestock and socio-economics status of the pastoralists, Afar regional state, Northern Ethiopia
June 2020
The objectives of the study were to assess current vegetation diversity in the rangeland and its effect on the livestock and socio-economics of the pastoralists. Vegetation data were collected from 72 sample plots laid on the four transects. The size of the main plot was 20 m x 20 m for tree species. Socio-economic data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 software packages. A total of 75 species of vascular plants...
Response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) to differential pruning under greenhouse
March 2020
Sustainable cucumber production requires optimized agronomic practices that are adaptive to changing climates as well as enhanced crop yield and fruit quality. Commercial Greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of differential pruning on the growth and yield of cucumber in the Sudan Savanna of Nigeria. The treatments consisted of two hybrid cucumber varieties (Sirana F1 and Marketer) and four pruning...
Current status of chickpea production: Opportunities for promoting, adoption and adapting the crop in Zimbabwe: A review
February 2020
Chickpea is a cool season, drought hardy grain legume crop that is grown in Asia, East Africa, United States of America and Europe. The crop has the potential to close the winter legume gap because it can adapt to cool season temperatures as compared to summer legumes grown in Zimbabwe. The aim of this paper is to unpack various opportunities for promoting chickpea in drought prone areas of Zimbabwe which might be...
Yield variability of Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as affected by cultivars and sowing date in the Sudan Savanna Zone of Nigeria
December 2019
Field experiments were conducted in the Sudan Savannah Zone of Nigeria during the 2015/2016 dry season. The Research Farm of Audu Bako Collage of Agriculture, Danbatta (12° 44′ N and 8° 51′ E) and Federal College of Education Technical, Bichi (12°24′N and 8.24′E) represented the two locations. Subjects of interest were to determine the effect of variety and sowing date on yield of...
Effect of Daniella olivera wood biochar on the growth and biomass of maize (zea mays L.) in Lafia, North central Nigeria
March 2019
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of Daniella wood Biochar on the growth and biomass of maize harvested 8 weeks after sowing in a pot experiment. The research was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of Daniella wood biochar on the growth and biomass of maize and the effects of Daniella wood biochar on the physiochemical properties of the soil. Pots were filled with 5 kg of normal soil (oxisol) and biochar...
Evaluation of tillage and planting method under conservation farming for soil and crop productivity in the dry-land areas of Tigray, Ethiopia
February 2019
Study on conservation farming (CF) was conducted in moisture deficit area of Tigray, Ethiopia from 2013-2014. The experiment was conducted both on station and on farmers’ field. The treatments were: conventional tillage with fertilizer, conventional tillage without fertilizer, sub soiling with fertilizer, sub soiling + tie ridging with fertilizer, sub soiling + tie ridging + intercropping with fertilizer, sub...
Growth variability of Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as affected by cultivars and sowing date in the Sudan savannah zone of Nigeria
February 2019
Field experiments were conducted in the Sudan savannah zone of Nigeria during the 2015/2016 dry season. The Research Farm of Audu Bako Collage of Agriculture, Danbatta (12° 44′ N and 8° 51′ E) and Federal Collage of Education Technical, Bichi (12°24′N and 8.24′E) represented the two locations. Subjects of interest were to determine the effect of variety and sowing date on growth of...
Participatory evaluation of maize varieties for the management of maize gray leaf spot disease (Cercospora zeae maydis) at Gondar Zuria district, northwest Ethiopia
January 2019
Gray leaf spot is one of the major constraints of maize production in Ethiopia where warm humid environmental condition is prevailing. A field experiment was conducted in Gondar zuria district of western Ethiopia during 2016/17 and 2017/18 cropping season with the aim to evaluate effective maize varieties for the management of maize gray leaf spot disease. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design...
Shallow groundwater condition for irrigation along dryland river basin, northwestern Nigeria
December 2018
This study investigated shallow groundwater quality and yield for irrigation along Hadejia River Basin of Jigawa State in both the dry and rainy seasons of one year. Sites in the floodplain with a history of irrigation where the use of tube wells is dominant were selected covering a transect of about 135 km. Six transects, oriented perpendicular to the river channel were established within 1 km2 in each site. Three tube...
Effect of Phosphorus Levels on Growth and Yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Zaria, Nigeria
December 2017
Phosphorus is critical to cowpea yield because it stimulates growth, initiate nodules formation as well as influencing the efficiency of rhizobium-Legume symbiosis. In Nigeria, legumes receive little form of mineral phosphorus fertilizer as they accordingly depend on the natural soil available phosphorus for growth and yield which results to low yield. It was due to this problem that field trials were conducted at the...
Screening for Drought Tolerance in Maize Hybrids using Drought Indices
December 2017
A study was conducted to select extra-early maize hybrids for drought tolerance and investigate the efficacy of different drought indices. The material consisted of 10 single cross hybrids which were selected from 66 single cross hybrids using IITA base index. The initial experiment was conducted at Ikenne and was laid in a randomized incomplete block design with two replicates. Data collected were subjected to analysis...
Mitigation of Moisture Stress in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by Foliar Application of Salicylic Acid in Sudan Savanna Agro-Ecology, Nigeria
December 2017
Field experiment was conducted to study the influence of salicylic acid in the mitigation of moisture stress in sweet pepper. Treatments consisted of four rates (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6gL-1) of salicylic acid and three moisture stress stages (vegetative, flowering and fruit setting). These were laid out in split plot design with three replications. Results of the study revealed that exogenous application of salicylic acid...
Phenotyping and Prediction of Maize (Zea mays L.) Yield using Physiological Traits
December 2017
The use of physiological traits as an indirect selection is important in augmenting yield – based selection procedures. Field experiment was conducted at the Research and Teaching Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Bayero University, Kano to study physiological responses of different maturity groups of maize in Sudan savanna, determine the association between physiological traits and grain yield as well as predict...
Performance Evaluation of Deutz-Fahr M1202 Combine Harvester on Rice Crop in Kano State- Nigeria
December 2017
On-farm research to evaluate the performance of Deutz-Fahr (M1202) combine harvester on rice crop was conducted on Agricultural Engineering Department research and demonstration field, Bayero University, Kano. The experiment was run in a completely randomized block design based on three independent variables which include: forward speed of the machine, 3 levels each of moisture content of the crop and clearance. Field...
Response of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) to Antitranspirants and Moisture Stress in Kano, Sudan Savanna of Nigeria
December 2017
The study was conducted to determine the effect of antitranspirants and moisture stress on productivity of tomato. The treatments consisted of two antitranspirants (Benzoic and Salicylic acids) at (0, 200, 400 and 600 ppm) concentration and three moisture stress stages (vegetative, flowering and fruit setting). These were arranged in a split-plot design and replicated three times. Antitranspirant and moisture stress...
Evaluation of the Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Kilishi Sold in Kano Metropolis
December 2017
The study was conducted to evaluate chemical and microbiological properties of Kilishi retailed at some designated locations in Kano Metropolis. The locally prepared Kilishi samples were obtained from four locations (A, B, C and D) and the experiment laid in a completely randomised. Data generated were analysed using analysis of variance and significantly different means separated by Tukey HSD post hoc test. The results...
Phenotypic and Temperature Tolerance Variations in Bacterial Endophytes Isolated from Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Nodules Recovered from Smallholder Farms in Northern Nigeria
December 2017
The significance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) as nutritional, economic and a soil fertility promoter had already been elucidated by many researchers. The present work was aimed at isolation and characterization of rhizobial and non-rhizobial endophytes of cowpea nodules recovered from smallholder farms in northern Nigeria. The study soils were analyzed and found to have varying physical and chemical...
Correlation and Contribution of Some Growth and Yield Components to Fruit Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.)
December 2017
Interrelationships among tomato yield and yield components for moisture stressed tomato in most of Sub-Saharan Africa through foliar sprayed Antitranspirants using path-coefficient analysis that describes a cause-and-effect relationship have not been documented. In view of this, a field experiment was conducted during the two successive dry seasons of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 at the Teaching and Research Farm of Faculty...
Effect of Brine (NaCl) on Germination of Sorghum and Pearl millet Seeds
December 2017
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of salinity levels on seed germination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br.) in a Laboratory. The experiment was conducted using one improved sorghum variety Kaura and one pearl millet variety SOSAT-C88. Fifty seeds of each of the treatment were germinated in Petri dishes containing filter paper of 9cm diameter. Treatments...
Relationship of Rice Crop Depredation to Rodent Density Estimates in Eastern Kano, Nigeria
December 2017
In many parts of Africa rodent depredation on growing rice has been the cause of distressing losses. In rain-fed fields near Tarauni, northeast of Kano, Nigeria, the Nile rat, Arvicanthis niloticus and the Multimammate rat, Mastomys natalensis, are major rodent pests involved in upland rice damages. The objectives of this work were to determine the proportion of rice damaged at selected growth phases and maturation...
A Comparative Performance Evaluation of an Existing and a Modified Groundnut Seed Roasting Machines
December 2017
Groundnut seed roasting is a critical step in the processing for oil extraction, snack nuts, confectionaries and peanuts for roasting. Roasting enhances oil extraction processes as it reduces the oil’s viscosity, releases oil from intact cells and reduces the moisture content. A comparative performance evaluation of an existing and a modified groundnut seed roasting machines was carried out and reported in this...
Detection of Gastro-Intestinal Helminthes in Local Chicken (Gallus gallus) Sold at Sharada Market, Kano Metropolis, Nigeria
November 2017
Fifty gastrointestinal tracts of local breed chickens slaughtered at Sharada market slaughter slabs Kano State were collected and examined for helminth parasites, formol ether concentration technique was used to concentrate the gut and analysis carried out. A total of 95 parasites belonging to five species were isolated and identified. Of these parasite, Railleitina tetragona was found to be the most prevalent (22%)...
Growth, Yield and Phenology of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) as Affected by Sowing Method, Variety and Seed Rate in the Sudan Savanna of Nigeria
December 2015
An experiment on the effect of sowing method, variety and seed rate on the growth and phenology of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) was conducted at Teaching and Research Farm of Bayero University, Kano (11058'N and 8025'E) and Dutse Jigawa State (11045'N and 9020'E), Nigeria during the 2009 rainy season. The treatments consisted of three sowing methods (Broadcasting, Dibbling and Drilling), two varieties...
Effect of Water Stress and Variety on Phenology of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Sokoto, Sudan Savannah, Nigeria
December 2015
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of water stress on phenology and identify drought resistance mechanism in bread wheat and also to find out the most crucial stage of growth with respect to water stress in wheat variety. The experimental materials consisted of and two bread wheat varieties (Star 11 TR 77173/SLM and Kauz/Weaver). Water stress was imposed at three critical...
Milk Yield of Lactating Red Sokot Goat Fed with Graded Levels of Native Browse (Guiera senegalensis) in the Sudan Savanna of Nigeria
December 2015
A Seventy-two (72) days experiment sub-diVided into three phases was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding Guiera senegalesis leaves (Sabara) on intake and milk yield of lactating goats. The treatments evaluated were three phases of lactations using five inclusion levels of G. senegalensis leaves. The experimental diets were fed twice daily to the test animals. Mean yield of milk...
Perceptive policy process for inclusive agricultural extension services for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Nigeria
December 2015
The peak of international interest in the environment and sustainable development reached at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio, Brazil was followed up in the 2001 Copenhagen Climate Change Summit in December, 2001 and 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa. Declarations from all the global summits have commonly emphasized sustainable and...
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