Journal of
Public Health and Epidemiology

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Health Epidemiol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2316
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPHE
  • Start Year: 2009

JPHE Articles in press

Barriers for Full Immunization Coverage among under Five Years Children in Mogadishu, Somalia

Article in Press

Background: Immunization is amongst the most cost effective public health interventions for reducing childhood morbidity and mortality. However globally 9 million deaths of children occur as a result of vaccine-preventable disease in which 4.4 million are from sub-Saharan region. Therefore, this study aimed to assess barriers for complete vaccination coverage among under five years children in Mogadishu, Somalia....


Prevalence and associated factors of double burden of malnutrition among school adolescents 10-19 years in Burayu town, Oromia special zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Background: The double burden of malnutrition (DBM) is an emerging nutritional problem of the coexistence of underweight, and overweight and/or obesity affecting adolescents from both affluent and poor countries and nutritional status of adolescents in Ethiopia is not well documented, and they are the neglected segment of the population. Objective: The study aimed to assess prevalence and associated factors of double...


Assessing students’ nutritional junk food behaviors on interaction through their knowledge, attitudes, and amounting energy acquirements of upper secondary students in Thailand

Article in Press

To assess students’ nutritional junk food behaviors on interaction through their knowledge, attitudes, and amounting energy acquirements on junk food and the nutritional status of 429 upper secondary students in Thailand with the 20-item Questionnaire on Students’ Knowledge on Junk Food and Nutrition (QSKJFN), the 20-item Questionnaire on Nutritional Energy Quality on Junk Food (QNEQJF), and the 20-item Test of...


Multivariate Logistic Regression Models on Children Malnutrition in Ethiopia: Data of 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey

Article in Press

Malnutrition at the early stages of life can lower child resistance to infections, increase child morbidity and mortality, and decrease mental development and cognitive achievement. Adequate nutrition is the keystone of survival, health and development not only the current generations but also the ones to come. Child malnutrition is a major public health problem in Ethiopia. The main objective of this study was...


Scoping Review on the Implementation of HIV management Programs for Adolescents Living with HIV.

Article in Press

Unlike to adults, adolescents often have poorer rates of viral suppression and long-term immunologic recovery. They often face unique developmental, psychological, psychosocial, and sexuality challenges as they are still developing physically, mentally, and sexually. The general purpose of this present study is to review and update information on implementation of HIV program for Adolescent living with HIV. A comprehensive...


Prevalence of Underfive Malnutrition Measured Through Newly proposed Indices of Anthropometric Failure, and Its determinants: A Community Based Cross-Sectional Study in Habero Subzone, Eritrea

Article in Press

Background. Under-five children are one of the most vulnerable groups in any society to nutritional deficiencies due to many factors ranging from low birth weight and maternal ill health to socioeconomic and various environmental factors. Though it remains common all over the world, under-five malnutrition is particularly a very serious public health problem of developing countries like Eritrea. In this study CIAF was...


Prevalence of pressure ulcer among Hospitalized adult patients in Ethiopia. Systematic review and meta-analysis

Article in Press

Background: Pressure ulcer is a common problem that causes significant pain and additional costs, but has not been given appropriate high priority in hospitalized patients. They were individual studies on the prevalence of pressure ulcer among hospitalized patients in Ethiopia. But, there is no study that shows the national estimate of pressure ulcer among hospitalized patients. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the...


Factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment failure in Togo, 2015-2016

Article in Press

Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) treatment failure compromises its elimination as recommended by Sustainable Development Goals. Our purpose was to determine the factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment failure in Togo between 2015 and 2016. Methods: We conducted an unmatched case-control study on cases of pulmonary TB under treatment at all of 47 TB Diagnostic and Treatment Centers (DTC) in Togo between 2015...


Genetic Diversity and Geographical Distribution of Strains of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex in Ethiopia: Review

Article in Press

Ethiopia, tuberculosis (TB) is one of the major infectious disease with wide spread geographic distribution and endemic nature, which has been well documented both in human and livestock of the country. TB in livestock has an important economic and public health significance, although the actual prevalence of animal tuberculosis at national level is yet unknown. Identification of the etiology of tuberculosis in different...


Assessing tuberculosis preventive methods in the Somme department: collaboration between the Tuberculosis Control Center and its partners

Article in Press

Introduction: The Tuberculosis Control Center (TBCC) is responsible for prevention of the TB in France. The collaboration of this center with its partners has not yet been studied. Methods: All notified cases of TB and all of their contacts screened between 2007 and 2011 were retrospectively included. Communication between actors in tuberculosis control was analyzed. Results: Of the 175 reported cases, the TBCC sent 85.1%...

Author(s):Pauline Kiswendsida Yanogo, Jean-Luc Schmit, Anne Sophie Fresse, Olivier Ganry,

Patient satisfaction with outpatient department services in Asella Teaching Referral Hospital, South East Ethiopia

Article in Press

Patient satisfaction is patient’s judgment of their desires and expectations of health care. This study determined patient satisfaction with outpatient department services. Institutional based cross-sectional study design was conducted. Study participants were selected by systematic random sampling technique. Data was entered into Epi info version 7 computer software and transported to SPSS version 20 computer program...

Author(s):Mohammed Suleiman Obsa ,Tahir Aman Worji

Obesity and overweight with their associated risk factors among type ii diabetes mellitus patients attending dessie hospitals, Northeast Ethiopia, 2017

Article in Press

Obesity and overweight are public health problems, which are most common nutritional disorders in developing and developed countries and becoming increasingly prevalent in developing countries. Obesity and overweight attributes for morbidity and mortality of millions of people with type II diabetes patients around the globe by making them vulnerable to other diseases and complications. Diabetes occurs when the body cannot...

Author(s):Selam Yimer Mohammed, Yeshimebet Ali Dawed , Foziya Mohammed Hussein


Article in Press

Breast cancer is the most common and steeply rising cancer among women in Bangladesh. This qualitative observational study is done to assess the psychosocial sufferings of breast cancer patients. The purpose of the study is to evaluate eradication of social obstacles and to amending the overall level of distress and stigma associated with breast cancer. The observational prospective study was conducted on 240 patients aged...

Author(s):Nazat Sultana

Determinants of focused antenatal care service satisfaction in public health facilities in Ethiopia, 2018: a mixed study design

Article in Press

Ethiopia has been implementing focused antenatal care package to reduce maternal and child deaths. The quality of antenatal care service has being not resolved widely due to unstandardized measurement. Hence, this study assessed determinants of focused antenatal care service satisfaction in Public Health Facilities of West Guji Zone, Ethiopia, 2018. a facility based cross-sectional triangulated with qualitative study...

Author(s):Melkamu Bekele Selgado, Yimer Hottesa Dukale & Damene Darota Amamo

Knowledge and Practice of Essential Newborn Care Among Postnatal Mothers in Addis Ababa City Health Centers, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Essential newborn care is a wide-ranging approach planned to improve the health of newborn through interventions after pregnancy. In Ethiopia, about 120,000 newborns die every year in the first weeks of life which accounts for 42% of all deaths of under-five mortality. Therefore this study is aimed to assess the knowledge and practice of essential newborn care practices among mothers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A...

Author(s):Workinesh Daba, Tsion Alemu, Mulugeta Shegaze Shimbre & Behailu Tsegaye

Diagnose at admission and factors associated with management outcome of neonate in Ayder referral hospital, Northern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Children less than 5 years old commonly occurred during neonatal period and majority of the deaths occurring in developing countries particularly sub Saharan African countries. To assess cause of neonate admission and factors associated with management outcomes among neonates admitted in the neonatal care unit of Ayder referral hospital in Tigray region ; Northern -Ethiopia. Institutional based cross-sectional record...

Author(s):Masresha Leta Serbesa and Maleda Tefera Iffa


Article in Press

Puerto Rico has been undergoing economic and health crises, which were exacerbated by damages from hurricane Maria in 2017. Family is central to the Latino culture, in which it is commonly referred to as familismo. The term implies strong family ties and engagement in all aspects of Puerto Rican life. This study examined how it could be harnessed as a powerful tool to improve health outcomes in that context. The...

Author(s):Carlos Omar Nesbeth, Wilfredo Alonso Acevedo, Vincent Agboto, Elmang Nchako, Manuel Acevedo Pena

Alarming levels of ototoxicity among multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients on intensive phase of treatment at specialist treatment centers in South Western, Nigeria

Article in Press

Management of multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients remains a challenge in the control of tuberculosis worldwide. MDR-TB patients require long term treatment with drugs that cause various adverse effects especially ototoxicity associated with aminoglycoside. Current treatment guidelines still include aminoglycosides use especially in developing countries. However, there is dearth of information regarding...

Author(s):Bamgboye Eniola Adetola


Article in Press

This study investigates the predisposing factors in adoption and utilization of Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods among women in Owerri Main Market. The main objectives was to determine the physiological basis of NFP methods, the advantages and disadvantages of NFP methods and to identify the predisposing factors in adoption and practice of NFP among women. Two hundred Fifty women were selected for the study through...

Author(s):Onuoha Udonna Peace

Treatment success and associated factors among tuberculosis patients in Public Private Mixed Directly Observed Treatment Short course facilities in Oromia region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Background: Evaluation of treatment success of tuberculosis treatment is used as a major indicator of program quality. However, treatment outcome of tuberculosis patients has not consistently been evaluated yet in private health facilities working with the public health facilities in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment (PPM-DOTS) facilities. The objective of the study was to assess treatment success and associated...

Author(s):Belay Bayissasse and Getachew Gebreselassie

Factors affecting utilization of antenatal care services and institutional delivery at Koghum in Jos South, Plateau State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Access to antenatal care services promotes safe motherhood and delivery. It also improves maternal and neonatal outcomes. This study identified factors influencing the utilization of antenatal care services and health facility-based delivery. Methods: A community based cross sectional survey was conducted. Households were enumerated, and a systematic sampling method was used to selected one in four HHs.A sample size of...


Assessment of Influenza Outbreak in Kallu Dstrict of Amhara Region, Northwestern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Background: Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. It spread from person-to-person by contact with respiratory secretions. Worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in an estimated 3–5 million cases of severe illness and 250,000-500,000 deaths every year. Influenza outbreak occurred in Kallu district, due to this; we had assessment and identify associated risk factors with the...



Article in Press

Aims/purpose: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, with nearly 2.1 million new cases diagnosed in 2018 The incidence of breast cancer has been increasing worldwide and in Africa it is currently the most common cancer in women. The exact figure of breast cancer cases in Ethiopia is not known but studies show that its incidence has been increasing over the past decades. This study has sought to...


Willingness of Community to Enroll in Community Based Health Insurance and Associated Factors at House Hold Level in Siraro District, West Arsi Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

To ensure that health care is accessible to all, Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI) should be promoted and more people should be encouraged to participate. To assess willingness of community to enroll in community based health insurance and factors associated at household level in Siraro District, Ethiopia, 2017. Community based cross sectional study design was employed for 413 household samples. Simple random...


The Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness of North-West University Students, Based on Rotavirus Infections.  

Article in Press

Rotavirus is the one of most diarrhoeal cases in developing countries for both children and adults. The transmission is via the faecal-oral-route; unwashed or poorly washed hands can be the source of contamination to people, water and food. Zoonotic infection also contributes to the increase of rotavirus infection. In order to avoid risk of infection, it is critical to be informed about the virus. This study aims to assess...


Framework for Establishing Data Gaps: A case for Sustainable Development Goal 3

Article in Press

An efficient and effective programme should be developed based on solid evidence. There is always a paucity of data/evidence on which to design programmes. In many cases, however, even with abundance of data and evidence, it is difficult to assess what data gaps need to be addressed to ensure as much required data as possible is available and has been used to develop an evidence based programme. United Nations Member...



Article in Press

Background and aims of study: Malaria is a disease caused by protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium. It is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in young African children including Ethiopia. Therefore, this study designs to assess the prevalence of malaria infection among patients attending Gimbie Adventist Hospital in West Wollega, Oromia, Ethiopia. Method: Descriptive...

Author(s):Hawassa University, Department of Biology, P. O. Box: , Hawassa, Ethiopia.

Prevalence of Needle Stick Injuries and Their Immediate Response among nurses of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Background: Occupational exposures to blood and body fluids as a result of needle stick injuries is a serious concern for health care workers and a major risk for the transmission of infections such as human immune deficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis viruses and other viral diseases among healthcare workers. Objective: To assess the prevalence of needle stick injuries among nurses and their immediate response at Tikur...

Author(s):. Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

Community Perception Towards Zoonotic Diseases Acquired From Foods Of Animal Origin Among Selected Districts Of Jimma Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Zoonoses are infections that are naturally transmitted from vertebrate animals to human beings and vice-versa. A questionnaire-based survey of animal health workers (n=72) and human health workers (n=72) was carried out between the periods of January 2013 to September 2014 in Jimma zone, South West Ethiopia with the intentions to assess perception of zoonoses and risks relating to zoonotic infections among animal health...


Communities’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Tuberculosis at Selected Districts of East Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia

Article in Press

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the primary public health problems in developing countries. HIV/AIDS, poverty, under nutrition, over-crowded living conditions and lack of knowledge about the disease have been known to increase the risk of spreading the bacteria and the risk of developing the disease. This study was aimed to assess communities’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards TB at selected districts of Eastern...


Pattern of ABO and Rhesus blood group distribution of five years survey in Jimma town blood bank, South West Ethiopia

Article in Press

Back ground Objective: a retrospective -cross sectional study was conducted to determine and compare the five years distribution of ABO and rhesus blood groups in Jimma Town blood bank Method and materials: a retrospective cross sectional study was conducted to determine the distribution of the type of blood groups of blood donors registered in Jimma Zone blood bank. A check list was used to collect secondary data of each...

Author(s):jimma university

Molecular Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Clinical and Non –Clinical sources, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Article in Press

The study isolated and characterized clinical and non-clinical S. aureus strains in Ile-Ife, Nigeria using phenotypic and molecular methods. Eight hundred and fifty samples of different cultures were taken from clinical and non- clinical sources. The clinical sources were the routine specimens of wound swabs, urine, stool, blood and sputum from the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology laboratory of the Obafemi...


Comparative Efficiency of Health Care Provision in Kenya and Tanzania

Article in Press

Efficient health care provision is one of the key pillars of the millennium development goal in Kenya and Tanzania. This paper compares the efficiency of health care provision in Kenya and Tanzania between 1970-2012 using annual expenditure data and selected health care outcomes. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to establish the level of efficiency in the two countries. The paper reports that health care is provided...

Author(s):Comparative efficiency, Health, DEA, Kenya, Tanzania.

Epidemiology of Neonatal Sepsis and the risk factors involved: Observational study at neonatal Intensive care unit; Arsi University Asella Teaching and Referral Hospital; South East Ethiopia

Article in Press

Globally, sepsis is still one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in neonates, in spite of recent advances in health care system. The major burden of neonatal sepsis occurs in developing world, but most evidence is derived from developed countries. Hospital based prospective cross sectional study was conducted from April 2016 to May 2017. Neonates with clinical sepsis using inclusion criteria were included in...

Author(s):Abebe Sorsa, Dejene Lemma and Silesh Abdissa


Article in Press

The scope of the occupational health (OH) program in Ghana has steadily evolved and improved especially among private companies. The study assessed the impact of occupational health programme in Gold Fields Ghana (GFG) Limited which deployed a descriptive cross-sectional study. One hundred mine workers were selected as respondents to answer various questions on occupational health through simple random technique as well as...

Author(s):Occupation, Health, Risk factors, Ghana


Article in Press

The diminishing provision of services by the state, compelled with the escalating numbers of orphans and vulnerable children in Ghana, represent a crucial concern for both national and international organizations. In spite of this, little cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have been conducted to empirically identify the challenges faced by orphanages and homes. Using a qualitative case study approach, we investigated...


Assessment of Respiratory Symptoms and Associated Factors among Solid Waste Collectors in Yeka Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Respiratory symptoms are frequently manifested among solid waste collectors. They are suffering from respiratory diseases because of frequent exposure to waste materials containing pathogenic materials and chemicals hazards for human being. Cross-sectional study was carried out to assess prevalence of respiratory symptoms and associated factors among solid waste workers in in Yeka sub city, Addis Ababa from March to April,...

Author(s):Diseases prevention and control, Addis Ababa city administration health bureau

Appraisal of the Utilization of Contraceptive Devices among Women Aged 18 – 45yrs in Some Selected Hospitals in Abuja Municipal Area Council of Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja

Article in Press

Contraceptives are devices employed to prevent pregnancy. Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. The use of birth control and proper Planning is called family planning. The objectives of study were to determine the types of contraceptive device employed by women aged 18-45 years, educational levels, occupations, and the influence of religion towards...

Author(s):School of Genaral Health Sciences

Statistical modelling to describe longitudinal metabolic risk factors in older age: An analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

Article in Press

Objective To extrapolate an integrated natural history model that predicts longitudinal changes in metabolic risk factors into older age using the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Method Growth curve modelling was employed to estimate trajectories for multiple metabolic risk factors from the ELSA dataset, allowing for random variation between individuals. The ELSA models relate age trends in BMI, systolic...



Article in Press

General bone problems and Backaches is as old as man on earth and it use to be associated with old age. But bone related problems nowadays are more of accident causation globally. The competition occurring between the traditional and Orthopedics hospital on patients with bone related problems call for harmonization in the furtherance of the “health for all” goal of MDG, hence the emergence of the name...

Author(s):Department of Transport Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.


Article in Press

Health policy development in an appropriate cultural context under social justice with full community awareness and participation is the key to achieving a successful population health outcome. This descriptive study reviewed Nigeria’s health policy, social determinants of the population health, the role of inequality and inequity in her life expectancy and the need for developing an acceptable culturally- appropriate...


Status of Cardiovascular Parameters among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients in Pre and Post Six Minute Walk Distance Test

Article in Press

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a preventable and treatable chronic lung ailment characterized by pulmonary or/and systemic effects that usually not fully reversible upon treatments. COPD induced cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) as systemic effects are reflected in impairments of cardiovascular parameters (CVP) that are diagnosed by different invasive and non invasive methods. The non-invasive methods were...

Author(s):Samuel Tadesse Abebe, Elsah Tegene and Wondu Reta

Satisfaction of maternal care among women delivered at Asrade Zewude Memorial Primary Hospital, Bure, West Gojjam, Amhara, Ethiopia: A cross sectional study

Article in Press

Maternal satisfaction is a means of evaluating quality of maternal health care given in health facilities. The objective was to assess the level of maternal satisfaction and associated factors at Asrade Zewude Memorial Primary Hospital. Cross-sectional study was conducted on 420 clients by systematic sampling method from February 8, 2017 to September 25, 2017. Structured questionnaire that was prepared by Ethiopian...

Author(s):Gizew Dessie Asres

Factors associated with sputum conversion in a multinational population of tuberculosis patients

Article in Press

Various factors had been related with sputum conversion in tuberculosis patients, which constituted an essential indicator of the effectiveness of treatment and the infectivity of patients. The study evaluates the factors related with smear sputum conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis. A retrospective cohort study of newly diagnosed of pulmonary tuberculosis was performed from January 2013 to September 2016 in Cuban...

Author(s):Humberto Guanche Garcell

Prevalence and pattern of primary insomnia among adults in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia: A community based cross-sectional study

Article in Press

Primary insomnia is subtype of primary sleep disorder that affects a large percentage of general population. The true prevalence of the problem is not well known in developing countries including Ethiopia. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the prevalence and pattern of primary Insomnia among adults in Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was conducted on randomly selected sample of 422 adults using validated and...

Author(s):Hiwot Berhanu, Andualem Mossie, Samuel Tadesse and Daniel Geleta

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