April 2014
Customers’ satisfaction with ATM banking in Malawi
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) banking is the second popular access channel to banking services behind branch banking in Malawi which offers competitive advantage in the homogenous market of retail banking products and services. It is important that banks achieve service quality and customer satisfaction to remain competitive through ATMs. The results are from 353 ATM card users where over half are satisfied with ATM...
April 2014
Corporate social responsibility: A literature review
While corporate social responsibility was widely discussed in the last forty years of the twentieth century, the idea that business has societal obligations was evident at least as early as the nineteenth century. The concept of corporate social responsibility constantly adapts to the needs of global business. Given the recent development of corporate social responsibility and sustainability ideologies, along with...
April 2014
Rural women entrepreneurship in India: Challenges and opportunities
The entrepreneur is an economic man, who tries to maximize his profits by innovation. Innovation involves problem solving and entrepreneur gets satisfaction from using capabilities in attacking problems. There are around seven lakh villages in India and also that more than 70% of our population that live in villages half are women. Rural women represent a sizeable percentage of labor force in our country, yet...