African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4197

Table of Content: 28 July, 2017; 11(14)

July 2017

Company’s indebtedness trend for the growth and survival

The purpose of this paper is to verify the impact of a series of company’s variables in small and medium-sized companies, which affect their debts degree. We referred to Giacosa (2015) and Broccardo et al. (2016) as a framework, which identified some company’s variables which impact on its financial structure. Our sample contains small and medium-sized enterprises, belonging to the Italian manufacturing...

Author(s): Elisa Giacosa and Alberto Mazzoleni

July 2017

Women in business and social media: Implications for female entrepreneurship in emerging countries

The aim of this study is to carry out a literature review on women in business and social media in order to know the state of the art, and to understand whether and to what extent the studies conducted so far have addressed these issues: how and why are women entrepreneurs and managers using social media? Do they use social media for marketing, networking or personal reasons? The article relies on a literature review...

Author(s): Francesca Maria Cesaroni, Paola Demartini and Paola Paoloni 

July 2017

The role of logos in brand personality of organizations

The purpose of the study was to examine the role of logos in brand image of banking institutions, and to examine whether consumers are influenced in anyway by the logos that banks use as part of their corporate branding. A stratified sampling was used to select 50 respondents. Questionnaires were administered to customers from Ghana Commercial Bank, Merchant Bank Ghana Limited, Standard Chartered Bank (Ghana) Limited...

Author(s): Martin Gyambrah and Sherry, Y. Hammond

July 2017

Influence of microfinance services on entrepreneurial success of women in Sri Lanka

This research studies the impact of microfinance services on the entrepreneurial success of users of such services who are mostly women of the lowest income categories. Three microfinance financial services namely, microcredit, micro-savings and micro-insurance have been identified through literature among other non -financial services. In this study, researcher has studied only the influence of financial services of...

Author(s): D. T. Kingsley Bernard, L. O. W. Lock Teng, Kevin and A. A. Khin