African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4197

Table of Content: 28 October, 2014; 8(20)

October 2014

A hybrid model for a performance measurement system of business: A case study in critical logistics process

The performance evaluation of companies is an important issue.  Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Six Sigma approaches are widely in use in business in this context. In this study, BSC and Six Sigma performance management systems have been elaborated, their strengths, which can be used in practice by a number of enterprises in a variety of sizes, have been identified; and a new hybrid model of performance measurement...

Author(s): Kasim Baynal and Gokhan Ozkan

October 2014

Course performance evaluation based on neural network modeling

Modeling the performance of an academic course based on a given set of affecting factors is the goal of this research. For different institutions, these factors differ in terms of availability and usefulness. This study was conducted for the nine engineering departments at King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia with a total of 281 courses for the last 8 years. First, all measurable input factors were acquired from the...

Author(s): Amjad Fuad Hajjar and Ayman Ghazi Fayoumi

October 2014

A study of the relationship between carbon emission and tourism development in Maldives

The scope of this paper is to explore the relationship between tourism development and carbon emission in Maldives. Data used are already published data for Maldives tourism development and carbon emission. Individual Model for tourism development indicators and combined model of all the indicators were used to test the relationship. Unit root test was used to test the stationary status of the data. Empirical tests were...

Author(s): Ahmed Amzath and Laijun Zhao

October 2014

Leading self, teams and organizations from a female perspective: An exploration of the women leaders’ journey

This paper seeks to capture the characteristics that prevail in the leadership styles of women leaders paying special attention to their individual leaders’ journeys. The study reviews the theoretical models of leadership and feminist theory that are particularly pertinent from the discussion of women leadership. A narrative approach is adopted for analyzing two women leaders’ journeys –Mary Kay and...

Author(s): Nuria Toledano and Crispen Karanda

October 2014

Effect of family control and internal auditor on conservatism behaviour

In this study, we deal with the effect of internal auditor and family control on operational accrual items measurements across the Tehran Stock Exchange registered firms. The operational accrual items of the Giuli and Hin Model have been used to measure the conservatism level. In comparison with other models, including Basu’s model, the above-mentioned model is more reliable. "Herfindal-Hirschman Model”...

Author(s): Mohamadreza Abdoli