February 2011
Internationalization, intangible assets and Taiwanese SMEs’ performance: Evidence of an Asian newly-industrialized economy
This paper investigates the impact of internationalization and intangible assets on the performance of Small and Medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in newly industrialized economies (NIEs). Examining a sample of 3,194 Taiwanese SMEs, we find that: (1) the relationship between internationalization and performance is characterized by an inverted U-shaped curve; (2) SMEs investing more heavily in research and...
February 2011
An empirical investigation of the detrimental effects of the intensive use of computers in the business world
Occupational injuries pose a major problem in workplaces where computers are widely used. Intensive, repetitive and long period computer use results in costly health problems (direct cost), and lost productivity (indirect cost). This paper presents the findings from a scientific research to determine the effect of musculoskeletal discomfort factors that contribute to musculoskeletal disorders resulting...
February 2011
An econometric analysis of the determinants impacting on businesses in the tourism industry
This article estimated the determinants of tourist arrivals in South Africa for the period 1999 to 2007. A tourism model was estimated and the results revealed several factors to be main determinants of tourist arrivals in South Africa. From a business perspective, these factors should seriously be considered to provide tailor-made services to potential tourists. The results also indicated that Angola,...
February 2011
“Islamic banking system: Stake holder’s attitude towards the Islamic banking system objective settingâ€
The concept of Islamic banking is not new, but is introduced in the current financial market after very long time. The Islamic banking system is getting a good percentage of the total world financial market. In the financial market there is a strong rivalry, for the Islamic banking industry (IBI) that is conventional banking system. Now the Islamic banking system must have to consider certain important...
February 2011
The best selection of strategic plans in balanced scorecard using multi-objective decision making model
In an increasingly competitive business environment, many organizations have adopted the strategic planning approach in an attempt to achieve excellence in business. Implementation of appropriate strategies plays an important role for organizations' success. Balanced scorecard is an appropriate tool used for designing operational strategies. However, one of the balanced scorecard problems is its...
February 2011
The moderating role of the interactive use of Management Control Systems (MCS) on the relation between knowledge management types and marketing project performance
This study integrates the contingency concept to inspect the moderate effects of the interactive use of management control system (MCS) on the relation between knowledge management (KM) types and marketing project performance. One hundred and eighty five companies in Taiwan were surveyed for the analysis data with the respondent of marketing project managers. The empirical results showed that: (1) Based on the internal...
February 2011
High performance organisation: A quantitative inquiry at a specific metropolitan municipality in the Gauteng Province
Since the dawn of the new democracy in South Africa, the media has been fraught with episodes of dissatisfaction among stakeholders about the service delivery record of municipalities. The aim of this study is, therefore, to explore employees’ experiences and perceptions, particularly at the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, regarding the service delivery performance of this municipality. The study was...
February 2011
Emerging markets arbitrages’ perception: Risk versus growth potential
This paper relates to our analysis of the most important criteria for emerging markets investors. We calculated and sorted both the correlation of price levels and the correlation of returns between six emerging European stock market indices and the world’s most significant index: the Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500. Our analysis established a level of emerging markets price dependence on...
February 2011
Consumer hierarchical value map modeling in the healthcare service industry
Estimating consumer value is useful for comprehending consumers’ need. Most research of consumer value focus on discussing single attribute but are incapable of exploring multi attributes to explore its entire connotation including attributes, consequences and values. However, it is important to understand what attribute do consumer care and their linkage in marketing decisions. The current study...
February 2011
The evaluation of public policy for the creation of businesses: An empirical study for the Spanish case
The promotion of greater entrepreneurial dynamism through an increase in the rate of business creation has become one of the primary concerns of those local and national authorities who use policies of support for new entrepreneurs as a central instrument in achieving their objectives of employment and economic growth. Such policies are among the most important instruments of government action for job...
February 2011
Performance evaluation of pre- and post- nationalization of the banking sector in Pakistan: An application of CAMEL model
This research study is based on the nationalization and de-nationalization of the banking industry in Pakistan. An effort has been made to analyze and evaluate the performance and efficiency of the banking sector using CAMEL parameters. It covers the period of pre- and post- nationalization of the state owned and commercial owned banks of Pakistan. Through the utilization of this model, it has been explored...
February 2011
Factors affecting the adoption of agricultural innovations in Erzurum Province, Turkey
In order to determine the factors affecting the adoption of agricultural innovations, 169 farmers were reviewed in 7 counties that may represent Erzurum province in terms of social, economic and cultural aspects. The data were analyzed in LIMDEP software using logistic regression method and the results were presented in tables. The innovations examined in the study were adoption of artificial insemination,...
February 2011
Stock exchange indices and turnover value-evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange
This study provides a test of the price change-volume relationship. The relationship between price changes and volume in markets has been a topic of dispute among researchers in finance and economics for a number of years. The study investigates the empirical relationship between the stock exchange indices and turnover volume. Data gathered in time series form and variables have been determined from monthly...
February 2011
Women satisfaction with cosmetic brands: The role of dissatisfaction and hedonic brand benefits
Research suggests that the exposure to pictures of good-looking and even slightly above-average-looking females lowers the self-image of exposed women and increases dissatisfaction with their own appearance. This study analyses the effect of perceived instrumental/utilitarian and hedonic/emotional brand benefits on women’s satisfaction with cosmetic brands, focusing on relief from dissatisfaction with...
February 2011
Economic and political attitudes of Turkish Cypriots towards European Union
Due to its unique political condition, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) can directly become a member of the European Union (EU) that will be identified as a Federal State without negotiation, due to the solution to Cyprus’ problem. Accordingly, Northern Cyprus and Southern Cyprus together, as the constituent states of the Federal Government will be under the umbrella of the EU. However, it...
February 2011
Occupational stress and burnout in Pakistan’s banking sector
This study examined the occupational stress and professional burnout in the banking sector of Pakistan. A total of 237 bank employees (74.3% male and 25.7% female) from different commercial banks participated in the survey. In order to collect data on stress and burnout a self-reported questionnaire was administered to bank employees. Descriptive, correlation and regression statistical tools were used to...
February 2011
Entrepreneurial perceptions and knowledge: A survey of final year university students
This paper investigated the perceptions and knowledge of final year university students towards entrepreneurship gaining insights regarding a gender, race and faculty perspectives. Students across all faculties believed that entrepreneurship education is important and less than half of the final year students showed interest in becoming entrepreneurs. More male students than female students indicated interest...
February 2011
A tale of two markets: Who can represent the soybean futures markets in China?
There exist two soybean futures markets in China Dalian commodity exchange (DCE), that is, No.1 and No.2 soybean futures markets (SB#1 and SB#2 for short respectively). Due to its dominant market share, trading volume and turnover, SB#1 is taken for granted to be the only representative of China’s soybean markets; so that, there is an implicit misconception in current literature that researchers can...
February 2011
An exploratory study of a business strategy for providing customer satisfaction in the Republic of Serbia
A key strategic objective for any company should be to achieve and understand the optimum level of customer satisfaction. This contention is, conceptually, the objective of the wider analysis in this paper, in addition to the model for providing customer satisfaction in the form of a business strategy. This theoretically-based model is harmonized with the following important concepts: quality management,...
February 2011
Impact of motivation to learn and job attitudes on organizational learning culture in a public service organization of Pakistan
The present study investigates the concept of organizational learning culture in a public service organization and focuses on its relationship with motivation to learn, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement. Data was collected from 119 employees of a public service organization. In all 200 questionnaires were distributed and participation was voluntary and confidentiality was...
February 2011
The use of finite element method in the furniture industry
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) techniques are getting more common everyday in the industry. The reason of this can be determined as the possibility of application of the CAE system besides the development of administration comprehension and industry with personal computers. In this study, Finite Element Method (FEM) application, which is an important engineering technique, was investigated with...
February 2011
Simultaneous consideration of contingency factors and quality management: An empirical study of Serbian companies
The aim of the present paper is to answer whether the QM concept is universal or context-dependent, organic or mechanistic, and theoretical or practical in its essence. The study examines the impact of contingency factors on quality management in Serbian companies in order to find out the possible causes of failure, that is inadequate results of QM application and to recommend the companies how to harmonize...
February 2011
Breach of psychological contract, perception of politics and organizational cynicism: Evidence from Pakistan
Research on organizational cynicism is gaining increased attention, still limited literature addresses the issue among public sector organizations in developing countries. By specifically focusing on public sector personnel in Pakistan, the present study attempts to analyze the impact of breach of psychological contract and perception of politics on organizational cynicism. Data was collected from 149...
February 2011
Measuring bank branch performance using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): The case of Turkish bank branches
The aim of this study is to develop a performance model for measuring the relative efficiency and potential improvement capabilities of bank branches by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Another purpose is to investigate the production and profitability aspects of branches. Under both production and profitability approaches, efficiency characteristics of branches, which are grouped according to...
February 2011
System dynamics approach in analyzing impact of demographic and salary risks on pension expenditure
Public pension plan in Malaysia is studied to analyze pension expenditure due to salary and demographic risks. Through the literature review and interview session with several officers in public sector, factors affecting pension expenditure are determined. The System Dynamic model is later developed using iThink software to show how demographic and salary changes affect the pension expenditure....
February 2011
Turkish consumers’ perceptions and consumption of organic foods
The organic food market in Turkey has experienced a significant growth over the past decade. The goal of this paper is to explore Turkish consumers’ nature of demand for organic food products. The effect of four factors, consumer trust, health considerations, environmental benefits and availability, on the frequency of organic food product purchases is analyzed. The survey study takes place in Istanbul...
February 2011
Benchmarking management in military organizations: A non-parametric frontier approach
Assessing the military organization’s performance is an important yet complex issue. It is important to know whether the policy is effective in achieving its goal to advance the operating efficiency; and at the execution level. The aim of this paper is to explore the operating efficiency and the benchmarks of the military outlets by using a non-parametric frontier method: data envelopment analysis....
February 2011
Knowledge creation and intellectual capital on securities investment services
The main resource of a stock market investment business is “knowledge”. The continual creation of knowledge preserves the competitive advantages of the business. This research analyzed the relationship between knowledge creation and intellectual capital in Taiwan. Based on convenient sampling, this research distributed 650 questionnaires to employees in Taiwan stock market businesses and analyzed...
February 2011
The evaluation of economic investments projects in intensive breed of game: A study case for European deer (Cervus elaphus L.) and wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in the context of the best investment decision
The investments growth in the field of agriculture, hunting and fishery represents a condition of its technical and technological modernization, and finally, one of the conditions of economic stability of total economy. This research-applicable activity evaluates, on scientific basis, the effectiveness of the investment project, which refers to the intensive breed of the European deer (Cervus elaphus L.)...
February 2011
Analysis of guerrilla and traditional marketing integration in improving the productivity of organizational marketing in enterprises in Iran: A case study of Kaveh Industrial Estate in Iran
This research aims at exploring and analyzing the integration of guerrilla and traditional marketing in enterprises in Iran with a case study of Kaveh industrial estate in Iran. For doing this research after exploration of models, approaches and techniques in guerrilla marketing point to Kaveh industrial estate which is a huge estate in Iran. The conceptual model based on primary and sub hypotheses was...
February 2011
Modeling link between internal service quality in human resources management and employees retention: A case of Pakistani privatized and public sector banks
The purpose of this research study is to establish link between perceived human resources internal service quality practices with employee retentions in mediating environment of employee job satisfaction. This study was conducted in twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. For the analyses of research work, the data has been collected about the employees of public and privatized banks’ employees. A...
February 2011
How the environment affects travel agency performance
This research examines the performance of travel agencies in Taiwan by using a market orientation framework. The study examines the impact of market orientation and financial performance and identifies the importance of competitive environment in the relationship between market orientation and financial performance. The study controls for factors associated with the external competitive environment, and the...
February 2011
Technical efficiency of organic fertilizer in small farms of Nicaragua: 1998-2005
This article applies frontier production function analysis to small farms in Nicaragua during 1998-2005 (Battese and Coelli, 1988). The objective of this study is to estimate an average function that will provide a picture for the shape of the organic fertilizer technology of an average firm (in our case, agricultural production units). Furthermore, a best-practice scenario for organic fertilizer against...
February 2011
The role of human resource management and nurses' job satisfaction in medical service organisations
The scarcity of nurses nationwide has been documented. As population increases, there is an increase in hospitals’ strains, thereby creating difficulty to find and keep good and qualified staff nurses. Job satisfaction of nurses and assurance has been an essential concern for hospital management. High staff absence and turnover, affect the hospital management which takes toll. Satisfied nurses tend to...
February 2011
A hybrid performance evaluation system for notebook computer ODM companies
The aim of the paper is to fulfill this need by building a conceptual framework for measuring the business performance of notebook computer ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) companies carried out to investigate how performance is understood and to identify the potential dimensions to improvement. In the process, a multiple criteria procedure is used to assess the performance in these companies. We explore...
February 2011
Development of an approach to coordinate the objectives for members of a supply chain
Two important problems in a traditional supply chain are that the supply chain strategy is not fully integrated with a company’s competitive strategy, and that supply chain members have their own different objectives that may adversely affect the performance of the whole chain. A supply chain and its members need to develop a supply chain strategy that fits well with the competitive...
February 2011
Relationship in the production chain of apple in the perspective of complexity theory
This work was built from the necessity of understanding how relationships occur between members of the apple production chain to propose mechanisms that can assist in improving the inter-relationships. Thus, the ring tetralogical approach was used in the identification of actions arising from the implementation of IPM (integrated pest management) in the apple production chain in the states of Rio Grande do...
February 2011
State-of-the-art current research in international entrepreneurship: A citation analysis
This article applies a literature-based analysis in its discussion of the research field of international entrepreneurship. It uses bibliometric citation analysis as its primary investigative method. The basis of the citation analysis was formed by articles coming from a number of electronic publication databases that contained the term “international entrepreneurship” in their titles, and which...
February 2011
Banks, stock markets and economic growth in high-income OECD: An empirical investigation
This study examines the 21 high income OECD countries to explore the effect of financial development on economic growth in the highest stage of financial and economic development. In this paper, it was unable to find strong evidence that banking and stock market development increase the GDP per capita growth or sources of economic growth which are per capita capital stock growth and productivity growth in the...
February 2011
The survey of factors affecting social trust among students: A case study of Jahrom universities’ students
This study was conducted in order to investigate the level of social trust based on a sociological approach. In this study, the statistical society of the research comprised university students of Azad, Payam Noor and Higher Education Center and Medical Sciences from Jahrom, 370 of which were examined as the study’s samples. The data were gathered by a questionnaire and have been analyzed by descriptive...
February 2011
Relationship between hot money and economic growth: Tar-cointegration and MS-VAR analysis
In this study, the effect of hot money on Turkish economy was studied. The relationship between hot money and economic growth was analyzed through MSVAR-VECM and TAR Cointegration methods by using interest rate, budget deficit, net foreign purchases in the IMKB, the current account deficit, exchange rate and industrial production index variables during 1997 and 2010. Key...
February 2011
The relationship between leadership and employee morale in higher education
The University of South Africa (UNISA), like many other institutions of higher education, is facing new challenges, including budget cuts, a new funding formula, changes in technology, mergers, new leadership, and a call for increased research productivity and graduation rate. All these challenges have contributed to dampened staff morale and have led to some resistance and apprehension. The aim of the study reported in...