April 2022
Investigating the driving forces of the formation of Chinese born global firms
The traditional internationalization process theory posits that firms expand to overseas market after solid domestic firms’ experience. However, from the 1980s, we witnessed a breed of young entrepreneurial firms, which took on internationalization early in their evolution. They are called ‘Born Globals’. This study presents an integrative conceptual framework and identifies the underlying...
April 2022
Challenges small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face in acquiring loans from commercial banks in Tanzania
Commercial banks in developing economies play an important role in promoting the growth of SMEs through the loan provided since they create conducive environment for their growth and success. The study focuses on investigating the challenges SMEs face in acquiring loans from commercial banks. The study used 120 respondents who were purposively and randomly selected. Both primary and secondary data were used. Data were...
April 2022
Disruptive thinking in social entrepreneurship: Challenges and effectiveness
With the emerging field of social entrepreneurship, academicians have raised several research agendas to give a unitary direction to the theoretical groundings and foundations of this concept. The current review is one such attempt to explore the definition of social entrepreneurship and its linkage to social innovation and disruptive thinking. This review aims to understand students’ perspectives and familiarity...