January 2020
Volatility measure of Nigeria crude oil production as a tool to investigate production variability
The interest to carry out volatility analysis of crude oil production in Nigeria in this paper is motivated by the shortfalls in quantities of crude oil produced in recent past, given the country’s high dependence on oil and its contribution to the nation’s economic development. In 2016 precisely, the country experienced drastic instability in prices of crude oil at international markets and dwindling...
January 2020
Fixed lifetime inventory system with double order under useful lifetime based model
The problem of outdating in the fixed lifetime inventory system has been the focus of researchers in the last decade. Results show that while outdating is being minimized, shortages have become a problem. To eliminate or reduce shortages in the fixed lifetime inventory system, we propose a model where, there are two orders, one period apart in arriving into the inventory system. The second order is designed to satisfy...
February 2020
An internal heat source in temperature rate dependent thermoelastic medium subjected to the effect of rotation and gravity field
The present work is devoted to study the effect of rotation and gravity field in a homogeneous, isotropic elastic semi- infinite, which is at initial temperature, and subjected to heat source and load moving with finite velocity. In view of calculating general problems, a numerical solution technique is to be used. For this purpose, the normal mode analysis method is used. The results for the displacement, stress...
February 2020
A mathematical model for solving integer linear programming problems
A suggested algorithm to solve fully rough integer linear programming (FRILP) problems is introduced in this paper in order to find rough value optimal solutions and decision rough integer variables, where all parameters and decision variables in the constraints and the objective function are rough intervals (RIs). In real-life situations, the parameters of linear programming problem model may not be defined precisely,...
April 2020
Three-step optimized block backward differentiation formulae (TOBBDF) for solving stiff ordinary differential equations
A three-step optimized block backward differentiation formulae for solving stiff ordinary differential equations of first-orderdifferential equations is presented. The method adopts polynomial of order 6 and three hybrid pointschosen appropriately to optimize the local truncation errors of the main formulas for the block. The method is zero-stable and consistent with sixth algebraic order. Some numerical examples were...
May 2020
Funmatics: The future generation of African mathematical scientists - How their minds works
Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement, and mathematical sciences have become important aspects of everyday life. It underpins many fields that provide benefits for humanities including but not limited to Internet search, medical imaging, computer animation, numerical weather predictions, and all types of digital communications (Hu, 2016)