January 2024
Soil physicochemical properties and macroarthropod abundance across two segments of a temperate forest in Darma Valley, Kumaun Himalaya, India
The study focused on soil macroarthropods, exploring their characteristics, environmental interactions, and role in soil nutrient dynamics—a subject that has been relatively understudied. To fill this gap, research was conducted in a temperate forest of Darma Valley, District Pithoragarh, Kumaun Himalaya, India. The forest was divided into two segments: A (disturbed) and B (undisturbed), based on anthropogenic...
January 2024
Spatio-temporal infestation dynamics and influence of silvicultural pruning on shea trees (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn. C.F.) to control Loranthaceae parasites in northern Côte d'Ivoire
Parasitic plants of the Loranthaceae family are responsible for the loss of shea trees, limiting fruit production and the survival of shea parklands in northern Côte d'Ivoire. The study aims to quantify the frequency of infestation by Loranthaceae from 2019 to 2021 and to assess the impact of silvicultural pruning techniques on the recrudescence of infestations. The methodology consisted of successively...
February 2024
Avian species composition, distribution and abundance in selected habitat types in Lake Manyara National Park, Northern Tanzania
The study conducted at Lake Manyara National Park (LMNP) in 2021, covering both wet and dry seasons in aquatic, forest and woodland habitats, utilized the point count method to collect data on bird species composition, abundance and distribution. The results revealed a total of 171 identified bird species belonging to 52 families and 17 orders. Significant differences in species abundance were observed between woodland...
February 2024
Conserving precious urban freshwater bodies: A case study of Telangana, India
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) recognizes sovereign rights of States over their bioresources and also determines terms of accessing them, which is subject to their national legislation. India is among the 196 Contracting Parties to CBD and enacted the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 to claim sovereign rights over its bioresources and associated traditional knowledge (TK), and to meet its national...
March 2024
Woody species composition and diversity in homegardens in Bekoji town, Southeast Ethiopia
This study assessed the role of urban homegardens in woody species conservation in Bekoji town, southeast Ethiopia. Ninety-six homegardens were identified using multistage sampling technique. Woody species inventory was made in 3103 m × 10 m quadrants. Shannon and Weaver diversity index (H`), reciprocal of Simpson diversity index (1-D), evenness index (J`) and Margalef richness index (Dmg) were computed to...