International Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Med. Med. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9723
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJMMS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 537

Table of Content: December 2014; 6(12)

December 2014

Assessing the surgical anatomy of the ethmoid sinus in adult Nigerians using computerized tomography scan

We undertook this study to describe the morphology and anatomical variations of ethmoidal sinus in adult Nigerians using computerized tomographic scan, bearing in mind the significance of this sinus in inflammatory pathologies of the other paranasal sinuses and endoscopic sinus surgery. This was a descriptive study of computerized tomographic scans of the paranasal sinuses of 114 subjects constituting 228 ethmoids. All...

Author(s): S. A. Ameye, Y. B. Amusa, J. A. E. Eziyi and O. C. Famurewa

December 2014

Distribution of phage types of Vibrio cholerae 01 biotype El Tor in Nigeria (2007-2013): Implication in cholera mortality

Nigeria has been plagued with seasonal epidemics of cholera with high mortality impact since 2007. Data to understand the molecular epidemiology of strains for developing country-specific control measures are either not available or incomplete in most of the epidemic states. To bridge this information gap, this study determined the phage type profiles of some selected Vibrio cholerae 01 biotype El Tor strains involved...

Author(s): Akinsinde K. A., Iwalokun B. A., Oluwadun A., Smith S. I., Fowora M., Nwaokorie F. O., Bamidele T. A., Olukoya D. K. and Ujah I. A. O.