January 2011
Self-esteem and life satisfaction as mediators between parental bonding and psychological well-being in Japanese young adults
Today, Japanese young adults are at increased risk for psychiatric disorders. Given that the presence of mental illness early in life increases the risk of further depressive episodes in later life and that psychiatric disorders are associated with college attrition rates and academic performance, investigating the mechanisms contributing to college students’ mental health is crucial. This study...
January 2011
Stress and instructors’ efficiency in Ogun State Universities: Implications for Nigerian educational policy
The Federal Government of Nigeria in the National Policy on Education expressed itself emphatically in Section 8, no. 70 (a) that no educational system is capable of rising above the quality of its teachers and thus, teacher education and teachers’ welfare would be given major emphasis in all educational planning and development. As lofty as this policy-statement sound, it stands far away from praxis....
January 2011
Impact of family type on involvement of adolescents in pre-marital sex
This study examined the impact of home type on involvement of in-school adolescents in premarital sex in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria. This study adopted a survey research design. Three hundred and sixty-eight students from four secondary schools were randomly selected, 128 (47.8%) were males and 148 (53%) were females. Their ages range from 16 to 19 years with the mean of 18.24 years. Only 186 (69%) have had...