January 2012
University education and poverty alleviation as mechanisms for enhancing youth development in Nigeria
This paper examined university education and poverty alleviation as mechanisms for enhancing youth development in Nigeria. It is observed that illiteracy and poverty are interrelated and that functional education is one of the most efficient ways to empower the youth and this is supposed to be got in the university. University education is presupposed to develop the three domains (cognitive, psychomotor and...
January 2012
Prevalence of premarital sex and factors influencing it among students in a private tertiary institution in Nigeria
This study examined prevalence of premarital sexual activities among the youth in a selected private University in Nigeria. A sample of 300 students comprised of 176 males and 124 females were randomly selected to participate in the study. The mean age and standard deviation was 21.7 ± 6.3 years. The ex-post-facto research design was employed. A 35 item; youth premarital sexual activities (YPSA)...
January 2012
Age at menarche in two tribal groups of Dharwad and Bijarpur Districts in Karnataka State
The aim of this study was to find the mean age at menarche in two different tribal groups namely Kanjarbhat and Lamani. This study was to assess the level of knowledge regarding rituals, taboos, food pattern, social restrictions, health problems and nutrition observed during the menstrual period. The sample for the research comprised of 310 Kanjarbhat girls and 310 Lamani girls in the age groups of 11 to 18...