March 2014
Parental practices of disciplining children: Implications for intervention
The main purpose of this was to assess parental practice of disciplining children. Of the total 350 students, 95 students were selected through simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaire having eighteen items that are intended to measure parents’ disciplining methods. The result showed that parents used non- aggressive child disciplining technique more than use of psychologically...
March 2014
Risks, protection factors and resilience among orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) in Ethiopia: Implications for intervention
The purpose of this study was to investigate risk, protective factors and resilience among orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) in Ethiopia. Two hundred eighty two orphan and vulnerable children were randomly selected from. Data were collected by using self report questionnaire. The results show that most orphans and vulnerable children faced family, school and community related risks factors. Sizeable number...