International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 13 September; 7(35)

September 2012

Solvent effect on absorption and fluorescence of 1-1` binaphtalene aromatic molecule

  The absorption and fluorescence spectra of 1-1` Binaphthalene (1-1` BN) molecule have been studied at different solution states in polar and non polar solvents at room temperature. It is noticed that the absorption spectrum of this molecule is similar to that of Naphthalene molecule at this temperature. The fluorescence spectrum of 1-1`BN molecule differs from that of the Naphthalene molecule. It is also...

Author(s): Zeyad Adnan Saleh, Dhia Hamdi Al-Amiedy, Amal M. Al-Hello and Sabri J. Al-Obaidi

September 2012

Spectral discrimination between mining blasts and natural earthquakes: Application to the vicinity of Tunçbilek mining area, Western Turkey

  The objective of our paper is to develop time and frequency techniques to characterize mine or quarry blasts and discriminate these events from natural earthquakes. We are examining well documented mine blasts in the Kütahya Province in western Turkey that is an ideal case study since there are frequent confirmed routine mining blasts at Tunçbilek mining area. Particularly, Turkey’s richest...

Author(s): Kekovalı K, Kalafat D and Deniz P

September 2012

Analysis of well log and pressure data of the gas-bearing sand reservoirs of Kafr El-Sheikh formation: Case study from the off-shore Nile Delta-Egypt

  The off-shore Nile Delta is one of the most promising areas for gas exploration and production in Egypt and the Middle East. The present study deals with evaluation of the gas-bearing sand anomalies at the off-shore Nile Delta of Egypt using the available well logging and the pressure datasets. The early to middle Pliocene sediments (Kafr El Sheikh Formation) of eleven wells scattered in the Darfeel and Port...

Author(s): Aref Lashin, and Saad Mogren

September 2012

Propagation of a pulsed laser through a plasma based waveguide with a parabolic profile of the electron density

  The paper presents a numerical study of the periodic self focusing behavior of a laser pulse propagation in a gas filled capillary plasma with a parabolic electron density profile. An implicit and inherently stable Crank-Nicholson method was used to demonstrate the periodic laser beam waist behavior inside the tube discharge. The dependence of the tube radius and beam waist on maximum intensity delivered to...

Author(s): Esmaeil Eslami