September 2016
Characterisation of mortars from the Ottoman period in Algiers (Algeria) through their physical and chemical properties
In traditional and historical Algerian architecture, one can find a series of mortars that were used for grouting and coating masonry. Although Algeria has a very rich heritage park, our interest mainly focuses on the mortars used in buildings from the Ottoman period, in Algiers and in particular, the mortars of the Citadel of Algiers, the Casbah and villa Mahieddine. This study allows us to determine the physical...
September 2016
Development of a real time blood pressure, temperature measurement and reporting system for inpatients
In this work, a real time blood pressure, temperature measurement and reporting system for inpatients was developed. The function of this system is to constantly measure the blood pressure and temperature of a patient and send the measured values to the medical doctor or other relevant care givers through wireless link. The system is built around the STM32F103C8 Microcontroller programmed in C language which performs...