International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 18 August; 6(16)

August 2011

A review of audio based steganography and digital watermarking

With the increasing usage of digital multimedia, the protection of intellectual property rights problem has become a very important issue. Everyday, thousands of multimedia files are being uploaded and downloaded. Therefore, multimedia copyrights become an important issue to protect the intellectual property for the authors of these files. In this paper, the domains of digital audio steganography, the properties of...

Author(s): M. L. Mat Kiah, B. B. Zaidan,,  A. A. Zaidan,, A. Mohammed Ahmed and Sameer Hasan Al-bakri

August 2011

A distributed transmission line model of cloud-to-ground lightning return stroke: Model verification, return stroke velocity, unmeasured currents and radiated fields

Among the various models for lightning return strokes (LRS) that exist, the lossy distributed transmission line (DLCR) model, it is shown herein, is a dependable, comprehensive and accurate model. The model contains inductance (L), capacitance (C), and the heat-loss resistance (R). Recently, many alternative models have been proposed, and the adequacy of the DLCR model (DLCRM) has been questioned because of some...

Author(s): P. R. P Hoole and S. R. H. Hoole

August 2011

Wave propagation in a piecewise homegenous cantilever beam under impact force

This paper focuses on responses of the free end of a cantilever beam made of two different materials under the effect of an impact force. The beam is excited by a transverse triangular force impulse modulated by a harmonic motion. The Kelvin–Voigt model for the material of the beam is used. The considered problem is investigated within the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory by using energy based finite element method....

Author(s): Turgut KOCATÜRK, Aykut ESKÄ°N and Åžeref DoÄŸuÅŸcan AKBAÅž

August 2011

Growth and characterization of glycine sodium nitrate (GSN) single crystal

Good optical quality single crystals of glycine sodium nitrate (GSN) were grown by slow evaporation technique from its aqueous solution at room temperature. Single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies revealed the presence of monoclinic structure with space group Cc, and Fourier transform infrared transmission (FTIR) has confirmed the presence of the functional groups present in the single crystal system. The thermal...

Author(s): S. Suresh, A. Ramanand, D. Jayaraman, S. M. Navis Priya and K. Anand

August 2011

Diversity technique for multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system using a new subcarrier mapping scheme

The objective of this research is to propose a new subcarrier mapping scheme intercarrier interference self cancellation intercarrier interference self cancellation (ICI-SC) technique using data allocation in space time frequency block codes (STFBC) multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system. It aims to achieve maximum diversity order and to compensate integrated effect...

Author(s): A. Idris, K. Dimyati, S. K. Syed Yusof and D. Ali,

August 2011

Determination of the steady state response of portal frames with intermediate viscoelastic links

Steady state response of portal frames whose members are connected to each other continuously or by infinitesimally small rotational link elements (intermediate viscoelastic hinges) are investigated under a periodic external force within the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory by using energy based finite element method. The effect of damping of the members of portal frames, the values of rotational spring coefficient and...

Author(s): T. Kocatürk, Ö. Tuncer and M. ÅžimÅŸek

August 2011

The flow of a Carreau fluid down an incline with a free surface

This paper deals with the effect of a Carreau fluid flow down an inclined plane with a free surface. The fluid film is thin, so that lubrication approximation may be applied. In general, the flow equations resulting from the variable viscosity model must be solved numerically. However, when the viscosity variation is small, then an asymptotic approximation is possible. The full solutions for the velocity and temperature...

Author(s): M. S. Tshehla

August 2011

Computational study of hydrogen bonding on calix[8]arene as nanostructure compound

The study of organic structure to form nanoporous structures is well known in chemistry phenomena to finding crystal structure of calix[8]arene as supra molecular chemistry. The effect of hydrogen bonding on calix[8]arene was reported at Hartree Fock by Gaussian 98 program package. The self assembled nanotubes in solid state through network hydrogen bonds between the chains of this structure were...

Author(s): Monajjemi M., Sayadian M., Zare K., Ilkhani A. R. and F. Mollaamin

August 2011

NMR shielding tensors and thermodynamic investigation of B10N11 nanocone structures

Density functional theory (DFT) and HF are carried out at B3LYP/3-21G/6-31G/6-31G*/6-311G* level of theory to investigate the stability and ground state of B10N11 nanocone. In present work, NMR shielding parameters were calculated based on each atom to study the active sites in this system. In thermochemistry part of study, it was found that the best molecular orbital description for this molecule is 6-311G* level...

Author(s): F. Mollaamin, S. Mohajeri and M. Monajjemi

August 2011

Earthquake time history for Dhaka, Bangladesh as competent seismic record

The time varying forces in the ground generates earthquake loads and the pattern of load specified as a time history of ground excitation is the most accurate means of representing earthquake actions. The difficulty with carrying out analysis procedures to compute the responses of a structure for this type of load is that the form of the acceleration time history is to be clearly known.  As there is lack of...

Author(s): A. B. M. Saiful Islam, M. Jameel, M. A. Rahman and Mohd Zamin Jumaat

August 2011

Determination of concrete compressive strength of the structures in Istanbul and Izmit Cities (Turkey) by combination of destructive and non-destructive methods

Cylindrical concrete cores of 10 cm diameter and height were taken from the columns and shear walls of randomly chosen 5-40 years old reinforced concrete (RC) buildings located in different towns of Istanbul and Izmit (Kocaeli) in Turkey from 2000 to date. The ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) measurements and uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) tests were conducted on 200 concrete core specimens in our laboratory. The...

Author(s): Cengiz Kurtulus and Ali Bozkurt

August 2011

Object recognitions in RADARSAT-1 SAR data using fuzzy classification

This study is aimed to utilize fuzzy classification for different object detections that is urban, infrastructure and coastal water in RADARSAT-1 SAR S2 mode data. Prior to fuzzy classification, Lee algorithm with kernel window sizes of 7 × 7 pixels and lines is implemented to S2 mode data. Indeed, speckle reduction is performed using Lee algorithm. The results show that Lee algorithm is able to provide excellent...

Author(s): Maged Marghany, Mazlan Hashim and Farideh Moradi

August 2011

Uplift response of square anchor plates in dense sand

The behavior of square anchor plates during vertical pullout was studied by experimental data and finite element analyses in dense sand. Validation of the analysis model was also carried out with 100 mm x 100 m square plates in dense sand. Agreement between the uplift capacities from the experimental tests and finite element modeling using PLAXIS 2D, based on 0.2 m computed maximum displacements was excellent for square...

Author(s): Hamed Niroumand and Khairul Anuar Kassim

August 2011

Three dimensional reconstruction of coastal bathymetry using TOPSAR c-band

This paper reports on a study carried out for the generation of three-dimensional (3D) ocean bathymetry using airborne TOPSAR data. The main objective of this study is to utilize fuzzy arithmetic for constructing ocean bathymetry from polarized remote sensing data such as a TOPSAR image. In doing so, two three-dimensional surface models, the Volterra model and a fuzzy B-spline model which construct a global topological...

Author(s): Maged Marghany and Mazlan Hashim

August 2011

Numerical analysis of the load bearing capacity of pin-ended hybrid headed columns under uniaxial loading

The behaviour of fully encased composite columns loaded in axial compression through the concrete core and whole cross-section was studied. The primary objective is to develop a complete non-linear finite element model that could represent the behaviour of fully encased composite columns tested under uniaxial compression in the laboratory. A total of 10 models were analyzed using finite element simulations and the...

Author(s): Ahmed Abdulhaq, W. H. Wan Badaruzzaman and Kamaruzaman Jusoff

August 2011

Investigating the effectiveness of aquatic plants (Echinocloa L and Cyperus L) in removing nutrients from wastewater: The case of Chemelil constructed wetland- Kenya

This study focused on the effectiveness of wetland plants: Echinocloa pyramidalis (L) andCyperus papyrus (L) in purifying wastewater from sugar factory stabilization pond effluent. This study was performed in a pilot-scale Free Water Surface Constructed Wetland (FWSCW) system in Chemelil sugar factory, Kenya. Four of the eight constructed wetlands (CWs) were planted with C. papyrus and the other half...

Author(s): Christine Odinga, Fred Otieno and Josiah Adeyemo

August 2011

Elevation of spatio-temporal variation of recent and future evapotranspiration trends in arid areas of Iran (Case study: Yazd)

The present research has been conducted aiming at simulation of the effect of climate changes on evaporation in Yazd. This research considers both the changes of the trend of the observational meteorological data in the past decades and the changes of the future decades. In evaluation of the evaporation data of the Yazd in the past decades, the statistical period of 1953 to 2009 has been considered.  In the next...

Author(s): Reza Borna

August 2011

Electrical and optical properties of nanostructured copper (I) iodide (CuI) incorporated with ligand agent for dye sensitized solar cell applications (DSSC)

Dispersion of CuI solution incorporated with ligand or stabilizer in acetonitrile solvent has been deposited on glass substrates, where it formed a mixture of inorganic/organic thin film in order to study its characteristics for dye sensitized solar cell applications (DSSC). CuI thin film has been prepared by sol-gel process with incorporation of TMED as a ligand into the CuI solution. Particle size of the solution is...

Author(s): A. R. Zainun, U. M. Noor and M. Ruso

August 2011

Prediction of a diesel engine characteristics by using different modelling techniques

In this study, the characteristics of a four-stroke internal combustion diesel engine have been investigated by means of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) modelling techniques, using injection pressure, engine speed and torque. Injection pressure of diesel engine has been designed with a pressure of 150 bars for the turbo charger and pre-combustion chamber. The...

Author(s): Adnan Berber, Mustafa Tinkir, S. Sinan Gültekin and Ismet Çelikten

August 2011

Impact of distributed generations on power system protection performance

Though distributed generators (DGs) have significant economic and environmental benefits, increased penetration of DGs will impose significant technical barriers for the efficient and effective operation of bulk power systems. Increased fault current contribution and load flow changes are the major two impacts on utility systems, and these will affect existing protective relaying, especially overcurrent relays. To...

Author(s): Hadi Zayandehroodi, Azah Mohamed, Hussain Shareef and Marjan Mohammadjafari

August 2011

Optimization of harmonics formed in asynchronous motors through SPWM and genetic algorithms

This study on the elimination of harmonics which form in three-phase asynchronous motors driven by inverters uses genetic algorithms (GA), one of the optimization methods, to suppress the undesired harmonics. By the use of Matlab/Simulink program, the study aims to identify the optimum switching angles in the optimum number. Optimum switching angles are the angles which make the first harmonic amplitude the biggest and...

Author(s): Metin DoÄŸan, Mustafa Dursun, Ali Fuat Boz and Gökhan Poyraz

August 2011

Magnetic properties of semimagnetic semiconductors materials

The magnetic properties of semimagnetic semiconductor (A’= Mn, A = Cd, Zn) are studied. By using the mean field theory in ordered phase and a probability distribution in disordered phase, we have evaluated the nearest neighbouring and the next-neighbouring super-exchange interactions J1(x) and J2(x) for  and . The magnetic phase diagram, that is,  versus...

Author(s): R. Masrour, M. Hamedoun, and A. Benyoussef,

August 2011

A magnetically tunable double negative material

A magnetically tunable double negative material is experimentally synthesized by incorporating PMWA (periodic metallic wire array) with negative effective permittivity into YIG (yttrium iron garnet) applied by external magnetic field with negative effective permeability. The experimental results show that electromagnetic (EM) wave can pass through the composite medium when the effective permittivity of the PMWA and...

Author(s): Li Tianqian, Wen Guangjun, Huang Yongjun and Xie Kang

August 2011

A magnetotunable negative refractive index material

A magnetically tunable negative refractive index material is made by incorporating periodic metallic wire array (PMWA) into yttrium iron garnet (YIG) slices. Applied by external magnetic field, the effective permeability of YIG is negative in certain frequency band. PMWA also exhibit negative effective permittivity in certain frequency band. In the overlapping area of two bands, the effective permeability and effective...

Author(s): Li Tianqian, Wen Guangjun, Huang Yongjun and Xie Kang

August 2011

Heat transfer of intake port for hydrogen fueled port injection engine: A steady state approach

The steady state heat transfer analysis of intake port for hydrogen fueled port injection engine is investigated. One dimensional gas dynamics was described by the flow and heat transfer in the components of the engine model. The engine model is simulated with variable engine speed and equivalence ratio (φ). Engine speed varied from 2000 to 5000 rpm with increment of 1000 rpm, while equivalence ratio changed from...

Author(s): M. M. Rahman, Khalaf I. Hamada and K. Kadirgama

August 2011

Mesh-free modeling of two-dimensional heat conduction between eccentric circular cylinders

In this paper, a numerical investigation of heat conduction problem for an irregular geometry using mesh-free local radial basis function-based differential quadrature (RBF-DQ) method has been performed. This method is the combination of differential quadrature approximation of derivatives and function approximation of radial basis function. The method can be used to directly approximate the derivatives of dependent...

Author(s): Saman Soleimani Kutanaei, Esmaiil Ghasemi and Mahmoud Bayat

August 2011

An experiment of scalable video security solution using H.264/AVC and advanced encryption standard (AES): Selective cryptography

This paper presents an efficient and effective framework for the design and development of enhanced selective video encryption scheme for H.264/AVC based on advanced encryption standard (AES). Due to the importance of maintaining the security of information that is publicly displayed, many approaches have been implemented to provide security for information dissemination over the networks. These include encryption,...

Author(s): Mohamed Abomhara, Othman O. Khalifa, A. A. Zaidan,, B. B. Zaidan,, Omar Zakaria and Abdullah Gani,

August 2011

Online tool wear monitoring using portable digital assistant (PDA)

Real-time tool wear monitoring is an important technique need to be developed to fulfill the demand from the fast development in machining industry. This paper proposed a new method of online tool wear monitoring using portable digital assistant (PDA)-based device to monitor progression of flank wear land during turning process by on-line detecting and analyzing the machining force signals. The machining tests were...

Author(s): Jaharah A. Ghani, Muhammad Rizal, Ahmad Sayuti, Mohd Zaki Nuawi, Rizauddin Ramli, Baba Deros and Che Hassan Che Haron

August 2011

Providing QoS support through scheduling in WiMAX systems

The WiMAX system outlines support for quality of service (QoS) through several service classes differentiation. However, no specific scheduling has been defined to carry the task. In this paper, we propose a simple and standard-compliant scheduling algorithm for downlink and uplink connections. The proposed algorithm calculates and grants the needed resources in terms of slots based on the QoS requirements and the...

Author(s): K. A. Noordin and G. Markarian

August 2011

Verification and validation of model refinement implemented through graph transformation systems

Today, model refinement has a key role in software engineering. It is very important to find an approach to add details to the abstract models. This stepwise refinement should continue till the final software is developed. Since this process in most of the cases is boring, long and error prone, it is crucial to find an automatic yet precise approach to perform refinement. In this paper, we present an accurate approach...

Author(s): Masoomeh Khedmati, Vahid Rafeh and Mohsen Rahmani

August 2011

Determination of absorbed dose by using absolute activity measurements

The determination of absorbed dose in an organ is of critical importance especially in medical therapy applications. In this study the total attenuation coefficient has been measured experimentally and absolute activity has been calculated using an application of a general method presented by Fleming. The absorbed dose for different distances from the source has been determined using absolute activity with using Perspex...

Author(s): Kemal Koç and GüneÅŸ Tanir

August 2011

The effect of physical activity on bone mineral density

The purpose of this study was to find out the physical activity levels of females studying at university and to examine the relation between their physical activity levels and bone mineral densities. 63 female students who study at Nigde University participated in the study. 32 of them have low physical activity levels while 31 of them have high physical activity levels. In the study, a short form of...

Author(s): Ruchan IRI

August 2011

Study on expression of DLC-1 and p-FAK proteins in epithelial ovarian cancer

We investigated expression of DLC1 and p-FAK proteins in epithelial ovarian cancer using immunohistochemistry method. Results showed that low expression of DLC-1 gene and high expression of p-FAK gene might have a correlation with occurrence, metastasis and infiltration of epithelial ovarian cancer. They might play together an important role in occurrence and development of epithelial ovarian cancer.   Key...

Author(s): Liu HuiNa, Shi HuiRong, Zhang HaiLing, Wu KaiYuan, Zhang RuiTao and Huang HaoLiang

August 2011

A two-step Laplace decomposition method for solving nonlinear partial differential equations

The Adomian decomposition method (ADM) is an analytical method to solve linear and nonlinear equations and gives the solution a series form. Two-step Adomian decomposition method (TSADM) is a modification on ADM and makes the calculations much simpler. In this paper we combine Laplace transform and TSADM and present a new approach for solving partial differential equations.   Key words: Two-step...

Author(s): H. Jafari, C. M. Khalique, M. Khan and M. Ghasemi

August 2011

Statistical analysis of S-box in image encryption applications based on majority logic criterion

The S-box is used in various block ciphers and the complexity of encryption essentially depends on the strength of S-box. The strength of an S-box can be measured by analyzing its statistical and algebraic properties. The S-box is the only non-linear component in various block ciphers capable of creating confusion. Many S-boxes have been proposed with similar algebraic and statistical properties. Therefore, it is...

Author(s): Tariq Shah, Iqtadar Hussain, Muhammad Asif Gondal and Hasan Mahmood

August 2011

Homotopy perturbation method for solving a system of third-order boundary value problems

In this paper, we use the homotopy perturbation method for solving a system of third-order boundary value problem. We show that numerical results obtained by this method are highly accurate. Some examples are given to illustrate the efficiency and implementation of the homotopy perturbation method.   Key words: Variation iteration method, homotopy perturbation method, obstacle problem, third-order...

Author(s): Muhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor, Muhammad Rafiq, Eisa Al- Saidand John Coletsos

August 2011

Some properties of a class of fuzzy neural networks

This paper investigates some properties of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy Hopfield neural networks. First, we prove that there exists a unique solution of the T-S fuzzy Hopfield neural network. Second, we determine a condition for input-to-state stability (ISS) of the T-S fuzzy Hopfield neural network. These results will be useful to analyze dynamic behavior of fuzzy neural networks.   Key words: Unique...

Author(s): Choon Ki Ahn and Pyung Soo Kim