January 2012
Field programmable gate array (FPGA) realization of a fast 2-D discrete cosine transform algorithm for higher image compression
This paper describes the field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of a fast 2-D discrete cosine transform (DCT) chip for higher image compression ratio. The development of encoding and decoding parts of 2-D DCT algorithm is carried out by using Matlab simulation tools and VHSIC hardware descriptive language (VHDL). Comparisons of results for higher image compression ratio as obtained by using Matlab are...
January 2012
Five-dimensional field theory at finite temperature in the symmetric and broken phases
We examine the behavior of theory in five dimensions. We provide the effective potential for the symmetric and broken symmetry phase. Our results suggests that due to the presence of an infinite flat extra dimension, the transition from the broken phase to the symmetric case can be delayed with respect to the four dimensional case. We also find that the phase transition at one-loop cannot be of the...
January 2012
The effect of magnetic field and nanofluid on thermal performance of two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT)
The efficiency of two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) with nanofluid as working fluid under magnetic field effect was investigated experimentally. In this study, silver/water nanofluid with different concentration (20 to 80ppm) is tested. Also, magnetic field with various strength (0.12, 0.35 and 1.2 T) exerted to TPCT by permanent magnet. It was seen that the TPCT heat transfer performance and the thermophysical...
January 2012
Compton scattering of 662 keV gamma rays by aluminium and copper materials using NaI(Tl) detector
A rotating NaI(TI) scintillator detector and a collimated Cs137 source producing gamma rays with an energy of 662 keV scattered incoherently by aluminum (Al) and copper (Cu) scatterers through the angles from 0 to 120° are used to study Compton scattering. The Compton scattering effect is investigated and found that the energy of scattered gamma ray decreases as the scattering angles increases. The...
January 2012
The challenge of all sky luminance modeling and its availability for electric light saving in interior spaces at Mahasarakham, Thailand
The purposes of this paper are to present the results of a study on all sky conditions for zenith luminance modeling and daylight availability for the central region of the Northeastern part of Thailand (16°14'N, 103° 15'E). The data for zenith luminance estimation were taken for one year from a station at the Mahasarakham University (MSU), the required components of sky quantities, namely, zenith...
January 2012
Determination of periodic solution for the Helmholtz-Duffing oscillators by Hamiltonian approach and coupled homotopy-variational formulation
This paper aims to directly extend the Hamiltonian approach and coupled homotopy-variational formulation to study the periodic solutions of the Helmholtz-Duffing oscillator.The results of numerical example are presented and only a few terms are required to obtain accurate solutions. Results derived from this method are shown graphically. The behaviors of the solutions in the positive and negative...
January 2012
Number of p-type distributed Bragg reflectors effects on gallium nitride (GaN)-based vertical cavity surface emitting laser performance
This paper has presented the characteristic features of the reflectivity of the output mirror at 415 nm vertical cavity surface emitting lasers with various distributed Bragg reflectors pairs. For this, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers with various corresponding p-distributed Bragg reflectors pairs are simulated using integrated system engineering simulation program. The output power and the threshold current for...
January 2012
Effect of heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) on soil productivity: Organic carbon mineralization
The effect of heavy metals (cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb)) on organic carbon mineralization (OCM) was studied in the laboratory. Top soil (Typic Paleudult) containing 1.0 g organic carbon in the form of milled dry Cajanus cajan leaves was incubated at field capacity with heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) at four levels (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg soil) for 30 days in a 3 × 4 factorial experiment....
January 2012
The role of dielectric constant in sodium chloride solution chemistry: Magnitude of super saturation
The effect of ethanol addition to aqueous semi saturated NaCl solutions on the super saturation was studied. The amount of precipitated salt was found to increase as the percent of added ethanol increased. The rates of formation of precipitate were calculated and found to increase with decrease of the weighted average of the solvents mixture dielectric constant, e, but levels out at e ≈ 50. The...
January 2012
A study of fuzzy Abel-Grassmann's groupoids
Fuzzy sets were first introduced by Zadeh in 1965 which have a wide range of applications in various fields of Engineering Sciences, Computer Science and Management Sciences. It is worth mentioning here that for applications of fuzzy sets mostly associative algebraic structures are used such as in 2003, Mordeson, Malik and Kuroki discovered the applications of fuzzy semigroups in fuzzy coding, fuzzy finite-state...
January 2012
Template semantic
Many people especially in public and private sectors have tried to obtain maximum benefit from information technology infrastructure and communication. This may be acquired not only as a process and activity development tool in daily performances, but as an opportunity to construct knowledge through collaborative learning. This article highlights the use of semantic web technology such as building a semantic browser for...
January 2012
FiLeDI Framework for Measuring Fish Length from Digital Images
Fish is an important source of protein in most countries in the world. The need to know the reproduction and population of fish is crucial for optimum exploitation of fish resources in maintaining the requirement of mankind in the future. In fisheries research, the length of a fish is the main parameter needed to identify fish reproduction, recruitment, growth and mortality. Current method used to acquire these length...
January 2012
An adaptive learning model based genetic for facial expression recognition
The genetic algorithms (GAs) are the evolutionary learning process, which are applied to complex optimization problems to find the optimum results from other results. The GAs to achieve the proper results in the iteration process selects the fitter solutions from a solution space. In this process, the parent selections, crossover and mutation operations have the important roles to find the optimum results. In this...
January 2012
Intrusion threat detection from insider attack using learning behavior-based
In recent years, intrusion prevention system (IPS) had been developed as a new approach system to defend networking systems, which properly combines the firewall technique with the intrusion detection. When an attack is identified, intrusion prevention immediately blocks and logs the offending data. The primary IPS uses signature to identify activities in network traffic and the host will perform detection on inbound...
January 2012
Effects of antioxidants, plant growth regulators and wounding on phenolic compound excretion during micropropagation of Strelitzia reginae
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of antioxidant treatments, plant growth regulators (PGRs) and explants wounding in tissue culture involving Strelitzia reginae on total phenol exudation. Results showed that various 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) concentrations significantly affected phenolic exudation. The media containing the highest plant growth regulators...
January 2012
A study on the role of processing parameters in joining polyethylene sheets via heat assisted friction stir welding: Investigating microstructure, tensile and flexural properties
The aim of this study was to investigate the weldability of high-density polyethylene sheets via heat assisted friction stir welding and effect of process parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of welded plates. The parameters under study were included pin rotational speed, transverse speed of tool and shoulder temperature. Tensile and bend tests were done in order to evaluate mechanical behavior of...
January 2012
Serviceability of concrete bridges in Malaysia focusing on susceptibility to atmospheric chloride corrosion
This paper identified the common damage types found in concrete bridges with special reference to chloride corrosion from recent inspection results on three concrete bridges owned and operated by three different organizations in Malaysia. The approach was to determine the serviceability of the concrete bridges resulting from deterioration and damage. The causes and resulting impact on serviceability were presented and...
January 2012
Correlations between ocean water temperature and related parameters from the Victoria experimental network under the sea (VENUS) and geomagnetic activity: Implications for climate change
Factor analyses of sample daily variables of temperature, conductivity, density, oxygen concentration and salinity of sea water from the Victoria Experimental Network Under the Sea (VENUS) project reflected a single factor. Once temporal (serial) effects had been removed, the residuals for this factor were significantly and positively correlated (r=0.60) with the global geomagnetic activity during the days of and before...
January 2012
The geothermal potential of Jizan area, Southwestern parts of Saudi Arabia
The geothermal resources of Saudi Arabia are mainly located in the southwestern parts associated with a series of volcanic rocks and ridges. Jizan area is considered as one of the most promising geothermal targets which are characterized by the presence of a number of structural related hot springs with a surface temperature range of 46 to 79°C at the surface. This work mainly aims to throw light on the possible...
January 2012
Stochastic approaches for time series forecasting of rate of dust fall: A case study of northwest of Balochistan, Pakistan
The atmospheric rate of dust fall has been reported to be the pollution indicator of urban area of Northwest of Balochistan, Pakistan. The multiplicity and complexity of sources of atmospheric dusts in urban regions has put forward the need of distribution of these sources indicating their contribution to specific environmental receptor. The present study is focused on investigation of the rate of dust fall in Quetta...