International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 4 December 2010; 5(16)

December 2010

Modified variation of parameters method for solving system of second-order nonlinear boundary value problem

In this paper, we use the modified variation of parameters method, which is an elegant coupling of variation of parameters method and Adomian’s decomposition method, for solving the solution system of nonlinear boundary value problems associated with obstacle, contact and unilateral problems. The results are calculated in terms of series with easily computable components. The suggested method is applied without...

Author(s): Muhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor, Asif Waheed and Eisa-Al-Said

December 2010

Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of soil in a Korean landfill

The objective of the present study was to examine the following aspects of soil environment in a landfill site: soil respiration and physical, chemical and biochemical properties. The K-Bad and Y-Bad sites showed lower soil respiration and higher soil temperature than the K-Good and Y-Good sites. The study results showed that increasing soil temperature up to 30°C was very closely related with increasing soil...

Author(s): Sun Mi Je and Su Young Woo

December 2010

Impact of introducing reserve flows on abstractive uses in water stressed Catchment in Kenya: Application of WEAP21 model

Kenya is implementing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) policies. The water policy provides for mandatory reserve (environmental flow) which should be sustained in a water resource. Four out of the six main catchments in Kenya face water scarcity. Further water resource quality objectives for many rivers are yet to be determined. This study applied Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP21) to study the...

Author(s): Erick Mugatsia Akivaga, Fred A. O. Otieno, E. C. Kipkorir, Joel Kibiiy and Stanley Shitote

December 2010

Tectonic features interpreted from aeromagnetic maps of Okigwe – Oguta axis, South of Benue Trough, Nigeria

Oguta and Okigwe are landmark towns within the Benue trough that are surrounded by many physical features, which may have some tectonic implications. Aeromagnetic maps covering this study area were digitized along flight lines, electronically gridded and contoured. Other data processing techniques like spectral analysis, modeling etc were applied. The results indicated that the study area is characterized by low...

Author(s): A. O. I. Selemo and C. Z. Akaolisa

December 2010

Non-destructive evaluation of concrete by the quality factor

Measurement of the longitudinal P-wave propagation velocity is a commonly used test for the non-destructive evaluation of concrete. However, the pulse velocity is not always a good indicator of the quality of concrete. This paper concerns the application of ultrasonic wave attenuation as a tool for evaluating concrete. A spectral ratio technique is used to determine the quality factor, a non-dimensional parameter that...

Author(s): Jamal Rhazi and Serge Kodjo

December 2010

Analyses of dielectric properties of fertilizers (urea and diammonium phosphate) in aqueous solution at different temperatures in microwave frequency

This paper reports experimental results which have been carried out for understanding the behavior of dielectrics in the form of mixer of fertilizers and water content at wide frequency range in different temperatures. A simple and rapid measurement (reflection method) was used in determining the dielectric response at microwave frequency. The dielectric constant and loss have been measured in frequency range from...

Author(s): Vivek Yadav, Anil Kumar, Sudeep Sharan and A. K. Sinha

December 2010

A novel hybrid module of skin detector using grouping histogram technique for Bayesian method and segment adjacent-nested technique for neural network

Skin detection is a common ancient image processing applications for detecting human images. The applications include video surveillance, naked image filters within unit-spam systems and face detection. Skin color is considered as a useful and discriminating spatial feature for many skin detection related applications, but it is not robust enough to deal with complex image environments. Skin tone ranges from dark (some...

Author(s): A. A. Zaidan, H. Abdul Karim, N. N. Ahmad, Gazi Mahabubul Alam and B. B. Zaidan

December 2010

A vırtual laboratory for fuzzy logıc controlled DC motors

Direct current (DC) motors have currently a wide usage in industrial applications. This resulted in the necessity of making the speed controls of DC motors in a sensitive manner. Conventional controllers have poorer performances due to the non-linear features of DC motors like saturation and friction. Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are widely used in controlling poorly-defined, nonlinear and imprecise systems. FLC...

Author(s): Okan Bingol and Serdar Pacaci

December 2010

A comparative simulation of mobile WiMAX physical layer performance for Zero-Force (ZF) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel equalizers

Mobile WiMAX is a broadband wireless solution that enables convergence of mobile and fixed broadband network through a common wide area broadband radio access technology and flexible network architecture. The aim of this paper is the performance evaluation of 802.16e system using different channel equalizers at the receiver module for different communication and modulation technique for different bandwidth. We analyze...

Author(s): Omar Arafat, K. Dimyati, Fatima Seeme, Arman Md Mushtaq and H. M. Farhad

December 2010

Adaptive randomized descent algorithm for solving course timetabling problems

This work proposes an Adaptive Randomized Descent Algorithm (ARDA) for solving university course timetabling problems. The work aims is to produce an adaptive algorithm that can produce good quality timetable by assigning a set of courses (events) and students to a fixed number of timeslots and rooms subject to a set of constraints. ARDA delays the comparison between the quality of the candidate solution and the current...

Author(s): Anmar Abuhamdah and Masri Ayob

December 2010

Application of support vector regression to predict metallogenic favourability degree

Mineral resource prediction is becoming increasingly important as researchers attempt to resolve the prospect direction by mining geological data. In this paper, Support Vector Regression (SVR) is applied to predict iron deposit metallogenic favourability degree since SVR is a powerful tool to solve the problem characterized by smaller sample, nonlinearity, and high dimension with a good generalization performance based...

Author(s): Chunming Wu, Xinbiao Lv, Xiaofeng Cao, Yalong Mo and Chao Chen

December 2010

Finitisticness via filters

In this paper we generalized Finitisticness of topological spaces via filters, introduced the concept of F- finitistic space and studied its various basic properties.   Key words: F- finitistic space, topological space, open refinement, filter.

Author(s): Shakeel Ahmed

December 2010

Travelling wave solution for non-linear Klein- Gordon equation

In this work, we construct explicit exact solutions for the non-linear Klein-Gordon equation by using a  -expansion method. By means of the method, many new exact travelling wave solutions for the non-linear Klein- Gordon equation are successfully obtained.   Key words: Non-linear Klein-Gordon equation,-expansion method.  

Author(s): Ahmad Neirameh, Rahmat Ghasemi and Afshin Roozi