International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 6 September; 7(34)

September 2012

A multi-agent-based model for distributed system processing

  Distributed systems have several challenges related to large datasets and numerous communication channels, and it is desirable to design systems that optimize the quality of services within the system and improve throughput to come up with the optimal result. In this paper, we present a model for multiagent system for distributed processing of tasks, where the processes continue to operate despite network...

Author(s): N. V. Blamah and A. O. Adewumi

September 2012

Mineral analysis of an artificial pond sediment samples from the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Hussein K. Okoro1*, Olalekan S. Fatoki1, Folahan A. Adekola2, Bhekumusa J. Ximba1and Reinette G. Snyman3

Author(s): Hussein K. Okoro, Olalekan S. Fatoki, Folahan A. Adekola, Bhekumusa J. Ximbaand Reinette G. Snyman

September 2012

Estimation of permeability using artificial neural networks and regression analysis in an Iran oil field

  Porosity and permeability are two important parameters to be considered in evaluating the characteristics of an oil field. The permeability is the key parameter in describing a hydrocarbon reservoir. In fact, knowing the exact values of permeability is an effective, efficient and important tool for engineers in the oil production process and management of a field. Over the years, these two petrophysical...

Author(s): Abdideh, Mohammad

September 2012

Analysis of precipitation in Central México: Trends, self-affinity and important frequencies

  Long–term monthly precipitation series registered at 56 meteorological stations located within Mexico’s state of Zacatecas were analyzed in order to identify their trends. We analyzed the power spectrum signals of precipitation anomaly series in order to identify their important frequencies and its possible connection with periodic phenomena. We found negative linear trends for 28 out of 56...

Author(s): Ricardo D. Valdez–Cepeda, Alan A. Aguilar–Campos, Fidel Blanco–Macías, Gerardo Miramontes de León, Santiago de Jesús Méndez–Gallegos and Rafael Magallanes–Quintanar

September 2012

Investigation of structural, morphological and optical properties of electrodeposited SnO2 thin films

  In this study, we investigated the deposition time effects on structural, morphological and optical properties of electrodeposited SnO2 thin films. Tin oxide thin films were deposited at 10, 15 and 20 min deposition times and characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) and UV-VIS spectrometer. XRD results showed that...

Author(s): Serdar Aydin, Güven Turgut, Mehmet Yilmaz, Demet Tatar, Bahattin Düzgün and Mehmet ErtuÄŸrul