October 2012
Shell model calculations on even nuclei near 208Pb
Binding energy of the ground state, energy levels and the B(E2) values of both positive and negative parities for 202,204Au, 202-206Hg, 202-206Tl and 202-206Pb isotopes have been calculated through shell model calculations using the shell model code OXBASH for Windows employing the Modified Kuo-Herling interaction (khhe) for neutron and proton hole orbits in 208Pb. The binding...
October 2012
First principles study of some thermodynamic properties of Calcium Indium (CaIn) intermetallic compound
Calculations of some thermodynamic properties of Calcium Indium (CaIn) intermetallic compounds are carried out using the quasi harmonic Debye model. The Debye temperature was studied as a function of both lattice temperature and unit cell volume. The calculations showed that the Debye temperature decreases slowly with elevation of the temperature. It was found that the Debye temperature varies from 130...
October 2012
Forecasting the output of Taiwan’s integrated circuit (IC) industry using empirical mode decomposition and support vector machines
As the production values in the integrated circuit (IC) industry are inherently nonlinear and non-stationary, it is regarded as one of the most challenging tasks for practitioners and academics. This study proposed a hybrid methodology by combining empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and support vector regression (SVR) in production values forecasting. The proposed approach first...
October 2012
Electrochemical polymerization and Raman study of polypyrrole and polyaniline thin films
In this paper we present thin films of polypyrrole (PPY) and polyaniline (PANi) which have been synthesized electrochemically on Gold electrode by direct oxidation of pyrrole and aniline in Acetonitrille using three electrodes. Raman spectroscopy results were analyzed in terms of normal modes, and spectra were obtained using 633 nm He-Ne laser. It was found that Raman spectra depend on the doping level of PPY...
October 2012
Biodegradation of oil spill dispersants in natural aquatic ecosystem
The biodegradability of three oil spill dispersants (teepol, sodium dodeocyl sulphate (SDS) and corexit 9527) in a brackish water were monitored using the ratio of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to total organic carbon (TOC) (primary biodegradation), the ratio of inorganic carbon to total organic carbon (mineralization) and total microbial (bacteria and fungi) population. The study lasted for 20 days....