International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: October 2009; 4(10)

October 2009

Enhancement of natural convection heat transfer from a fin by rectangular perforations with aspect ratio of two

In this study, the enhancement of natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal rectangular fin embedded with rectangular perforations of aspect ratio of two has been examined using finite element technique. The results for perforated fin have been compared with its equivalent solid one. A parametric study for geometrical dimensions and thermal properties of the fin and the perforations was carried out. The study...

Author(s): Abdullah H. AlEssa, Ayman M. Maqableh and Shatha Ammourah

October 2009

Intelligent fading memory for high maneuvering target tracking

In this paper, a new fuzzy fading memory (FFM) is developed in order to aid a modified input estimation (MIE) technique and to enhance its performance in tracking high maneuvering targets. The MIE has been introduced recently and performs well in tracking low and medium maneuvering targets. However, this method does not represent desirable accuracy in tracking high maneuvering or jerking targets. In fact, this trouble...

Author(s): Mohamad Hasan Bahari, Mohammad Bagher Naghibi Sistani and Naser Pariz

October 2009

Geotechnical and geophysical studies for wind energy systems in earthquake-prone areas: Bahce (Osmaniye, Turkey) case

Wind energy structures are systems related to the conversion of wind energy into useful form by wind power. They are subjected to strong dynamic and static loads. For this reason, an integrated site/soil investigation is required for all phases of project. In this context, there are several geotechnical/geophysical criteria and requirements such as settlement criteria, stiffness requirements, ground water and dewatering...

Author(s): Ferhat Ozcep, Mehmet Guzel, Dilek Kepekci, Mustafa Laman, Saziye Bozdag, Hasan Cetin and Aydin Akat

October 2009

CuIn (Se,S)2 based photovoltaic cells from one-step electrodeposition

The formation of CuIn (Se,S)2 films for application in photovoltaic devices by post-deposition treatments of electrodeposited pre-cursors is described. The polycrystalline CuInSe2 (CIS) pre-cursor layers were prepared by the one-step electrodeposition (ED) method on molybdenum-coated soda lime (SL) glass substrates. Growth was performed from low concentration buffered baths containing CuSO4, In2(SO4)3 and...

Author(s): C. Sene, B. Ndiaye, M. Dieng, B. Mbow and H. Nguyen Cong

October 2009

Verified bounds for nonlinear systems via Hansen-Sengupta method

Efficient numerical validation of solution to nonlinear systems of equations using the Hansen-Sengupta method is the main focus of our studies. An extremely fast method due to (Uwamusi, 2007) is used to accelerate basic characteristic convergence of the method. This is not surprising because the midpoints and radii of the convergent interval vectors obtained are coupled sequence via the inclusion isotonicity of interval...

Author(s): Stephen Ehidiamhen Uwamusi

October 2009

The evolution of the molecules of deoxy-hemoglobin S in sickle cell anaemia: A mathematical prospective

In this paper, the Langevin equation is used to solve hemoglobin aggregation in patients of sickle cell anaemia. The resulting second order nonlinear differential equation is solved to obtain a sigmoid deformation behavior. The deformation and the absorbance satisfy the Verhulst Model of the first order which is well-known in population dynamics. A time-dependent general expression is obtained for the coefficient of...

Author(s): Francis E. Mensah, Julius R Grant and Arthur N. Thorpe

October 2009

Dynamic analysis for acceleration of crab shell after explosion

In this research, the study of dynamical aspect of the crab shell, using assumption such as energy conservation in the nebula system, exiting of hydrogen gas all around the nebula and time dependant acceleration of expansion is assessed. We could found a relation for the velocity of expansion by drawing the graph of velocity, the initial velocity of expansion is calculated to be v (0) = 196059...

Author(s): A. Motamedinasab and H. Asareh

October 2009

Investigation of photon attenuation coefficient for pumice

With the rapid development in technology, the radiation protection has become one of the most important part of building construction. As shielding is the basic method for radiation protection, besides the physical and mechanical properties of materials used in building construction, the radiation shielding properties should also be known. In this study, the linear attenuation coefficients of two different types of...

Author(s): I. Akkurt, S.Kılıncarslan, C. Basyigit, B. Mavi, H. Akyıldırım

October 2009

Geophysical evaluation and chemical analysis of kaolin clay deposit of Lakiri village, southwestern Nigeria

A geophysical survey using the vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique was carried out to evaluate kaolin clay mineral deposit of Lakiri village, Obafemi-Owode local government area of Ogun State, Southwestern, Nigeria. Thirty three (33) Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings (VES) were acquired at three different sites. The data obtained was interpreted using WingGLink software to determine the apparent...

Author(s): B. S. Badmus and O. B. Olatinsu

October 2009

Investigation of groundwater resources in part of Ukwuani local government area of Delta State, Nigeria

Vertical electrical sounding data were acquired from 12 locations evenly distributed around Obiaruku town and her environs. This is an attempt to obtain useful information on the aquifer distribution within the area and hence delineate possible depths boreholes could be drilled for portable and sustainable water supply. Based on the geoelectric section which is in agreement with the driller’s log, two near surface...

Author(s): Oseji, Julius Otutu