Journal of
African Studies and Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Afr. Stud. Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2189
  • DOI: 10.5897/JASD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 240

Table of Content: July, 2015; 7(7)

July 2015

Sino-Africa economic and Chinese foreign direct investment in Africa on bilateral trade relations

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of Sino-Africa economic and Chinese FDI on Africa trade relations. China’s phenomenal economic growth rate has made the country rise to world leadership status, causing many analysts to ponder over its regional and international intentions and goals. Its investment is paying off now mainly in oil and other raw materials imports and manufactured goods. We used...

Author(s): Kossi AYENAGBO

July 2015

Reflections on Islamic marriage as panacea to the problems of HIV and AIDS

Heterosexual intercourse is epidemiologically the leading factor in the spread of HIV/AIDS. Although the heterogeneous Muslims condemn condom use as leading to zina, the Muslim majority regions of North Africa and the Middle East have the lowest HIV prevalence in the world. Through the desk-top approach the paper evaluated Islamic marriage as a possible panacea to the problems of HIV/AIDS. The correlation between...

Author(s): Dube Edmore

July 2015

Analysis of the Algerian experience of agricultural and rural development

This paper tries to reconstitute, according to a historic approach, the diverse phases by which the Algerian experience of agricultural and rural development passed to highlight the maladjustment of these policies because they all ignored the farmer as target of this policy. When these policies marginalize the countrymen in the institution of authoritarian regime, which is imperative model of development, the latter...

Author(s): Benabdellah BENDJEFFAL and Kheloufi BENABDELI