October 2012
Seasonal potential toxic metals contents of Yauri river bottom sediments: North western Nigeria
A study was conducted to investigate the seasonal level of heavy metals in bottom sediments of Yauri River, Northwestern Nigeria. Thirty composite samples of bottom sediments were collected at six demarcated sites along the river during the 2010/2011 raining and dry seasons. The heavy metals concentrations were determined with atomic absorption spectrometer. The mean levels range of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and...
October 2012
Physiochemical analysis and speciation of heavy metals in wastewater and sediment samples from the Suez province in Egypt
The concentrations of dissolved and particulate forms of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, Fe and Hg have been determined in wastewater of some factories, fertilizer plants, Attaqa power station, Suez oil processing and El-Nasr petroleum companies and a slaughter house. The concentrations of dissolved metals ranged between 8.02 to 98.90, 31.32 to 1024.50, 14.45 to 289.05, 1.87 to 36.40, 7.78 to 29.98, 3.07 to...