Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: April-June 2020; 12(2)

May 2020

Customs and traditional management practices of coastal marine natural resources in Lower Casamance: Perspectives of valorisation of endogenous knowledge

In southern Senegal, specifically in Lower Casamance, many marine and coastal resources are of significant sociological importance for Jola populations. They are essential both for worship and for sustenance. Thus, through different customs and practices, the Jola helps to preserve their natural environment, even if their primary motivations were hardly conservation. Perceptions, beliefs, and avoidance practices with...

Author(s): Claudette Soumbane Diatta, Amadou Abdoul Sow and Malick Diouf  

May 2020

Tree’s spatial pattern, diversity and distribution in sub humid mountains ecosystems in south-west Togo

West African Guinean forests are among the most diverse and threatened ecosystems in the world. The study aims to provide new insights about tree species patterns, abundance, and diversity for better management in Togo. Species diversity and density of trees were assessed in 170 plots randomly selected in the study area. Each tree with DBH >10 cm was identified and measured. Stem density, basal area, and diversity...

Author(s): Fifonsi A. DANGBO, Komla E. ABOTSI, Kossi ADJOSSOU, Atsu K. Dogbeda HLOVOR, Kouami KOKOU and Juergen BLASER  

May 2020

Diurnal activity pattern and social behavior of Swayne’s Hartebeest in Maze National Park, Southern Ethiopia

Swayne’s Hartebeest (SHB) is an endangered endemic animal to Ethiopia. However, its activity pattern and social behavior are not well documented. Hence, we investigated the diurnal activity pattern and social behavior of SHB in the Maze National Park. Data were collected by direct observation of focal-animal from October 2018 to April 2019 and analyzed using descriptive statistics and X2-test. A total of 1004...

Author(s): Abraham Tolcha and Simon Shibru

May 2020

Contribution of spring and summer hydrodynamic conditions in the eutrophication process at Lake Taihu, China

Contribution of different hydrodynamic conditions caused nutrients released and algal blooms growth and deteriorates water quality. Important factors related to climate variation, such as water temperature, precipitation, wind, solar radiation, and human activities can influence trophic conditions in the water column. A field survey was conducted at Meiliang Bay during spring and summer seasons and in diverse...

Author(s): Qhtan Asmaa, Yiping Li, Jin Wei, Abdul Jalil, Minsheng Bu, Xiaomeng Gao, Wei Du, Wencai Wang and Jianwei Wang