December 2013
The physiological mechanisms of calcium chloride application on broad bean plants grown under salinity stress
Salinity stress decreases the dry mass of shoot and root, the percentage of this decrease varied between the two plant organs. Roots seemed to be more salt sensitive than shoots. This was accompanied with a lower Na+ content in the shoots than roots. The organic cytosolutes (soluble carbohydrates, soluble proteins and proline) were much higher in shoots than roots. Treatment plants with CaCl2 retarded the Na+ and...
December 2013
Agroforestry typology of some cocoa based agroforests in the Mbam and Inoubou division: The importance for local population livelihoods
In order to estimate agroforestry typology of concerned cocoa based agroforests, a study was carry out in the Mbam and Inoubou division, Centre region of Cameroon. It focalized on farmer’s agroforests diversity strategies and the relationship between these systems and associated fruit trees planted to raise the revenues. To achieve this goal, 26 sampling plots of 100 x 40 m has been establish in cocoa based...
December 2013
Physico-chemical behavior of three different water bodies of sub tropical Himalayan Region of India
This research paper represents a brief analysis of physico-chemical characteristics of three different water bodies namely: earthen pond, cemented pond and lake located at Bhimtal, Nainital, Uttarakhand during winter season. Air temperature, water temperature, pH, DO, free CO2, total alkalinity, total hardness, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, ammonium and silicate were the physico-chemical parameters...
December 2013
Fish-habitat relationships in the Tonawanda and Johnson Creek Watersheds of Western New York State, USA
Warm water stream fish assemblages (2005) and habitat variables (2004 and 2005) were examined from May to September at 108 sites in the Tonawanda and Johnson Creek Watersheds of Western New York. Seventy species and > 27,500 fishes were identified; ~98% were from Families Cyprinidae, Centrarchidae, Catostomidae and Percidae. Data were analyzed at 16 spatial scales using best subsets and backward stepwise multiple...