August 2020
Heavy metal soil contamination in cocoa plantations in South West Region, Cameroon
The status of heavy metal contamination of surface soils in two cocoa plantations of approximately 30 years in Cameroon was evaluated. The bioavailable fractions of Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd and Cr were used to assess the extent of heavy metal contamination using a selection of contamination indices. In addition, other physicochemical properties including organic matter, particle size, CEC and pH were assessed. One of the farms...
August 2020
The role of rural women in natural resources management and utilization: A case of Delanta District, South Wollo Zone, Ethiopia
Natural resources provide any material from the natural environment that can be used by people for support and sustenance of life on earth with its ecological value and manifold resources. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of rural women in natural resources management and utilization in Ethiopia by taking Delanta as the case. The research design was descriptive survey using stratified random sampling...
August 2020
Wildlife harvesting and bushmeat trade in Rivers State, Nigeria: The resilience of the African civet, Civettictis civetta (Carnivora: Viverridae) and records of rare species
The first step in making exploitation of wildlife more sustainable is to determine the sustainability of current levels of harvest, which has two components: determining the offtake from an area and appraising the effect that this offtake has on species. The exploitation of wildlife from the catchment area of a major bushmeat market at Omagwa, in the eastern Niger Delta was initiated in 2005. Analyses of 2019 results...
August 2020
Quantifying poached wildlife mammal species in Center-western region of Côte d’Ivoire
Poaching or illegal hunting of wildlife for bushmeat is common in Côte d’Ivoire and particularly in center-western regions where it is actually a major income source contrary to traditional livelihood need. In order to assess the threat and impact of illegal bushmeat off take on sustainable biodiversity and conservation of wildlife resources to fill the information gap we examined the quality and quantity of...
August 2020
Analysis of growth rings to determine age and mean radial growth of selected Baikiaea-Guibourtia-Pterocarpus species from regrowth stands after pole/ firewood harvesting and abandoned crop fields, north-western Zimbabwe
Anthropogenic disturbances (cultivation, harvesting of poles and firewood and protection) play a pivotal role in the recovery and growth of Baikiaea-Guibourtia-Pterocarpus woodland species. The aim of this study is to determine the reliability of tree growth rings in age determination and average radial growth of re-growing woodland stands. The relationship between stem diameter, number of growth rings, and age of...