March 2017
Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals and water bird distribution in rift valley lakes, Kenya
The study was carried out in six Kenyan rift valley lakes, Nakuru, Magadi, Oloiden, Crater (Sonachi), Bogoria and Elementaita with the aim to determine the levels of heavy metals and other metal elements (Co, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Ni, Hg and As) in water and sediment samples as well as assess its association with water bird distribution. High levels of Pb (42 ppm) above the Pb benchmark levels (36 ppm) as per...
March 2017
Assessment of farmers’ perception towards soil and water conservation in Obi Koji Peasant Association, Woliso District, South West Shewa Ethiopia
The severity of erosion is one of the major factors which calls for various efforts to reduce unsustainable agricultural productivity. But the efforts were fails because of some factors like need of incentives, technology that needs too much labor, reduction of farm size and lack of awareness. The main purpose of this research was to determine the factors affecting farmer’s perception to make decision on soil and...