May 2018
Woody species composition and structure of Amoro Forest in West Gojjam Zone, North Western Ethiopia
Ethiopia is one of the biodiversity reach areas in the world. A study was conducted at Amoro Forest to determine the woody species composition, vegetation and population structure. Vegetation data were collected from 36 plots (900 m2) systematically laid along transects. A hierarchical cluster analysis with R software was used to identify plant communities. Structural analysis of the forest was performed based on...
May 2018
Identification of the alternate host plants of the groundnut sucking bug (Rhyparochromus littoralis Dist.) in the Sudan savannah agro-ecological zone of Nigeria
To identify the alternate host plants of the groundnut sucking bug (Rhyparochromus littoralis Dist.) an emerging field insect pest of groundnut in the Sudan Savannah Agro-ecological zone of Nigeria, field experiment was carried out over a period of five (5) years (2011 to 2016) in order to investigate the behavior of R. littoralis with the aim of developing a strategic control method for this insect pest. The...