Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: May 2018; 10(4)

May 2018

Woody species composition and structure of Amoro Forest in West Gojjam Zone, North Western Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the biodiversity reach areas in the world. A study was conducted at Amoro Forest to determine the woody species composition, vegetation and population structure. Vegetation data were collected from 36 plots (900 m2) systematically laid along transects. A hierarchical cluster analysis with R software was used to identify plant communities. Structural analysis of the forest was performed based on...

Author(s): Liyew Birhanu, Tamrat Bekele and Sebsebe Demissew

May 2018

Identification of the alternate host plants of the groundnut sucking bug (Rhyparochromus littoralis Dist.) in the Sudan savannah agro-ecological zone of Nigeria

To identify the alternate host plants of the groundnut sucking bug (Rhyparochromus littoralis Dist.) an emerging field insect pest of groundnut in the Sudan Savannah Agro-ecological zone of Nigeria, field experiment was carried out over a period of five (5) years (2011 to 2016) in order to investigate the behavior of R. littoralis with the aim of developing a strategic control method for this insect pest.  The...

Author(s): Samaila, A. E., Malgwi, A. M. and Degri, M. M.