Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: November 2013; 5(11)

November 2013

Phytosociology of some weeds of wheat communities around Kotli fields, Western Himalaya

There were ten plant communities of weeds in wheat fields of Kotli. The communities were Euphorbia-Desmostachya-Coronopus, Parthenium-Galium-Taraxacum, Zanthium-Bidens-Bothriochloa, Silybum – Amaranthus-Avena, Ranunculus-Silybum-Imperata, Oxalis-Cannabis–Vicia, Calendula-Fimbristylis-Desmodium, Taraxacum-Geranium-Poa, Phalaris-Geranium-Cynoglossum and Themeda-Cardus-Urtica. The soil texture differs from loam...

Author(s): Zahid Hussain Malik, Muhammad Shoaib Amjad, Sidra Rafique and Nafeesa Zahid Malik

November 2013

Plant nutrient release composition in vermicompost as influenced by Eudrilus eugenae using different organic diets

Sub-adult earthworms, Eudrilus, Eugenae were cultured for 100 days in rubber containers made from old tyres to determine the plant nutrient release composition in vermicompost using different organic diets. The diets are Andropogon grass + Pig manure (AGPM) Andropogon grass (AG), Bracharia grass + pig manure (BGPM) and Bracharia grass (BG). Result of the study show that the produced vermicompost in each diet consisted...

Author(s): Nweke I. A

November 2013

Assessment of biomass carbon stock in an Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. plantation Uttarakhand, India

The article presents biomass carbon stock for an Ailanthus excelsa plantation in Dehradun Forest Division, Uttarakhand, India. Destructive sampling was used to calculate the biomass of A. excelsa and undergrowth vegetation (shrubs and herbs); volumetric equations were used for estimating the biomass of associated tree species. The total biomass of A. excelsa was calculated as 126.07 t ha-1 with above ground biomass...

Author(s): Nishita Giri and Laxmi Rawat

November 2013

Abundance and diversity of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities associated with cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) rhizosphere in Abengourou, East Côte d’Ivoire

Soils from four different cassava cropping fields (Aniansué 1, Aniansué 2, Dramanekro 1, Dramanekro 2) were analyzed to evaluate abundance and diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi associated with cassava rhizosphere in Abengourou, East Côte d’Ivoire. It was shown that the soils in the cassava cropping fields were all acidic with low levels of available phosphorus (P). A total of 29 species...

Author(s): Don-Rodrigue Rosin Bi VOKO, Jacob NANDJUI, Jean-Marc Drolet SERY, Beaulys FOTSO, Jesus Amoua AMOA, Marie-Stephanie  Aka Kouadio, Seydou COULIBALY, Sebastien NIAMKE and Adolphe ZEZE