Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: October 2013; 5(10)

October 2013

Characterization and impact of wood logging on plant formations in Ngaoundéré District, Adamawa Region, Cameroon

This study was conducted to characterize the different plant formations (shrubby, arborescent and woody savanna) and to ascertain the impact of wood logging on the floral diversity in the guinea savanna zone of Ngaoundéré District, Adamawa Region, Cameroon. The “Point-Centered Quarter (PCQ) Method” was used on 120 sites measuring 50 × 50 m. Results showed that...

Author(s): Tchobsala and Mbolo, M.

October 2013

Composition of understory vegetation in tree species of Cholistan desert, Pakistan

In the present study the understory vegetation or communities under the canopy of tree species of Cholistan desert (27° 42’ and 29° 45’ North and longitudes 69° 52’ and 75° 24’East) and the effect of canopy cover on the soil chemistry were studied. Quadrats of 1 m2were laid to record the different plant species underside the canopy cover of tree species and...

Author(s): Muhammad Farrukh Nisar, Farrukh Jaleel, Muhammad Waseem, Sajil Ismail and Muhammad Arfan

October 2013

A preliminary simulation model of individual and synergistic impacts of elephants and fire on the structure of semi-arid miombo woodlands in northwestern Zimbabwe

Sustainable management of plant-herbivore systems requires an understanding of their long-term dynamics through modeling approaches. A preliminary simulation model was developed using STELLA to predict the impacts of elephants and fire on the structure of semi-arid miombo woodlands of north-western Zimbabwe. Elephants alone at a density of 0.27 km-2 will convert the woodland into coppice in 120 years due to...

Author(s): Isaac Mapaure

October 2013

Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) surveys in the Western Himalayas, India

We conducted surveys above 3000 m elevation in eight protected areas of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. These surveys provide new information on snow leopard in Uttarakhand on the basis of indirect evidence such as pugmark and scat. Snow leopard evidence (n = 13) were found between 3190 and 4115 m elevation. On an average, scats (n = 09) of snow leopard were found for every 56 km walked and pugmarks (n = 04) for every...

Author(s): Aishwarya Maheshwari, Diwakar Sharma and S. Sathyakumar

October 2013

Invasion of the Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces: Cichlidae; Peters, 1852) in the Yamuna river, Uttar Pradesh, India

Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852) is a highly successful invader of aquatic ecosystems due to its adaptable life history, tropic flexibility, ability to tolerate extreme and often unfavourable environmental conditions, rapid reproduction and maternal care of offsprings. Upon introduction to areas outside its natural range, these characteristics ofte give O. mossambicus a competitive advantage over indigenous...

Author(s): Mushtaq Ahmad Ganie, Mehraj Din Bhat , Mohd Iqbal Khan, Muni Parveen, M. H Balkhi  and Muneer Ahmad Malla

October 2013

Diversity and distribution of macrofungi (mushrooms) in the Mount Cameroon Region

This study was carried out to document the diversity and distribution of macrofungi in the Mount Cameroon Region. These were assessed at low and high altitudinal ranges in the four flanks of the mountain during the rainy and early dry seasons of 2010 and 2011. A total of 177 macrofungal species belonging to 83 genera and 38 families were recorded. Species richness was higher in the rainy seasons (134 species) than...

Author(s):   Egbe Enow Andrew, Tonjock Rosemary. Kinge , Ebai Maureen Tabi, Nji Thiobaland Afui Mathias Mih

October 2013

Spatial relations of migratory birds and water quality management of Ramsagar reservoir, Datia, Madhya Pradesh, India

Ramsagar reservoir is constructed over Nichroli nallah, in the Basin of Sindh River in district Datia, Madhya Pradesh, India. The present study has been carried out from April, 2003 to March, 2005. Eighteen species of birds belonging to 5 different orders and 11 families were recorded. Out of these, family Ardeidae with 4 species was dominant followed by Charadridae, Anatidae, Rallidae, Palacrocoracidae, Sturnidae,...

Author(s): R.K. Garg, R.J. Rao and D.N. Saksena