Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: September 2018; 10(7)

September 2018

Land cover changes and their determinants in the coral rag ecosystem of the South District of Unguja, Zanzibar

This paper presents the findings on the study on land cover changes and their determinants in the coral rag ecosystem of the South District of Unguja. The study is based on data extracted from the 1975, 2009, and 2014 satellite images using remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) techniques. Additional data were collected through structured interviews in a household survey, focus group discussions, key...

Author(s): Mohamed K. Said and Salome B. Misana  

September 2018

Structure and natural regeneration of woody species at central highlands of Ethiopia

The management of regeneration plays a vital role in sustainable forest practice by ensuring the future growing carbon stock and serving as an indicator of the forest condition of an area. In premises of the above-mentioned facts, the current study was conducted to investigate the population structure and regeneration status of woody species as an indicator for forest condition and to provide information on...

Author(s): Mammo Siraj, and Kebin Zhang  

September 2018

Governance of river basin: Gender dimension in framing issues at the local community level

Rivers are a vital part of the environment as they act as habitat for several life forms, of which the well-being of many livelihoods depends for survival. Yet, the misuse of river basins in most parts of the world particularly developing countries has intensified dramatically. Appling the concept of “framing” we attempted to understand how gendered perspectives play a role in the governance of a river basin...

Author(s): Agro, P. P. and Agyeman, Y. B.  

September 2018

Effect of cocoa farming intensification on biodiversity and ecosystem properties in southern Ghana

We investigated the effect of cocoa farming on biodiversity and ecosystem services under different cocoa management systems. The study was carried out in three cocoa producing districts in southwestern Ghana using Y-frame sampling scheme. Five 25 m × 25 m size plots were demarcated at 100 m intervals along in the cocoa farms and the natural forest reserves. Fifteen plots were demarcated in the cocoa farms per...

Author(s): Daniel A. Tetteh, Alex Asase , Kwesi Ofori-Frimpong and Daniel Attuquayefio