Journal of
Languages and Culture

  • Abbreviation: J. Lang. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6540
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLC
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 134

Table of Content: July 2013; 4(5)

July 2013

The role of localized materials in learning of FFL students

Investigating the role of localized materials in foreign language learning contexts is far from comprehension. This research was an attempt to investigate the effects of localized materials on students’ comprehension in a French foreign language context. 30 male and female Iranian learners of French were asked to read stories written by a native French author, Anna Gavalda and an originally Iranian story by...

Author(s): Sara Mahabadi

July 2013

The meaning of the Chinese cultural keyword xin

In China, the word, xin 心 (often translated as ‘heart’) is frequently used and its concept is central to Chinese culture. However, its meaning is not exactly the same as ‘heart’ in English. Using qigong as the context, this article aims to explore the meaning of xin as a cultural keyword in order to gain an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture and knowledge within that cultural system....

Author(s): Jing Li, Christer Ericsson and Mikael Quennerstedt

July 2013

In defense of Nigerian pidgin

This paper attempts to argue that Nigerian Pidgin is a fully developed language with its own rich lexico-semantics and syntax, which have evolved like any other language through contact and modification. It argues that the semantic and lexical veracity of Nigerian Pidgin cannot be vitiated in spite of its serious marginalization.This position is established based on the outcome of an empirical study carried out on the...

Author(s): Temitope Abiodun Balogun