Journal of
Languages and Culture

  • Abbreviation: J. Lang. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6540
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLC
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 134

Table of Content: September 2013; 4(7)

September 2013

Survey of research terms used in Afan Oromo: With special reference to three universities in Ethiopia

  This study intends to investigate the status of research terms used in Afan Oromo in terms of their standardized level. From the researchers’ observation, it was found that students were using different terms when they write a proposal or the report of their thesis. Having this, the major objective of this research is to survey the research terms used in doing both action and basic research in Afan...

Author(s): Tariku Sime, Teshome Belayneh and Alemayehu Fekede

September 2013

Perception of Night- A psychodynamically oriented study on Datta and Tagore

Poetry and psychoanalysis often intersect; great writers intuitively know things that psychoanalysis can clinically prove. A study of these two domains would likely foster their unity. Keeping this in mind, two poems, Michael Madhusudan Datta’s Night and Tagore’s Night, were psychodynamically analysed. Freud and Jung’s psychoanalytical approach and Kris and Bellak’s theoretical assumptions of ego...

Author(s): Tinni Dutta