Journal of
Public Health and Epidemiology

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Health Epidemiol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2316
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPHE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 666

Table of Content: February 2018; 10(2)

February 2018

Helminthiasis and chronic suppurative otitis media in Ijoun Community in Ogun State, Nigeria

This study, carried out in a rural community in Ogun state Nigeria, aims to determine the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths, bacteria causing Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM), and their coinfection among school-aged participants. Formol-ether sedimentation technique was used to check for helminth eggs in stool samples. Ear swabs collected were cultured on chocolate, blood and MacConkey agar plates. CD4+T...

Author(s): Z. A. Abdullahi, O. A. Morenikeji, A. A. Adeyemo and V. O. Ogunleye

February 2018

Service availability and readiness assessment of maternal and child health services using the WHO tool in Kapasia and Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur District in Bangladesh

The world is making significant progress in reducing the number of women and children dying from preventable causes. Bangladesh is also on track. The objective of this study was to strengthen maternal and child health service delivery in Kapasia and Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur district using SARA tool. The present assessment was a cross-sectional quantitative assessment. This evaluation was performed between January 2015...

Author(s): Mohammad Rashedul Islam and AKM Nazrul Haider

February 2018

Client satisfaction among private wing and regular health care services at Nekemte Referral Hospital, East Wollega Zone, Oromia regional state, Western Ethiopia: A comparative cross-sectional study, 2016

The level of client satisfaction with the services provided by the hospitals is one critical area that must be assessed continuously. There is the paucity of information on the comparison of the level of client satisfaction from regular and private wing services of public hospitals in Ethiopia. Thus, the current study aims to compare the level of clients’ satisfaction in the adult outpatient department among...

Author(s): Zalalem Kaba Babure, Fekadu Assefa Jiru and Tesfaye Dagne Weldemarium