September 2010
Epidemiological characteristics of Bancroftian filariasis and the Nigerian environment
Bancroftian filariasis, caused by Wuchereria bancrofti is widespread in Nigeria. It is a serious public health problem as well as a major cause of acute and chronic morbidity in Nigeria. Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus are the main vectors in the rural Nigeria while Culex quenquifasciatus is the vector in the urban and semi-urban areas. Although these mosquito...
September 2010
Zoonotic tuberculosis: A review of epidemiology, clinical presentation, prevention and control
The current increasing incidence of tuberculosis in humans, particularly in immunocompromised persons, has given a renewed interest in the zoonotic importance of Mycobacterium bovis, especially in developing countries. The roles of meat and milk, the commonest source of protein to man, in the transmission of the disease remain significant. Due to the grave consequences of M. bovisinfection on animal and human...
September 2010
Disease surveillance and reporting in two Southwestern states in Nigeria: Logistic challenges and prospects
Disease surveillance has been recognized as an effective strategy in the control and prevention of diseases most especially communicable diseases. An effective surveillance system allows early intervention for the prevention and reduction of the mortality and morbidity that may result from epidemics of communicable diseases. This study assesses the adequacy of training of disease surveillance and notification officers...
September 2010
The impact of antenatal voluntary counseling and testing for HIV on future fertility intentions, desired family size and contraception in Uganda
This study aimed is at assessing the impact of voluntary counseling and testing for HIV on family planning in a setting of high HIV prevalence and high TFR. An intervention study was conducted between January and March 2004 among women who had been counseled about HIV, STI and contraception during pregnancy followed with voluntary HIV testing. 121 HIV positive and 206 HIV negative attending antenatal clinic aged 24.6...
September 2010
Priority families for health care according to family socio-demographic risks
Socio-economic inequalities have been shown to be associated with disease burden in developing as well as developed countries. The aim of the study was (1) to test the association between family socio-demographic risks and health problems, and (2) to identify a “family sociodemographic risk line” above which families are at significant risk of developing health problems. A cross sectional community-based...
September 2010
Symptomatic vulvovaginal candidiasis and genital colonization by Candida species in Nigeria
Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a common clinical finding among women especially the sexually active group, even though there has been a sustained increase in both the variety and potency of antifungal drugs over the past three decades. The disease apparently appears not to have sufficiently yielded to these breakthroughs nevertheless. The study was therefore set up to ascertain the prevalence of vaginal candidiasis among...