Journal of
Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels

  • Abbreviation: J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2360-8560
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPTAF
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 70

Table of Content: November 2013; 4(7)

November 2013

Methanol and glyceride contents of Egunsi melon oil, its biodiesel and blends with diesel fuel

Biodiesel is gradually being accepted worldwide as suitable alternative fuel for diesel engine. Rigorous purification is however required to meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and European Union (EU) standards for biodiesel because of unfavorable properties and the multitude of feed stocks with different properties that can be used. Two of such impurities that must be kept within limits are...

Author(s): Emmanuel I. Bello, Otu F., Mohammed T. I. and Mogaji T.S.

November 2013

Effect of hydrogen and gasoline fuel blend on the performance of SI engine

This paper presents the effects of introducing hydrogen with gasoline on the engine performance like power, torque and efficiency of spark ignition (SI) engine. Hydrogen is found to be one of the important energy substitutes of the future era. Hydrogen as a renewable energy source provides the potential for a sustainable development, particularly in the automotive and energy storing sector. Hydrogen driven vehicles...

Author(s): R. K. Tyagi and Ravi Ranjan 

November 2013

Numerical investigations on the use of waste animal fats as fuel on DI diesel engine

Biodiesel is a promising alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel because it is renewable and its extensive use in unmodified engines has proved to be very successful. However, its future use may be limited by the higher oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions that are typically generated relative to petroleum diesel. This paper deals with the numerical investigations on the use of Waste Animal Fat (WAF) as alternative...

Author(s): Hamza Bousbaa, Abdelkrim Liazid, Awad Sary and Mohand Tazerout