Journal of
Soil Science and Environmental Management

  • Abbreviation: J. Soil Sci. Environ. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2391
  • DOI: 10.5897/JSSEM
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 315

Table of Content: March 2018; 9(3)

March 2018

Prediction of nitrogen availability based on soil organic carbon in commercial mulberry vegetation of Eastern India

Appropriate quantification of nitrogen availability in soil is the prerequisite for proper implementation of soil-test based fertilizer-application scheme. However, most of the soil testing laboratories use soil organic carbon level to suggest fertilizer dose for nitrogen; hence, the present study has been initiated to develop prediction equation for estimating available nitrogen content of soil from its organic carbon...

Author(s): Ranjit Kar, Vijay Vrajan, Mrinal Kanti Ghosh, Sandip Kumar Dutta and Kanika Trivedy

March 2018

Dried Azolla pinnata as a supplementary nitrogen source for lowland rice production in a Calcic Natraquert

A pot experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the University of Ghana, Legon to examine the effectiveness of dry Azolla as N source in flooded rice field. The treatments included incorporating fresh Azolla (FA at 90 kg N/ha), dry Azolla (DA at 90 kg N/ha), dry Azolla  + Ammonium sulphate  (DA at 45 kg N/ha + AS at 45 kg N/ha), fresh Azolla + dry Azolla (FA at 45 kg N/ha  + DA at 45 kg N/ha),...

Author(s): Agbagba G., Asuming-Brempong S. and Lawson I. Y. D.

March 2018

Soil erosion magnitude of upland farming practices in Bataan

There are factors affecting erosion such as climate, soil type, vegetation and topography. Upland areas are denuding exponentially due to the fact that those people looking for livelihood had little concern and awareness on environmental sustainability and management. Upland farming practices that are easy like weeding, pest control and fertilization were often carried out without soil erosion control and water...

Author(s): Fernando V. Gonzales, Ricson L. Ines, Walter G. Valdez, Jonathan E. Lacayanga and  Editha A. Ganado