Journal of
Soil Science and Environmental Management

  • Abbreviation: J. Soil Sci. Environ. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2391
  • DOI: 10.5897/JSSEM
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 315

Table of Content: October 2011; 2(10)

October 2011

Performance of Casuarina eqisetifolia provenances on a saline site in southern Pakistan

Survival and growth of 16 provenances of Casuarina eqisetifolia Forst were compared in a trial established on a saline site near Tandojam, southern Pakistan. The site is located at 25° 26' 0" N / 68° 32' 0" E at latitude of 14 m above sea level in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Survival up to 6 months varied from 56 to 78%. Height growth was generally slow. The performance of...

Author(s): Mukhtiar Ali, M. U. Sherazi, M. A. Khan and Nico Marcar

October 2011

Extractable micronutrients status in relation to other soil properties in Billiri Local Government Area

A study of the micronutrient status of soils of Billiri was carried out at 55 different locations. The objective of the study was to evaluate the status of micronutrients and their relationship with soil properties. Soil sample were collected at 0 to 30 cm depth and analyzed forDiethylenetriamine penta acetic acid DPTA extractable micronutrients (iron, Fe, manganese, Mn, zinc, Zn, and copper, Cu). The DPTA...

Author(s): Ibrahim, A. K., Usman, A., Abubakar, B., and Aminu, U. H

October 2011

Resolving the gully erosion problem in Southeastern Nigeria: Innovation through public awareness and community-based approaches

The formation of gullies is one of the greatest environmental disasters in Southeastern Nigeria. Large areas of agricultural lands are lost or have become unsuitable for cultivation due to gully erosion. There have been numerous attempts to curb gully erosion in the region; especially through large-scale engineering projects, however, little has been discussed about ways to prevent their onset or the use of...

Author(s): Obidimma C. Ezezika, and  Olorunfemi Adetona,

October 2011

Effects of land use and long-term organic matter application on low-molecular-weight organic acids in an Andisol

To clarify the effects of land use and long-term organic matter application on the dynamics of low-molecular-weight organic acids (LOAs), soil samples were collected from an agricultural site under various organic matter managements and an adjacent Oak forest site. The agricultural site was composed of a chemical fertilizer plot, cattle manure applied plots, a crop residue incorporated plot, and both a cattle manure and...

Author(s): Yusuke Takata, Masayuki Tani, Taku Kato and Masanori Koike

October 2011

Phosphatase-producing bacteria isolated from Sanggabuana Forest and their capability to hydrolyze organic phosphate

Some free living microorganisms in soil have the capability to produce extracellular enzymes such as phosphatase. This enzyme is able to mineralize organic phosphates into inorganic phosphates that provides high P for plant. Exploration and laboratory experiments were carried out to obtain the most excellent bacterial isolates for producing phosphatase and solubilizing phosphate and also to study the capabilities of...

Author(s): Betty Natalie Fitriatin, Dedeh H. Arief, Tualar Simarmata, Dwi A. Santosa and Benny Joy

October 2011

Improving the productivity of lowland soils for rice cultivation in Ghana: The role of the ‘Sawah’ system

Lowlands constitute one of the largest and appropriate environments suitable for rice cultivation in Ghana. However, environmental degradation and declining soil productivity, leading to low crop yields are major concerns. Some reasons leading to such concerns may be traced to lack of proper management of our soil resources and possible unsuitable crop production systems and practices. Effective nutrient and water...

Author(s): Buri M. M., Issaka R. N., Wakatsuki T. and Kawano N.

October 2011

Effect of Sesbania sesban fallows on Striga infestation and maize yield in Tabora Region of Western Tanzania

The One of the major constraints to maize production in most farmers’ fields in Tabora region are is nitrogen deficiency and Striga infestation. Trials to investigate the effect of Sesbania sesban improved fallows on Striga infestation and maize yield were conducted on farmer’s fields in Tabora and Nzega districts for a period of three years (2003 - 2005). Results showed that...

Author(s): P.Z .Matata, B.M. Gama, A. Mbwaga, M. Mpanda and D.A. Byamungu

October 2011

Introductory trial on hybrid millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br.) at different locations of District Karak, KPK, Pakistan

An experiment was conducted on farmers’ fields to study the yield performance of hybrid millet “Badshah” at various locations of District Karak during Kharif 2010. The experiment was conducted in 6 union councils at 18 different locations of District Karak representing various micro agro climatic zones of the area. Data on days to flowering, days to maturity, plant population/m2, plant height (cm) and...

Author(s): Inayatullah Khattak, Mohammad Aqeel Khattak and Shahida Naveed