Article in Press
Climate variability (CV) poses significant environmental and economic threats to humanity across borders. Given this reality, the aim of this study is to assess the effects of CV on rural livelihoods and adaptation strategies in the study area. The research focused on analyzing rainfall and temperature patterns over the past three decades, exploring the impacts of CV on rural livelihoods, and identifying the most...
Household waste reduction practices in Ibadan, Nigeria
Article in Press
With an average of 42 million tons of waste produced annually and with no effective structure of managing solid waste in Nigeria, indiscriminate disposal of waste posed a serious danger to the constituents of the environment. Waste reduction at source is one of the potent strategies for reducing disposable waste, thereby, making non-reused waste at household level manageable by municipal authority. Therefore, this study...
Article in Press
The present study was conducted to estimate average annual soil loss and erosion risk mapping in Degem watershed using GIS and Remote sensing Tools and RUSLE model parameters adapted to Ethiopian condition .The result of the present research reveals that about 92,073 ton/ year of soil loss from 14,329 ha area of entire watershed with about 6.43 t/ha rate of soil loss and with the average annual soil loss 5.00 t/ha/year...
Article in Press
In Nigeria and other developing part of the word, transport infrastructural facilities are underdeveloped and of poor quality to enhance transportation system of the rural dwellers in order to better improve on their quality of life. This study, therefore, examined the various transport infrastructural facilities and the factors effecting its improvement as it may result to high poverty reduction in the Rural Areas of Ondo...
Article in Press
Many academic studies in urban planning emphasized the role of political trends in directing the processes of preserving urban heritage and urban planning. They also confirmed that urban areas have changed during the previous century from the predominant industrial community to a pattern in which knowledge, information, and communication are leading. Therefore, urban planning should keep pace with this change in order to...
Article in Press
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a planned area with land use that has optimal reach of public transport by urban populace it serves. Availability and accessibility of public transport minimizes reliance of use by private users and this is the cardinal rule of TOD Principles have been developed that provide a framework for understanding TOD. Kisumu is used as a case study in exploring these principles and their...
Article in Press
Migration, a phenomenon that robs many communities off their indigenes, is common among communities in the northern part of Ghana. However, its impact on the individual and society is two-folds (both desirable and unpleasant outcomes). This study assesses the implications of migration in the Lawra Municipality of the Upper West Region. The New Economics Theory of Migration (NETM) explains the causes and effects of...
Article in Press
The article briefly reviews the different pragmatic approaches of informal settlement interventions, Ethiopian context regulatory frameworks and practical experience on curbing informal settlement and poverty problems based on comprehensiveness and sustainable livelihood capital asset theoretical framework. The article also reviews the sub-groups differences in access and control over sustainable livelihood capital assets....
Article in Press
Land use change has become an important component and driver of global environmental change throughout the Anthropocene. This study was designed to analyse historic/extrapolated trends of land use change in Ngoketunjia Division as well as the principal triggers. Focus was on the spatio-temporal trends and drivers of land use dynamics in the area between 1980 and 2016 and to make forecast of land use situation by 2028 and...
Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection; Using Aerial Photography Image
Article in Press
Aerial photography image and GIS tools are one of the best, systematic, cost-effective and less time-consuming methods to analyze or detect the land cover/land use change. This study illustrates the land use land cover change detection of Addis Ababa sub-city, from 2011 to 2017; which was conducted using high-resolution aerial photography image and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies. According to the study,...
Article in Press
This study investigates the factors responsible for the state of environmental quality in terms of health, hygiene and occupational safety of train stations on Iddo -Agbado Corridor, Lagos-Ogun, Nigeria. A survey research design was adopted as the research design type. The sample frame of 4,122 commuters was estimated while the sample size of 196 commuters was obtained using the Pagoso et al formula. The sampling technique...
Experts’ Assessment of Landscaping Practices in Jos City, Nigeria.
Article in Press
The Jos City is experiencing rapid infrastructural development by the state and uncontrolled development by the people. As a result of this, the natural vegetal cover has diminished rapidly over the years with minimal replacements. This study is an expert assessment of urban landscaping practices by examining the landscape practices and landscape quality in the City of Jos. The Expert model was used to assess a total of 43...
Article in Press
The study assessed the quality and condition of student’s hostel in Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil. Stratified random sampling was used to select study sites (hostels) and systematic random sampling was used to identify the respondents (on campus students). The target population of students in the university were 9672 and a sample of 372 students (both males and females) was selected. Descriptive and...
Article in Press
This paper deals with dichotomy in access of people in the oil producing and non-oil producing areas of Ondo State, Nigeria, to the basic infrastructural facilities. The study aims to measure and appraise the differential access of people in the oil producing and non-oil producing sub-regions to living facilities. Housing, transportation, healthcare, power and potable water are the five major basic infrastructural...
Article in Press
Old Oyo National Park (OONP) is endowed with forest resources that witnessed a substantial degree of human exploitation; resulted in significant ecosystem alteration and this has become an issue of concern in recent times. This study therefore, analyzed spatio-temporal changing pattern of forest resources at OONP between 1984 and 2014; examined anthropogenic factors responsible for the changes; assessed the effects of OONP...
Origin and Destruction of Wetland and Its impact, Malda District, West Bengal
Article in Press
Wetland in and around Malda district is the most important natural resource and it has been giving multiple service from over the time. Water is not oil but it is most valuable than it. Wetland is the source of drinking water and its economic valuation is high in all sorts. That is for why, both Malda and Murshidabad was the capital of Bengal for long time. The first aim of this article is to assess the history of origin...
Article in Press
This study examines traffic congestion resulting from an inefficient transportation system in the study area. It also evaluates the opinion of the stakeholders in the transport sector such as the commuters, transport operators, residents, trailer/tanker drivers, traffic wardens, industrial workers and car owners on the traffic situations and management problems in the study area. The study depended upon the survey research...
Article in Press
The concentration of people in urban areas especially in developing countries, calls for the need for monitoring systems like Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS). This research presents formal approaches to the application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the estimation and projection of Settlement Pattern Change in Chikun Local Government Area (LGA) between 1990 and 2014, extracting the information on the...
Article in Press
This paper aims at establishing the challenges faced by developing countries in implementing Integrated Water Resources Management Tool, by taking a study in Kuywa River basin. The study population consisted of 173 registered Kuywa Water Resources Users Association members, 8 chiefs, 15 Assistant Chiefs and 4 representatives of other government departments. This paper reveals that the challenges hindering implementation of...
Article in Press
Land use and Land cover changes have been among the most important perceptible changes taking place around us and this change is the outcome of natural and socio-economic factors. Increased demand, or pressure on land resources, shows up a declining crop production, degradation of land quality and quantity, and competition for land. This study analyses changes in landuse/ cover in the Pohru watershed of Kashmir Valley. It...
Article in Press
This study is examined the relationship between children's attitudes and agricultural decisions related to heads of households. Sistan region has been selected as case study of this research. Statistical community of study include all children and heads of households formed village of Sistan area that are consist of all households in 842 villages (47,600 households) and selection of population carried out (sampling method)...
A Study of Rural Settlement in Haryana (India): A Geographical Analysis
Article in Press
The main drive of this study is to examine the types and factor affecting the rural settlements in Haryana. Rural settlements are small and large agglomeration of people at favorable sites and are influenced by physical and socio-economic factors. This study has attempted to analyze the dispersion of rural settlements. Dispersion index has been calculated using average population size and average spacing of settlement to...
Article in Press
Sustainable management of wetland ecosystem is necessary as it serves the important functions such as food storage, water quality maintenance and providing habitat for different species of wildlife. Hence an inventory of wetlands in any given area is a pre-requisite for their conservation and management. Here a study has been carried out to delineate the characteristics of inland-wetland of Nadia district of West Bengal...
Article in Press
Post-disaster assessments are of enormous value in multi-level and sectoral development planning, decision making and response. This study investigated the extent, magnitude, intensity and level of shaking of post-earthquake disaster risk and assessed the household residential building damages and injury ratios experienced in both Isingiro and Rakai Districts. Socio-economic and structural datasets were collected through...
A conceptual frame to measure a port-valley system geo-economic performance
Article in Press
This paper provides an ontological perspective that aims to boost the quality management and the contribution of the various economic spheres comprising a port-valley system. The proposed conceptual approaches will help clarify the complex interactions between macroeconomic circumstances and microeconomic strategies characterizing a geo-economic system. To this end and based on the observation of a lack of "reference and...
Article in Press
The increasing rate of urbanization and human activities in Nigerian cities is rapidly creating undesired effects of land use change. This paper examined the determinants of urban land use dynamics in Nigeria, and how they vary between inorganic and organic cities. The study was based on questionnaire survey and secondary data that spanned a period of 31 years (1980 to 2011). Enugu and Benin City were studied to represent...
Identification of stressors and their impact on riparian zones
Article in Press
Riparian zones are sensitive ecosystems which perform numerous ecosystem services. Urbanisation leads to degrading of the riparian ecosystems and consequently urban hazards like floods, droughts, polluted water bodies, etc. The riparia have been giving life and occupation to people since they started settling in societies for millennia. The objective of this study was to identify through case studies and literature...
Article in Press
In recent years, most of the urban centers in Nigeria are fast experiencing housing problems such as unaffordable housing and environmental challenges, all of which determine the nature of housing quality. This research centers on Iba Low Cost Housing Estate, Ojo and the Unity Low Cost Housing Estate Alimosho to carry out a comparative analysis of the residential quality. The research reveals the dilapidated state of the...
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