On the brink of death: Life stories of kidney organ transplant recipients in the Philippines
July 2024
Organ donation and transplantation remain the best and most cost-effective clinical approach for people in the terminal stage of organ failure. Given the growing numbers of incidences of patients treated for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and the plummeting rate of kidney transplantation in the US and Southeast Asia, little is known about the understanding of the life stories of kidney organ transplant recipients,...
Lognormal distribution for social researchers: A probability classic
June 2024
This academic article aims to present the lognormal distribution clearly, accompanied by an example applied to sexual behavior, facilitating understanding among social researchers. This distribution, characterized by positive skewness, thin shoulders, and heavy tails, serves as a robust probability model for various social and behavioral variables. It is developed from its two-parameter format, a location parameter...
Surviving child labour through forgiveness and self-efficacy: Implications for counselling practice
March 2024
Self-efficacy and forgiveness are personal resources that individuals utilize to navigate challenging tasks, find meaning in life, and achieve inner peace. This study aimed to deepen our understanding of how self-efficacy and forgiveness serve as coping strategies for survivors of traumatic experiences of child labor. We conducted a qualitative phenomenological study to explore the various dimensions of forgiveness and...
Do the HoNOS and the HiTOP converge? Factor structure and normative data in a diverse Norwegian patient sample
July 2023
A large factor analysis of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) indicates similarities between HoNOS factors and Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) spectra. A diverse sample of 866 Norwegian patients gathered in several studies was factor analyzed to try to replicate Speak et al.’s four factors and to do a conceptual analysis to connect the factors to HiTOP spectra. A primary severity...
The metaphysical views on causation among Batswana: implications for case conceptualization, diagnoses, and treatment in counseling
November 2022
This study focused on how counsellors in Botswana handle belief systems, spiritual, and religious orientations of clients. It explored common beliefs clients up-held about what causes distress. It explored ways in which counsellors addressed clients’ indigenous cultural beliefs and perceptions about the origins of illness, misfortune, and other forms of distress. In-depth interviews were the main data collection...
Quantile regression, a little-known analysis option in psychological research
November 2022
Binary logistic regression is a well-known and widely used regression technique in psychology and health sciences. This technique allows the introduction of all types of regressors and is very flexible in terms of assumptions; it requires a random sample of n participants evaluated on k predictor variables that show low collinearity and on a dichotomous qualitative variable that is the predicted variable. A practice...
Usability and applicability of a mindfulness based online intervention developed for people with problematic internet gaming behavior
May 2022
In this study, the usability and applicability of a mindfulness based online administered gamified short-term intervention for people suffering from internet gaming disorder is investigated in a subclinical sample (N = 49). Within a four-week intervention program (Room2Respawn) participants were randomly allocated to a gamified condition (experimental) or a neutral condition (control). Participants were...
Exploring mental toughness among selected private university elite athletes in Manila: A qualitative study
January 2022
In any competitive sports, those who are considered legends are those who have been successful from the time they were chosen during the selection stage of their career. Most successful athletes were developed from universities and they became remarkable because of their hard work, dedication, and self-efficient values. Athletes who were recruited from various institutions and were invited to join a more prestigious...
Management and treatment of symptoms and signs of trauma among the survivors of arson attacks in Kenya: A case of high schools in Nairobi County
January 2022
Arson attacks in high schools in Kenya began in 1908. The fate of survivors subdued by symptomatology remains unknown. The study established that symptoms and signs of trauma can be managed and treated. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to execute it. Snowball and respondent-driven sampling techniques were applied. The population consisted of high schools, including students. The study used self-administered...
Cross-cultural adaptation of an intimate partner violence screening tool (WAST) for the Mozambican context; implications for more effective HIV prevention and treatment counseling
October 2021
This article aims to translate and implement the cross-cultural adaptation of the WAST - Woman Abuse Screening Tool, designed in English and used to track violence by an intimate partner. For adaptation, the conceptual equivalence of terms and semantics between the original version in English and the version translated into Portuguese was evaluated, the result of two translations and back-translation, discussion by a...
Coming-out in Body Integrity Dysphoria
October 2021
The term body integrity dysphoria (BID) describes a discrepancy between the actual anatomical body constitution and the mentally represented body of a physically impaired person, which is often experienced as chronically dysphoric as well as the resulting desire of the affected person to have a (permanent) physical impairment (amputation, paralysis, etc.) in order to complement their own “true” identity. In...
10th year of Syrian civil war: Schooling and psychosocial issues of syrian children in Turkey
October 2021
Various studies claim that war has devastating effects on the psychological well-being of its victims. Such conflicts destroy not only cities and their infrastructure but also the established systems; such as the schooling system. In the wake of such destruction, millions of children are displaced and find themselves apart from their homes and their schools. Their attempts at accommodating themselves with the host...
An assessment of adequacy of guidance and counseling programme in secondary schools in the Republic of South Sudan
August 2021
This paper explores the factors that influence implementation of effective guidance (G) and counseling (C) programme in secondary schools in the Republic of South Sudan. The study was directed by Person-Centered theory developed by Carl Rogers that is hinged on the three pillars that is, congruence, empathy and unconditional positive regard, better known as core-conditions. The study identified a total of 341...
Attributions for the culture of silence among victims of domestic violence: A case of married men in Kenya
July 2021
The study examines attributions for the culture of silence among ever-married male victims of domestic violence in Kenya. This study targets ever-married men who had attained post-secondary education and working in public service. The study adopted a case study design that allows a combination of descriptive and explanatory strategies. The public institution was purposively selected from where 120 respondents were...
Career decision making among young adults in Ghanaian secondary schools using super’s career choice theory as a lens
July 2021
This study focused on analysis of Donald Super’s Theory of Career Choice among young adults in Ghanaian Secondary Schools. This study indicates that, decisions made at tender age may relate to nothing but fantasy because they are likely to learn more on needs and wants of self rather than reality factor and also the inability of young adults to choose a good career for their lives is lack of career information and...
Determination of the interest of Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi veterinary students in veterinary medicine and pharmacology: Implications for counselling
July 2021
The present study is carried out to determine the interest of veterinary students in veterinary medicine and pharmacology and the counselling implications. One hundred and thirteen students of veterinary college, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi were randomly sampled for determination of their interest in veterinary medicine and pharmacology using age, sex and levels of study. The results showed that the sex...
Human dimension of the 1999 Marmara earthquakes in Turkey: Traumatic menthal health effects and consequences
May 2021
By definition, disasters are natural phenomena that occur unexpectedly. Moreover, throughout the ages, human communities have experienced numerous disasters and the expectation is that there will be as many more in the coming years. On a daily basis, there are reports of earthquakes, hurricanes, and flood disaster news on TVs, radios, and other news media. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of natural...
Personality types and socio-demographic determinants of girls’ aggressive behaviors in rehabilitation programs in Kenya
May 2021
Informed by the Big Five personality and General Aggression Model (GAD), this study sought to examine the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and socio-demographic determinants of aggression among adolescents in Kenya. The respondents were adolescent girls aged 12-17 (n=86) admitted to the rehabilitation institutions. An adapted Aggression Questionnaire (A.Q.), the Big Five Inventory (BFI), and...
Prevalence of substance abuse and use among Australian youth: A literature review
January 2021
The frequency of abusing substance and its use is a pervasive one. The study sought to ascertain the burden of using substance and abuse among the Australian youth. Secondary sources were employed, offering a vivid representation of the non-ending problem of using substance and abuse among the Australian youth. A literature review was conducted using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses...
Relationship between premarital counselling and marital success: Perceptions of married Christians in Ghana
January 2021
The period before marriage is extremely critical in determining the success of the marriage. The period allows would-be couples the opportunity to learn more about each other and make informed decisions regarding the marriage. Churches in Ghana have for some years now organized premarital counselling programmes to prepare would-be couples for the realities of marriage and family life. They have obliged members to go...
Relationship between participation motives and connection to soccer of male university players
October 2020
Participation in physical activity or sport has numerous benefits. This is more apt at the university level where students pursue multiple roles. However little is known on the participation motives and extent of connection (attachment) to different sport codes at the university level. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between participation motives and connection to soccer of male university...
Validation of the attitude towards sexuality scale in two samples of university students
October 2020
There exists a scale, developed in Mexico, aimed to measure attitude towards sexuality. Good metric properties have been reported for this scale, but there have been no studies aimed at corroborating those observations. This study aims to verify the validity, as well as the invariance between two samples, of the three-factor model originally proposed for the scale, to estimate its internal consistency reliability, to...
Classification of posttraumatic stress disorder and its evolution in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria
October 2020
The purpose of this review is to provide an historical understanding of post- traumatic stress disorder. The concept of trauma is changing drastically in every publication or revision of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The underlying dimensions of trauma are also under constant consideration. Thus, the paper would provide some historical background of trauma nomenclature. This will enable the...
Influence of family violence on the maladaptive behaviors of secondary school students in Kogi State, Nigeria
October 2020
This study explored the influence of family violence on the Maladaptive Behaviours of Secondary School Students in Kogi State, Nigeria. The design for this study is correlational research design. The population of the study consists of 29,570 students in secondary schools in Kogi State, Nigeria. A sample of 378 respondents was selected for this study. Stratified random sampling procedure was used in selecting the...
A qualitative study of psychological support needs of family caregivers of hospitalized Lassa fever patients during an outbreak in an endemic state in Nigeria
October 2020
The study assessed the emotional reactions and perceptions of stigmatization among family caregivers of Lassa fever patients. Six focus group discussions were held among 48 purposively selected and consenting family caregivers in a Lassa fever treatment facility in South-South Nigeria during an outbreak. An interview guide structured to elicit views and perceptions on Lassa fever, reactions to the news of a positive...
Loss and grief counseling as a coping mechanism of widowhood: A comparative study of widowers and widows in Meru County Kenya
October 2020
Widowhood has been on increase globally and Kenya as nation is not exceptional. The state of widowhood globally has been made worse during this period of Corona Virus Disease which started in Wuhan in China in December 2019 (WHO, 2019). Losing a spouse through death is quite emotive and may affect the bereaved persons’ psychosocial wellbeing as well as coping mechanism. In Meru community of Kenya, few researches...
Adolescents’ perception of the impact of condom use on sexual behaviours: Evidence from Ghana, a developing country
July 2020
Adolescence is a critical stage in human life. Adolescents’ perception of the impact of condom use on sexual behaviour has been studied in developed countries. However, not much is known about this phenomenon in Ghana. The study investigates the perception of adolescents regarding the impact of condom use on sexual behaviours. Simple random and stratified sampling techniques were employed to select the study...
Reliability Generalization (RG) of the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS)
July 2020
Due to an increased usage of college counseling centers in the treatment of mental health concerns, it is imperative that centers implement appropriate assessments of psychological symptoms. We examined the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS), which was designed as a routine instrument to assess a range of mental health symptoms. Proper assessment and reporting of reliability are essential...
Stigma and self-efficacy as predictors of intention to seek help among American and Japanese college students
July 2020
The aim of this study was to examine how people within individualistic and collectivistic cultures differ in their intentions to seek professional mental health help. As such, it was crucial to examine possible predictors of intention to seek help for mental health issues. We explored the cultural differences between American and Japanese students and their intentions to seek help from mental health professionals. A...
Learning and/or “Cure� The notion of learning context in the health ambit
July 2020
Mental health is not the object of study of only one discipline, but of different fields of knowledge including anthropology. If it is considered that (1) mental illness is related to learning and (2) learning happens in a relational context between the subject and his/her environment, it is possible to assume that a change in the context could mean changes in the subject’s health. Therefore, an approximation to...
Psychological distress as a predictor of quality of life among selected Filipino school personnel
July 2020
This study examined the possible relationship and predictive impact of psychological distress on the quality of life among school personnel. 112 personnel employed in a private school in Caloocan City, Philippines, who participated in the study and completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS 21) and World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) survey. The occurrence of severe to extremely severe level...
Adolescents and marijuana: Its prevalence, underpinning causes, effects and implications on the next generation
July 2020
It is customarily challenging and fruitless to prevent young adults and teens from drug experimentation. Yet, the onset of marijuana or cannabis use by school-age young adults and teens could be delayed with holistic interventions that aim at involving stakeholders (that is schools, families, agencies, media, etc.). The objective of this review was to sum-up continental comparative data on the prevalence of cannabis or...
Personality traits and emotional intelligence among health care professionals in a tertiary hospital
April 2020
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is considered fundamental to get along with others in the workplace. The dearth of literature on personality traits and EI among healthcare professionals calls for concerns. Therefore, this study examined personality traits and emotional intelligence among healthcare professionals in a tertiary hospital in Maiduguri. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted, and an accidental sampling...
Reunification therapy versus family integration therapy: A problem of taxonomy
April 2020
Family courts increasingly order psychotherapy to resolve issues of alienation and estrangement between parents and children. Reunification therapy is a clinical intervention and treatment application intended to unite estranged children and parents. Reunification therapy when used in the legal context implies that a cohesive family unit existed prior to the estrangement. Literature supports the implementation of...
Attitude of young adults towards online advertising
April 2020
In the 21st Century Internet advertising is seen as important medium in reaching out to consumers. Internet users are increasing around the world as almost all the transactions can be done through online. Thus, online advertisers need to understand the peoples’ attitude towards online advertising in order to create effective online advertising. The main aim of this research is to study young adults’ attitude...
Social guidance and counselling support services on the study habits of distance learners: A case of learners in Bachelor of Education programmes by distance learning of University of Nairobi, Kenya
February 2020
Distance learners in some studies have reported feelings of isolation and lack of direction in developing effective study habits. The purpose of this study is to establish the extent to which social guidance and counselling influence study habits of learners in Bachelor of Educational programmes by distance learning of the University of Nairobi. Data were collected using structured questionnaire. Simple random and...
Influence of psychological training on personal and professional development and group cohesiveness among the staff of residential campus, BRAC University
January 2020
The present study aims to identify the impact of psychological training on the staff of BRAC University and how it has increased the group bonding of staff members. To see the impact, researchers conducted a series of training session with the participants over a span of one year. After the training, data were collected through interview method from the 18 participants. Besides, observation method was applied to see...
Making space for the adolescent unconscious: A case-based reflection on practice
January 2020
Community-based psychotherapists and school counsellors work to assist adolescents through sharing resources, building awareness of cognition and behavior, and skill development in communicative competence. However, adolescents, eager to delve deeper into the unknown territory of their being, also present us with speech and acts coming from the unconscious, in the form of metaphors, forgetting, behavioral...
A historical perspective of the field of emotional and behavioral disorders: A review of literature
October 2019
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, to review relevant literature forming the foundation of the field of emotional and behavioral disorders. This historical methodology focuses on examining research from the 1700s to 2017, starting with the history of emotional disorders, the Freudian theory, the federal special education laws that emerged throughout history, and lastly tracing its evolution within the...
Expanding the internalized homonegativity Scale by including the factor of fear of being identified as a non-heterosexual person
August 2019
The purpose of this instrumental research was to expand the Internalized Homonegativity Scale to assess a new factor, the fear of being identified as a non-heterosexual person, and to validate the new instrument. A questionnaire was applied to an incidental sample of 200 medical students from a private university in Monterrey, Mexico. This questionnaire was composed of four items about socio-demographic information, one...
Differential item functioning of the career aspiration scale within Arab context
July 2019
The aim of the study was to examine the psychometric properties and the differential items functioning of short version of Career Aspiration Scale (CAS) in a sample of 2700 of Omani high school students. The results of the total score of CAS showed acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s α=0.67). An exploratory factor analysis yielded a support for nine items version identifying single construct....
Understanding the psychology of youths: Generation gap
June 2019
The aim of this study is to understand the mind set of youths in relation to gender, college, and achievement levels. It is of essence, that counsellors, educators, parents and policy makers are able to uncover the factors that increase the gap between generations, so that they are can help them adjust to educational institutions, family system, work environment, and life in general. A sample of 310 students (male and...
The impact of bullying and victimization among deaf students in residential schools and distressful behaviors of deaf students
May 2019
Bullying and victimization remains a persistent phenomenon in schools within the United States of America. However, no studies have focused on bullying and victimization among deaf students. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the frequency of bullying and victimization among deaf children. Further, the study examined deaf children who could read and write at their respective grade levels or higher....
Effectiveness of counselling services on retention rate of undergraduate students in selected universities in Kenya
April 2019
The purpose of the study is to assess the extent to which counselling services in universities in Kenya influences students’ retention rate. The study was carried out in 2018 where one hundred and one medical students in first year second semester from two public universities were studied to determine the effectiveness of counselling services on retention rate of undergraduate students. Quantitative data were...
Modern counseling approaches in Ethiopia allied to the Westerners system
March 2019
The underlying points of reference in the study was to obtain relevant information from modern and professional counselors in view of the societal understanding and interest, using the counseling services in their lifetime along with analysis of the modern counseling system efficacy in the country. The two big institutions employing modern counseling systems were carefully chosen with purposeful selection of study...
Relationship between psychological hardiness and career decision-making self-efficacy among eleventh grade students in Sultanate of Oman
February 2019
This study aims to investigate the association between psychological hardiness and career decision-making self-efficacy among eleventh grade students in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve this purpose, psychological hardiness scale (PHS), and career decision self-efficacy- short form- were administered to a sample of 500 students of eleventh grade (n = 260) males and (n = 240) females. Findings revealed that the level of...
Assessment of diabetes related distress among subjects with type 2 diabetes in South India
January 2019
Diabetes is a complex chronic disease that affects not only an individual’s physical health, but can also have a profound impact on mental wellbeing. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of DRD among subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) using Diabetes Distress Scale-17 (DDS-17) and to see its correlation with glycemic control and treatment modalities. A cross-sectional study of 400 T2DM subjects (200...
Prevalence and associated factors of stress among undergraduate students in Ambo University: Implication for Intervention
September 2018
The study aims to assess the prevalence and associated factors of stress among Ambo University students. Institute based cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 343 undergraduate students at Ambo University. Data were collected using the Student-life Stress Inventory. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation coefficient were utilized to analyze the...
Counselling Psychology: Concept, trend and medical setting
March 2018
The significant role and contributions of counselling is now well recognized in remedial and preventive areas. Different models of healing and human functioning has appreciated the incredible efforts of counselling in the relevant fields. Medical setting has always been promoted by counselling, where counselling has proved its exertions through vital contributions in primary care to deal with various issues and problems...
Teacher centered dominated approaches: Their implications for today’s inclusive classrooms
February 2018
This study is an exploration on the kind of approaches teachers use in their schools and/or classrooms to deliver instruction in inclusive classrooms particularly whether or not learners who have LD benefit from these approaches. Six primary schools in urban, semi-urban and rural areas were randomly selected and data was collected through classroom observations, interviews and document analysis. Fourteen participants...
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