Analysis of agricultural extension experts’ competencies on pineapple production in Central Ghana
January 2025
This study assessed the competencies of Agricultural Extension professionals on commercial pineapple production in Central Ghana. A census technique was used to collect data from 86 extension professionals from eight selected districts within the central region of Ghana using a survey approach. Data was analysed using frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, correlation analysis, and Multivariate Analysis of...
Assessment of grain storage structures, pests and their management practices in Lesotho
July 2024
A survey was conducted among 218 farmers in 8 of the 10 districts of Lesotho. Data collection was conducted using a structured questionnaire uploaded on KOBO data collection software and it was also used for data analysis of descriptive statistics. Microsoft Excel was used to construct tables and chats while Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to determine the relationship between selected dependent...
Performance evaluation of three selected dryland maize cultivars under different agronomic practices in the Amahlathi Local Municipality, Amathole district, Eastern Cape: A synergetic approach
June 2024
Despite the availability of numerous genetically improved maize cultivars, farmers in the Amahlathi Local Municipality (ALM) frequently grow locally available and inexpensive cultivars due to financial constraints and lack of agronomic skills and knowledge, resulting in low maize productivity. Consequently, an on-farm experiment was conducted in Donqaba village to evaluate the performance of three selected dryland maize...
Benefits, barriers, challenges and requirements for the application of digital technologies in agricultural extension in selected regions in Ghana: Perspectives from extension agents
June 2024
The application of digital technologies in agriculture is noted for effectively contributing to sustaining agri-food systems and improving food and nutrition security worldwide. However, the adoption of these innovations in agricultural extension systems is low in developing countries. The current study sought to examine the benefits, barriers, challenges, and requirements for deploying digital technologies in...
A proposal of rock dust and biological fixation of nitrogen based on cooperatives to reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers in Myanmar
May 2024
The defense mechanism against the Coup in Myanmar and the war in Ukraine hampered the functioning of most private and public activities and the relationships between distance and price dispersion have increased. Through a study of the rice cultivation in Myanmar, the article suggests the creation of an institutional environment that supports voluntary forms of cooperatives, developing a culture of independence,...
Exploring the determinants of attraction of college students to agriculture in Mezam division of Northwest Cameroon
April 2024
In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), agriculture continues to play a fundamental role in the economic portfolio of rural households. Generally, youths in rural Africa have little aspiration for careers in the agricultural sector and instead migrate to urban areas to seek employment and better living conditions. In Cameroon, the majority of migrants are youths between 18 and 35, who end up facing serious problems of unemployment...
Panamá disease tropical race 4 in banana plantations in Mozambique: Disease intensity, spatial distribution and negative socio-economic impact
February 2024
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) devastated the second-largest banana plantation farm in Northern Mozambique, resulting in an 86% loss of the Cavendish Williams banana area and the layoff of 88% of the workers. This study conducted a field survey with 119 soil and 26 crop samples and administered a questionnaire in a quasi-experimental design with two samples, randomly selected, of unemployed...
Adoption and utilization of business innovations of agricultural research in Uganda: Empirical analysis
February 2024
This paper seeks to examine the adoption of business innovations within the context of the agricultural sector in Uganda. The findings emerge from research carried out to assess the utilization of business innovations of research in Uganda considering National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) as a reference, specifically to find out the association between innovation attributes and their use on-farm, as well as...
Land degradation and possible mitigation measures in Ethiopia: A review
January 2024
Land degradation is considered an important topic of the 21st century, associated with the decline in soil fertility, and has become a serious threat to agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa. Land degradation is widely recognized as reducing agricultural potential and contributing to ongoing food insecurity and rural poverty. The economy of Ethiopia is primarily based on agriculture, and Ethiopia has...
Professional competence and extension service delivery in Thulamela Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa
January 2024
The purpose of this study was to assess the extension practitioners' demonstration of professional competencies in extension service delivery to small-holder farmers in the Thulamela municipality. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design. The assessment was conducted by soliciting the views of 80 crop and animal farmers in the municipality who were serviced by extension practitioners that had undergone...
The influence of socio-economic household characteristics on farmer resilience to climate change in Northern Ghana
January 2024
Approaches to improved resilience of small-farmers due to the effects of climate change are of critical concern. This study investigates the socio-economic factors that influence small-scale farmers’ on-farm resilience in northern Ghana using seven resilient approaches adopted in the study area. Using a multi-stage sampling approach, a total of 300 small-scale farmers were interviewed. A bivariate analysis...
Farmers’ perceptions towards the implementation of agroecological practices for enhancing food availability in Singida Rural District
November 2023
This paper delves into the global drive to promote agroecological practices, which have been widely acknowledged for their diverse economic, social, and environmental benefits. Yet, a critical gap persists in our understanding on the impact of these practices on food availability from the perspective of farmers. Our study focuses on farmers' perceptions regarding the role of agroecological practices in enhancing...
Renewable energy and Mechanisation in the smallholder sector: Experiences from Wedza e-mobility pilot study
November 2023
Transport is often overlooked as a challenge to agriculture and agricultural value chains in development projects, despite the fact that one of the identified factors that could potentially accelerate mechanization in the smallholder sector is the provision of efficient and affordable transport. Women farmers bear the burden of manual work and reduced rural mobility disproportionately, as they spend a higher proportion...
Groundnut market participation in Zimbabwe: A case of Makoni District
October 2023
Groundnut production and marketing contribute substantially to food and nutrition, livestock feed, soil fertility amendment, and income diversification for the majority of poor smallholder farmers in rural Zimbabwe. However, one of the challenging issues affecting the benefits from groundnut farming continues to be the low market involvement of smallholder farmers. Research on the factors preventing smallholder farmers...
Determinants of youth unemployment in agribusiness employment opportunities in Northern Malawi
July 2023
Malawi is one of the underdeveloped agriculture economies in Sub-Saharan Africa where youth unemployment is worrisome. This study sought to analyse determinants of youth unemployment in agribusiness employment opportunities in northern Malawi. The study aimed at answering questions related to why youth unemployment when agribusiness employment opportunities were available. The study was descriptive in nature and adopted...
The role of farmer research networks’ (frn) principles in influencing farmers’ adoption of improved groundnut cultivars in Singida Rural District of Semi-Arid Central Tanzania
June 2023
Farmer Research Networks (FRN) is a participatory approach aimed at supporting the agroecological intensification of smallholder farming. FRN was envisaged in Latin America and Africa, however, little has been documented on how the application of FRN principles influences adoption of agricultural technologies. Guided by networking, innovation systems and Roger’s theories of diffusion of innovations, this research...
Determinants of adoption of short season soybean (Glycine max) (L.) varieties in the Sudan Savannas of Northern Nigeria
May 2023
This study assessed the level of adoption of short season early-maturing soybean varieties in the Sudan savanna agro-ecological zones of the Nigeria savannas. The study identified determinants of adoption of short-season early maturing soybean varieties. It was conducted on a sample of 600 farming households from 20 communities in Bunkure and Shanono Local Government Areas in Kano State. Descriptive (frequencies and...
Economic costs of aflatoxin contamination in Meru and Tharaka Nithi counties of Kenya
May 2023
Aflatoxin resulting from the consumption of contaminated cereals has always been a concern in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic costs of aflatoxin contamination in Meru and Tharaka Nithi counties in Kenya. A multi-stage cluster sampling using the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) design was used to select clusters and households. Once clusters were identified, households were...
Perceived effectiveness of teaching and learning of agricultural science in colleges of education in the Hohoe Municipality, Ghana
May 2023
The lack of resource and the marginalization of the place of agricultural science in the general curricula in pre-university education in Ghana are identified as the key constraints in the study of the subject. The purpose of this study was to ascertain students’ perceived effectiveness of the teaching and learning of agricultural science in colleges of education in Hohoe Municipality. A simple random sampling was...
Socioeconomic factors considered in adoption and use intensity of certified groundnut seed in Northern Ghana: Cragg’s double-hurdle model approach
April 2023
Groundnut production is a major economic activity of smallholder farmers in Northern Ghana. However, these farmers face production losses through Aflatoxin infestation and bad weather conditions which require the use of right planting materials by farmers. This study seeks to analyze determinants of certified groundnut seed (CGS) adoption in Northern Ghana. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to collect...
“It All Goes Back to Trust”: A qualitative exploration of extension professionals’ perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines in rural Florida
March 2023
While urban communities experienced high levels of infection at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, rural communities experienced an increase of confirmed cases during the fall months of 2020. Rural Americans were also among the most hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of [State] extension professionals related to the COVID-19 vaccines in rural communities....
Assessment of rural women participation in farmers’ multipurpose cooperatives: The case of Agarfa District, Bale Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
March 2023
Rural women face different obstacles in joining and being active participants in typically male dominated farmers’ cooperatives. The purpose of this study was to assess factors affecting rural women’s participation in multipurpose cooperatives in the Agarfa district. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 204 women members of the multipurpose farmer’s cooperatives from whom data were...
Interactions pathways for information exchange among avocado value chain stakeholders
February 2023
Multi-stakeholder platforms facilitate interaction between stakeholders in the agricultural innovation system. A multi-stakeholder platform is essential to enhance the innovation of avocado value chain stakeholders and avocado planting as a climate-smart practice. Avocados can make a significant contribution to food security and nutrition. Research has shown that research on climate-smart agriculture mainly focuses on...
Understanding pluralistic agriculture extension services through a social governance lens in Northern Uganda
February 2023
This study analyzed the relationship between smallholder farmers’ perceptions of pluralistic agricultural extension service and social governance. This was aimed at the identification of significant factors that improve social governance practices of local government planning and budgeting process in northern Uganda. Structured interviews with leaders of smallholder farmer associations were conducted. A...
Economics and welfare of broiler chicken from selected farms in Kenya
January 2023
Broiler farming creates wealth for farmers, but the system faces myriad constraints. The objectives of this study were to determine farmer’s willingness to adopt welfare practices, farm biosecurity risks and cost of production from selected farms in Kenya. Primary data were collected using questionnaires from 60 medium-scale and 60 large-scale farms, and secondary data collected on product condemnation and...
Influence of plant health clinic training services on potato production: Evidence from smallholder farmers in molo sub-county, Kenya
January 2023
As compared to other African countries, Kenya continues to depend on agriculture as source of food and for economic development. Horticulture forms the bulk of agriculture with potato being ranked first in the vegetable category in terms of production and value. It is a lucrative cash and food crop grown in many parts of Kenya. Molo Sub County being one of the regions where the crop is grown enjoys economic value in...
Agricultural technologies, territorialization from below and land-use conflicts in agro-pastoral areas of Northern Benin
December 2022
For some years, the Republic of Benin has promoted mechanization and modernization of its agricultural sector as a driver of food security, socio-economic development and sub-regional solidarity. New agricultural technologies such as tractors and pesticides have been introduced into the small scale farming systems and have reached record adoption rates in various agro-ecological zones of the country. However, rural...
Knowledge of subsistence maize farmers on aflatoxin contamination and determinants for adoption of artisanal control technologies in Kitui, Kenya
December 2022
Widespread aflatoxin contamination of maize is a public health hazard in Sub-Saharan Africa and its management requires strategies which are implemented both at pre- and post-harvest stages of cereal production. This study aimed at assessing knowledge and practices for aflatoxin contamination of maize and factors associated with adoption of artisanal aflatoxin control technologies. A semi-structured questionnaire was...
Adoption of German International Corporation (GIZ) technology intervention on shea nut processing in Niger State, Nigeria
November 2022
This study assessed the activities GIZ technology intervention on Shea nut processing in Niger State, Nigeria. The objectives were to identify the available improved shea nut processing technologies and the level of adoption of the improved GIZ shea nut processing technologies in the study area. A two-stage sampling technique was adopted for the study. Data were collected through interview schedule and analysed using...
Exploring the impact of agricultural policies on the documentation and sharing of indigenous knowledge in sub-Saharan Africa
October 2022
The study sought to explore the extent to which agricultural policies in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries incorporate Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and its impact on the efforts to document and share agricultural IK through communication efforts. A qualitative content analysis of policy documents from seven SSA countries and eight key informant interviews with knowledge management officers from the seven countries was...
Substantial factors influencing the performance of rice farmers in Mbeya Region, Tanzania
October 2022
Crops production subsector depends on various factors including natural factors as well as non-natural factors. Meanwhile, in vast areas of Tanzania including the Mbeya Region, rice farmers struggle to make their living through rice farming regardless of various challenges with which the subsector is crumbled. This study aimed at assessing the factors influencing the performance of rice farming in the Mbeya Region of...
Predicting the adoption of multiple climate-smart agriculture technologies in Tambacounda and Kolda, Senegal
October 2022
Uptake of farming technologies by smallholder farmers is necessary to speed up the transition to climate-smart agriculture so as to address the potential impacts of climate change on agricultural production, food security, and reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Using survey data from 341 households, this study analyzes the factors that determine the probability and level of adoption of multiple climate-smart...
Use of climate-smart agriculture practices and smallholder farmer market participation in Central Malawi
September 2022
In the past few decades, climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has been promoted to improve food security and raise incomes as a strategy for sustainable agricultural development. The adoption rates among smallholder farmers, particularly in Africa, remain low and have varied in different contexts. This study investigated the market participation spillover effects from the adoption of CSA practices in central Malawi using the...
Effect of replacing freshwater shrimp meal (Caridina nilotica) protein with a mixture of plant protein on growth, apparent digestibility, and economic returns of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)
September 2022
This study investigated the effects of substituting varying levels of a plant protein mixture (PPM) with freshwater shrimp meal (FSM) on growth, digestibility, and economic returns of Nile tilapia. Monosex male Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings (initial body weight, 28 ±0.01 g) were cultured in cages installed in an earthen pond and tanks for 180 and 60 days, respectively. The PPM comprised 50% soybean meal, 25%...
Alternative agricultural extension functionaries in India: Substantive role of (ICTs) - study of e-Choupal
September 2022
Agricultural extension is now backing on the development agenda. The acknowledged failure of the traditional extension model in India has stimulated debate on extension reforms and the introduction of new extension models. Further, Indian agriculture has recorded an alarming ‘knowledge gap’ where ‘knowledge’ became central to agricultural production. The role of extension functionaries today is...
The nexus between the interaction among Cowpea actors and its market shares in Uganda. A case of Oyam District
July 2022
With the increased use of technology in agriculture, new improved farming and varieties of seeds have been adopted. The study explored how the interaction among the actors helped in sharing vital information on market shares of improved cowpea and relative to improved beans. A cross-sectional research design was used, while quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted. The respondents were purposively selected...
Impact of the agricultural advisory service on the productivity of maize and cotton in the cotton-growing zone of North Benin
July 2022
Agricultural advisory services play a key role in disseminating agricultural information and technology to farmers. This study aims to assess the impact of agricultural advisory on improving agricultural productivity in Benin. The study uses cross-sectional data collected from randomly selected maize and cotton farmers located in the cotton basin of northern Benin. A total of 809 cotton and maize farmers (with...
An overview of agricultural extension in Ghana and Burkina Faso and implications for sustainable agriculture in West Africa
July 2022
Agricultural extension is the medium through which external agricultural technologies have been transferred to and transplanted in Africa to improve agricultural performance. Over a period of close to a century, different agricultural extension models have been proposed but their structure and content has virtually been the same: top-down, linear, non-participatory transfer of technology with no feedback loops for...
Training needs assessment of smallholder farmers in rice post-harvest value addition technologies in the Southern Region of Sierra Leone
June 2022
Training needs assessment study was conducted on rice post-harvest value addition technologies. The study was done in the Southern Region of Sierra Leone to assess the competence of smallholder farmers in rice post-harvest value addition. As a quantitative research method, a descriptive research design, which called for a survey by randomly and proportionately selecting 400 smallholder farmers across the four districts...
Time is not always money: A preliminary study on socially sustainable strategies for banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) mitigation efforts in Mbarara region, Uganda
June 2022
Following the Ugandan government’s announcement in 2016 that banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) disease was under control, national-level anti-BXW support dwindled to the point of leaving farmers effectively on their own to continue controlling it. This qualitative case study utilizes data from group and individual interviews, as well as observational walkthroughs of plantations, in one of the previously hardest-hit...
Consumer research in Papua New Guinea: Exploring preferences and purchasing behaviours for staple foods in an urban market
May 2022
The supermarket expansion throughout emerging economies has caused dramatic shifts in fresh produce markets, impacting consumers and smallholders. As supermarkets begin to compete with open markets in the sale of fresh produce, new market opportunities emerge for smallholders, and new purchasing behaviours emerge for consumers. This research explores how the expansion of large-scale supermarkets is impacting the sale of...
Marketing of dairy goat products in Kenya: A survey of the dairy products in selected supermarkets in Nyeri, Meru and Kiambu counties
May 2022
Dairy goat farming is a significant source of income, particularly for low-income families. However, 75% of the dairy goat products business is still unorganized in Kenya, making its marketing difficult. This study surveyed dairy products in selected supermarkets in Nyeri, Meru and Kiambu counties. The purpose was to identify the types of dairy products sold in supermarkets, the sales preferences, reasons for stocking...
Farmer field school extension approach: A knowledge booster in Calabar Agricultural Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria
May 2022
The aim of this research was to evaluate Farmer Field School’s (FFS) capacity to boost the knowledge of farmers in Calabar Agricultural Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria. Specifically, the research aimed to describe the socio-economic characteristics of respondents; assess the effectiveness of FFS on training farmers, improving their knowledge and utilization of new technologies; and ascertain constraints faced by...
Communication strategies employed by the Barangay health workers in promoting reproductive health in Magsaysay, occidental Mindoro
April 2022
The descriptive research aims to identify the communication strategies employed in promoting topics on Reproductive Health and the communication problems encountered in promoting Reproductive Health information. The study was conducted in selected Barangays in Magsaysay, Occidental Mindoro. This study employed descriptive research method. The sample size was determined by the epinfoTM software with 80% confidence level....
Effects of stakeholder interaction in REDD+ implementation: The case of two forest districts in Ghana
March 2022
The study adopted a qualitative approach and relied enormously on primary data obtained through interviews and focus group discussions to assess the type of interaction and its effects in the implementation of the REDD+ initiative in two forest districts in Ghana. The country’s involvement in REDD+ began in 2008 and received approval in 2010. Many partners from civil society, private sector, government,...
Economic empowerment of rural women: Assessing the effectiveness of the rural enterprise program (REP) in Ghana, West Africa
February 2022
This survey study examines the effectiveness of a Rural Enterprise Programme (REP) in improving the livelihood of rural women in Ghana, using ex-anti and ex-post income determinants of the programme. Some 217 beneficiary women drawn from farm-based, agro-processing, traditional craft, agro industrial and petty trading economic sub-sectors selected to participate in the survey using snow-ball sampling method. Using...
Does access to credit influence the adoption of good agricultural practices? The case of smallholder potato farmers in Molo Sub-County, Kenya
February 2022
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) is the major food and cash crop for many rural and semi-urban people in Kenya. It contributes to the national food security, nutrition, and income generation for those who are involved in its value chain. Despite its importance, smallholder potato farmers in Molo sub-county are still recording low potato yields which could partly be attributed to the low adoption of Good Agricultural...
The use of local knowledge in agricultural extension: A systematic review of the literature
January 2022
Smallholder farms are complex systems, constantly adapting to context and rely on local, place-based knowledges. The vital role of local knowledge in smallholder farming systems has seen attempts throughout low- and middle-income countries to entwine local knowledge with scientific knowledge to improve outcomes from agricultural extension. Using a systematic review and exploratory meta-synthesis of selected literature,...
Effect of adoption of improved cassava variety tme 419 on farmers’ livelihood in Ekiti State, Nigeria
December 2021
The study examined the effect of adoption of improved cassava variety TME 419 on farmers’ livelihood in Ekiti State. Specifically it examined the effect of adoption of TME 419 variety on farmers’ cassava output, income and livelihood activities. A multistage random sampling technique was used to select 192 respondents for the study from Agriculture Development Project Extension Zones in Ondo State....
Agripreneurship development among small scale farmers In Anambra State, Nigeria
December 2021
The continuing decline in the price of the crude oil in the international market is a pointer to the fact that oil sector can no longer guarantee economic viability and sustainability in any nation. In Nigeria, this realization has led to increased urgency of the need to revitalize the agricultural sector, possibly return to its glorious days in the immediate post- independence. To drive the process, scholars argue for...
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