Oil price shocks and agricultural output in an oil rich nation: Empirical insights from a fractional integration approach
February 2025
The impact of oil price shocks on the economy of nations has attracted the attention of researchers for almost four decades. This article deals with modeling the relationship between shocks in oil prices and agricultural output series in Nigeria using a regression model that employs long memory and fractionally integrated methods. The data spans from 1991 to 2020. The results indicate that oil price shocks do not...
Assessing motorcycle taxis as transport option in the urban life of African cities: The case of Accra, Ghana
January 2025
Increasingly, motorcycle taxis are offering convenient and affordable means of navigating congested and inaccessible urban road systems in Africa. They play a vital role in the transportation systems in some African cities. Popularly referred to as “Okada” in Ghana and Nigeria, motorcycle taxis are heavily patronized because of their obvious strengths as compared to other transportation systems. Using...
Stakeholders’ participation and management of highland water resource under the National Water Policy in Bududa, Uganda
December 2024
The study aimed to establish the relationship between stakeholder participation and the management of highland water resources in Bududa District, Eastern Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives: 1) to establish the relationship between stakeholder participation in planning and the management of highland water resources; 2) to analyze the relationship between stakeholder participation in implementation and the...
Assessing the effectiveness of livelihood empowerment against poverty (LEAP) in poverty reduction in Oforikrom Municipal
September 2024
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) program in reducing poverty in the Oforikrom Municipality of the Ashanti Region. The study employed primary data and a descriptive survey design, sampling 52 respondents. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. The findings revealed that LEAP has been moderately beneficial, contributing to a 38.5%...
Reclaiming the role of the state in urban infrastructural development for inclusive communities: The case of Uganda’s Kampala City
September 2024
Matching infrastructural development with the pace of urban population growth is a challenge in African cities, where the speed and magnitude of urban growth are incessant. Uganda is facing accelerated urbanization, but developing urban infrastructure for inclusive communities has become particularly challenging due to the disequilibrium of decentralized urban planning, manifested through myriad autonomy and...
Exploring women’s resilience in doing business during the covid-19 pandemic - A phenomenological study
June 2024
The Covid-19 pandemic has led world governments to take measures in stopping its spread and minimize its victims. This has affected businesses of all categories, including that of women (micro business) of selling fruits and vegetables in Rwanda’s Kimironko markets. This study investigated how these women did business before, during, and after the lock down, the challenges they faced, the reasons for resilience,...
Religious indoctrination and poor resource management: A critical examination of the Nigerian and African context
May 2024
The religious landscape in Nigeria, characterized by the dominance of Islam and Christianity, has witnessed a surge in religious indoctrination, driven by extreme interpretations of religious texts. This phenomenon has implications for social cohesion, exacerbating existing tensions along ethnic and religious lines. Additionally, the questionable management of resources by religious leaders further complicates the...
The importance of project in underdeveloped countries
February 2024
In underdeveloped countries like Africa, where socio-economic challenges persist and hinder progress, the role of projects emerges as a pivotal force in catalyzing sustainable development. Projects serve as catalysts for economic development by fostering job creation and income generation. According to a study by Johnson and Brown, successful projects not only provide immediate employment but also equip local...
Assessing the economic impacts of foreign aid expenditure in West Africa: An empirical analysis of the effects of aid expenditure on economic growth
January 2024
The economic impacts of foreign aid expenditure in developing countries remain a debatable topic in economics. Although extensive research has been conducted on this topic, no theoretical or empirical conclusion has been reached. Empirical studies conducted on this topic mostly suffer from endogeneity problems and failed to capture the effects of armed conflict on the efficiency of aid expenditure. Using Seemingly...
Small-scale mining and child labour in Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo
October 2023
Child labour is a critical issue in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The case of Kolwezi in Lualaba is of interest because the area is known as the capital of cobalt, a strategic mineral for the transition to a low-carbon economy. Since 2017, global demand for cobalt has been soaring and this raises the question of working conditions in the ASM. This paper attempts to provide a...
Leadership characteristics in a volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) environment, a case study of Zimbabwe hospitality industry during Covid 19 era
July 2023
Organisations are experiencing high level of uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The study sought to evaluate the leadership characteristics in a Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) environment in the hospitality industry during Covid 19 era. There is lack of research that explains challenges faced in the presence of a Covid 19 pandemic in the hospitality sector in Zimbabwe. This generates a...
Tragedy of urban green spaces depletion in selected sub-Sahara African major cities
July 2023
Urban green spaces (UGS) play important role in enhancing the socioeconomic and environmental health of cities around the world. For instance, UGS such as playgrounds, parks and residential greenery provide relief from mental and physical stress in densely populated areas. In spite of the significance of UGS in urban life and city development, their depletion rate in sub-Saharan countries seems alarming. Based on mixed...
Access to credit and financial services on marketing of farm produce in Benue State, Nigeria
June 2023
The central bank of Nigeria recently introduced a cashless policy which impacted various facets of life in the country. This however motivated this study to examine the extent to which access to credit and financial services policies have impacted the marketing of agricultural products in an agro-based economy of Benue State, -a sub-national state with limited access to credits and financial services among farmers. The...
Effectiveness of transitional justice processes in peacebuilding in Zimbabwe: The case of national peace and reconciliation commission
May 2023
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of transitional justice processes in Zimbabwe using a case of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC). The NPRC is the first Commission constitutionally mandated to implement the transitional justice processes in Zimbabwe. The research employed a qualitative research methodology and a case study design of the NPRC was used. Purposive sampling...
Influence of strategy formulation on the performance of catholic parishes in Kenya
January 2023
Measuring organizational performance has been a major preoccupation of many organizations in the modern times. Traditional indicators of performance have been largely financial based. However, with the help of Balanced Scorecard model, all organizations are adopting performance measuring techniques that incorporate non-financial indicators of performance. This study set out to establish the influence of strategy...
Breaking the glass ceiling: A study of single academic women in one Zimbabwean university
January 2023
The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that contributed to the success of single women lecturers who had hit the glass ceiling to become some of the respected PhD holders and professors at one university in Zimbabwe. The study employs the Africana Womanism theory, whereby the effects of the core independent dimensions of the theory are analyzed, namely; self-naming, self-defining, strength and ambition....
Greater horn of Africa's dilemma in achieving sustainable development goals
December 2022
This study assessed the performance of the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) regional states regarding their respective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It examines the successes, challenges, and alignments to national policies and development plan to meet the 2030 agenda and suggested recommendations for accelerating the implementation of the SDGs. This study is a pursuit against...
Integration of traditional ecological knowledge and western science in natural resources management in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
November 2022
Since time immemorial indigenous people (IP) utilised resources to meet their cultural needs. While the long-established utilisation of these resources modified land, however, the alteration was negligible with fewer detrimental impacts on the environment. The adoption of Western Science (WS) saw people shunning the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), resulting in accelerated resources degradation. Utilising...
In their own voices- understanding GBV in Zimbabwe: Evidence from a survivor’s perspective
November 2022
Gender based violence against women is a prevalent public health challenge that poses a serious threat to women’s physical, social and mental health. Zimbabwe has taken proactive and reactive steps to deal with gender-based violence (GBV) through legislation and policies. Despite this seemingly conducive environment 1 in 3 women continue to experience GBV in Zimbabwe. While sustained research in the country...
Health impacts of small-scale gold mining in Kenyasi, Ghana
October 2022
Small-Scale Gold Mining (SSGM) is a way of life for many individuals living in mineral-rich but poverty-stricken areas of Africa. The sector provides many households with much needed income for their livelihood sustenance. Although the literature on SSGM have brought some consensus on environmental issues surrounding the sector, limited attention has been directed at health and safety issues associated with the...
Economic distance and cross-country spillovers among African economies: Implication for growth and Development
October 2022
This study examines the level of linkage between Nigeria and some selected African countries on one hand and the linkages between economic growth, inflation, and unemployment on the other hand, in these economies. The study covers the period between 2000 and 2019. The study aims to first measure the economic distance between Nigeria and these countries using the approach proposed by Mazurek. Second, the degree of...
Financial literacy and financial behaviour of micro and small enterprises in the Sunyani Municipality, Ghana
September 2022
This study sought to examine the relationship between financial literacy and financial behavior among owners/managers of MSEs in the Sunyani Municipality. Primarily, the research examined the financial literacy level as well as the extent to which financial knowledge informs financial behaviour and financial attitude which will aid in making a rational decision for their business. In accordance with the study’s...
Governance principles for local level groundwater management in Njombe District, Tanzania
July 2022
Groundwater governance is a necessary condition for groundwater management that in turn improves access to clean and safe drinking water. However, it is one of the developmental issues, which has not been addressed squarely in Tanzania. Using governance principles, we explored groundwater governance in Njombe district where water for domestic use depends on groundwater source. The study used cross-sectional research...
Time spent by women and men in households on economic and care activities during productive hours in Morogoro District, Tanzania
July 2022
Using a cross sectional survey, this study investigated variations in time spent between men and women in economic productive and non-economic reproductive activities in a rural environment in Morogoro District in Tanzania. The study investigated 323 married or cohabiting women between the ages of 15 and 49 who lived in six villages across three wards. To determine the time expenditure disparity between men and women,...
Circular labor migration and food security in Lake Victoria Basin: A case of Muleba and Ukerewe Districts-Tanzania
June 2022
Circular labor migration has been inconclusively debated to result into a win to migrants, their place of origin and families as well. However, empirical evidence has resulted in a very contradicting conclusion. Moreover, the specific wins in wide spectrum of life have neither been unveiled nor tested. This study intends to assess the implications of circular labor migration on food security in Lake Victoria Basin. A...
Conditions that work: Reconnecting fiscal decentralization to responsiveness in Uganda and Thai Municipal Governments
April 2022
Globalization puts extra pressure on local governments to be more responsive and accountable. The belief from theory is that with high levels of fiscal autonomy, the elected public officials would be more responsive to allocate resources to the local priority areas determined by citizen interests and preferences. On the face of it, responsiveness reads like the normative outcome of fiscal autonomy in the developing and...
African diaspora experience of transnationalism, social networks and identity: The case of Zimbabwean social workers in the United Kingdom
April 2022
This paper examines transnationalism, social networks and identity as part of the experiences of the African Diaspora, in particular, Zimbabwean social workers in the UK. The above terms are closely associated with increasing international skilled migration from Africa in the global south, to the global North where there are better employment opportunities. This paper defines transnationalism, social networks, identity,...
Improving the quality of Uganda’s decentralization: The unfinished business
April 2022
This paper focuses on stakeholders’ participation, capacity of players, and fiscal decentralization in Uganda. The authors explore and describe the extent to which the three could be transposed to improve the quality of decentralization in a number of local governments in Uganda. Notable findings revealed high levels and opportunities for participation of stakeholders in local governance, participation still...
Farmer-pastoralist conflicts management approaches in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights into their strengths and pitfalls
February 2022
This article provides a critical review of the different theoretical perspectives on the existing conflict management mechanisms. Focus has been paid on the dynamics surrounding these mechanisms in relation to the changing contexts and times. The primary aim is: First, to identify what is already known about the available conflict-management mechanisms for handling farmer-pastoralist conflicts including the current...
Protracted refugees: Understanding the challenges of refugees in protracted refugee situations in Uganda
January 2022
The purpose of this research was to delve into the challenges that refugees in protracted refugee situations in Uganda face under the current refugee progressive policies that guarantee refugees the right to work, the freedom of movement, the freedom to establish businesses, and access to land. We used Focus Group Discussions to collect data from refugees in Arua city/District. The findings showed that despite...
Towards a harmonious view of money: The Nigerian experience
November 2021
This paper approaches the topic of money from a Nigerian perspective. A proper understanding of money and its role in an economy and society as a whole would require a more rounded view of money and its meaning than what has been provided by the field of Economics. This harmonious view will analyze money through the lenses of different disciplines in social science. The aim is to show that money is a social construct...
Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the livelihood and food security of street food vendors and consumers in Nigeria
November 2021
Nigeria's local food economy was affected by state-imposed restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19 in communities. Street food vendors and consumers are among local food system actors impacted by such restrictions because their livelihood and food security are contingent on daily operations on the street. Informed by a descriptive qualitative approach, we interviewed 31 street food vendors and consumers who...
Internationalisation of the naira, institutional reforms, and a common currency for the ECOWAS
November 2021
This study investigates the potential for internationalisation of the naira in the quest for a common West African currency, despite some weak institutional challenges attributed to Nigeria. We employed a two-stage currency internationalisation modelling approach, where the first stage estimates the model, and the second stage employs ‘counterfactual simulations’ to predict the trend in the currency ratio of...
Managerial practices for small construction companies in Masvingo City: Lessons for entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe’s higher education sector
November 2021
This qualitative case study explored the managerial practices of small construction companies in Masvingo city with a view to relating findings to the newly introduced education 5.0 in Tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe. The study was motivated by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development’s thrust to introduce innovation and industrialisation hubs in universities in the...
Examining the fragments and causes of increasing out-of-school children in Nigeria
October 2021
In spite of various policy initiatives and institutional frameworks, a good number of school-age children roam the streets of Nigeria. Nigeria unduly tops the rank in the total number of out-of-school children in the global scene. Now, about 16 million Out-Of-School Children (OOSC) live in Nigeria, and this means that about one out of five OOSC in the world relate to Nigeria. The number has increased from 8.7 million in...
Urbanization in Africa: Integrating multiculturalism in urban development in Uganda
October 2021
This paper demonstrates the need to integrate multiculturalism in urban development in Uganda with some policy proposals on how multiculturalism can be integrated into urban development. Through a qualitative research in Arua city in Uganda, findings showed that the city like other cities in Uganda is a culturally diverse city and minority ethnic groups or tribes are at the risk of exclusion if multiculturalism is not...
Women in nonfarm rural employment: implications on the social and economic empowerment of rural women in Uganda
September 2021
Nonfarm employment is an increasing form of employment in rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is partly because many of the workers in developing countries especially in Sub-Saharan Africa are self-employed workers. Most women in Uganda do not own land since customary land ownership system deprives women of owning land. This has pushed women to nonfarm employment in urban areas, semi-rural, and rural areas....
Soft skills in developing economies: An African view on the hidden linkage between indigenous knowledge and business perspectives
August 2021
Although, the soft skills theme has been covered from many angles, there remains a scarcity of research on the linkage between indigenous knowledge and advances of business in developing countries. In addition, there is a gap between the theoretical approaches to the soft skills theme and the practical realities that ask not only which capabilities job seekers need to have but also where to acquire them....
The influence of nationalism on pan Africanism
May 2021
In his book "The World Is Flat," Thomas Friedman experiences the first signs of globalization while on a trip to India. Friedman realizes the implications of a world connected economically, and the political ramifications that may ensue. This convergence is due to the advent of computerized systems that make information and workflow easy to share anywhere in the world. With the potential to produce consumer...
Natural resources in Africa; a gift or curse: The case of Nigeria
May 2021
This paper examines the link between natural resources wealth, agriculture, oil and economic growth in Nigeria. We use co-integration method to examine the relationship between the economic growth and economic indicators in control in this study. The result shows a significant relationship between economics growth and economic indicators in the long-run. However, the relationship between economics growth and economics...
A synthesis model of community orientation toward child sexual abuse in the central region of Ghana
May 2021
Sexual abuse of children is very prevalent in Ghana. The pandemic has been a worrying phenomenon to parents, community leaders and government in recent years because of increasing cases of the phenomenon. This study purposed to determine the common causes of child sexual abuse and the effect on children. The study also concerned itself with community knowledge, attitude and care toward child sexual abuse. Data were...
Dynamics of inflation and its impact on economic growth in selected East African Countries: Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya
January 2021
Despite Ethiopia's, Sudan's, and Kenya's fastest-growing economies' performance over the last two decades, the overall average inflation rate remains double digits. It subsequently incorporates a detrimental impact to support economic growth in an extended period. This study aims to assess the dynamics of inflation and its impacts on economic growth Ethiopia, Kenya, and Sudan using time-series...
“Normative Power Europe”? The European Union Democracy Promotion in Africa: A Focus on Ethiopia (Pre-April 2018)
January 2021
One of the debates regarding the EU’s role in the international relations has been what kind of an international actor the Union has been since its inception. While, some argues that the Union has a realist approach, authors like Ian Manners see the EU as a ‘normative power’, which is more of an idealist approach in the international relations. The latter conception has brought a lot of attention...
Tourism: The missed opportunities for economic development in Nigeria
January 2021
This article examines and assesses the neglected development of a viable and sustainable tourism industry in Nigeria, and its adverse effect on the economy and the country in general. The article also analyses the factors responsible for the neglect of the industry and why Nigeria failed to generate substantial revenues from tourism despite the great potential. The article argues that Nigeria had potentials from...
Re-examining the philosophy of constitutionalism and Governance in the Gadaa Republic of the Oromo People in the Horn of Africa
December 2020
Constitution and government are the different faces of the same coin in any political ideology; since a constitution is an instrument through which a government governs its citizens. However, a constitution may be either a democratic one; or an undemocratic one. Accordingly, the legitimacy of a constitution is based on its making process, contents, and practices in a certain state. Thus, if its making process is...
Curriculum reform in Zimbabwe: An analysis of early childhood development centers’ state of readiness to embrace the new curriculum
July 2020
The study sought to investigate the readiness of mainstream early childhood development centres to actualize the updated preschool curriculum in Zimbabwe. The curriculum is one of the basic and central components of powerful educating and learning. Curriculum change assumes a significant role in rebranding instructive practices to make them receptive to contemporary national and individual needs. Keeping that in mind, a...
Proliferation of churches in Nigeria: Causes, impacts and likely solutions
July 2020
The study aims to estimate the effect, causes and probable solutions of church proliferation in Nigeria. The study was based on the analysis of fifty structured questionnaires that were distributed among people both in and out of Churches of different denominations using purposive sampling technique method. Statistical descriptive method was used to analyze the information collected from the respondents. The result of...
Neglect and discrimination: A tale of Zimbabwe’s inaccessible public transport system
July 2020
Lack of disability accessible services is commonplace in many African countries. This includes health care, educational, recreational and transportation services amongst many others. In Zimbabwe in particular, the deteriorating socio-economic situation has exposed the glaring insufficiencies of the public transport system. The expression that best describes this situation is neglect and discrimination. This paper...
Religious construction of disease: An exploratory appraisal of religious responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda
July 2020
This article presents empirical analysis of religious attitudes and interpretation of pandemics in Uganda. The study sought to analyze the religious explanatory models of pandemics offered by the three major religions of Uganda: Christianity, Islam and African Traditional religious belief system. The COVID-19 pandemic which ravaged the whole world, Uganda inclusive, was used as a case study. Based on a qualitative...
Using the sustainable livelihood approach to explore determinants of off-farm diversification by land reform beneficiaries in Sanyati District-Mashonaland West Province-Zimbabwe
May 2020
The study explored the socio-economic determinants of off-farm diversification by land reform beneficiaries in Sanyati District, Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe. The major aim of the study was to establish the reasons for off-farm diversification by resettled farmers. It established sustainability of resettled farmers’ livelihoods and investigated farmers’ perceptions of agriculture and land reform...
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