The current empirical review article is premised on a constructionist and discursive approaches to consulting and facilitating conversations to co-create sustainable futures. The article is informed by scholarship of practice, scholarship of application, and scholarship of integration in facilitated evidence-based organization development. The article covers some theoretical frameworks that guide the need for dialogue in co-creating sustainable futures. The application of the conceptual frameworks through Co-creation & Exceptionality Meetings Online (CEMOs) is demonstrated using three Case Studies from different countries. In conclusion the article identified key interventions for effective constructionist and discursive approaches to consulting: An environment of trust, critical training evaluation, build an online community of learners, redefine the roles of online facilitator, continuous effective engagement, and agility & resourcefulness. CEMOs are premised on building a collaborative network including participants/members and different organizations aligned to the mission to be pursued.
Keywords: co-creation, dialogue, generative conversations