African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4199

Table of Content: 7 October, 2011; 5(23)

October 2011

Measuring readiness for successful information technology/information system (IT/IS) project implementation: A conceptual model

Many investigation have shown that the introduction of new investment in information technology/ information system (IT/IS) are profoundly affecting the processes, work environment, structures and strategies of an organization. This is due to the fact that new IT/IS will lies in changing the people system or better known as ‘soft issue’. The resistance to change might occur due to lack of creating a sense of...

Author(s): Hafez Salleh, Mustafa Alshawi, Nor Azlinda Mohamed Sabli, Umi Kalsum Zolkafli and Siti Suhana Judi

October 2011

Yield management and consumer price perception on the internet

  The growth of the Internet as a sales channel has been a revolution not only for sellers, but also for buyers. Focusing on the consumer perspective, this channel introduces changes in the way people shop. The people who use this channel for shopping assign great importance to price when making decisions, which is why they are very sensitive to this aspect. In addition, more dynamic pricing mechanisms have...

Author(s): M. Encarnación Andrés Martínez, Miguel Ángel Gómez Borja, Juan Antonio Mondéjar Jiménez and Jean-François Trinquecoste

October 2011

A review on constructs of the practices of quality management

  Quality management is a management function that ensures the quality of the products, services and/or operation processes of an organization. It contributes to the competitiveness and maintains the sustainability of the organization. This paper reviews the constructs of practices of quality management adopted by researchers. Based on the literature review, the practices of quality management are summarized...

Author(s): Tan Chin-Keng and Abdul-Rahman, Hamzah

October 2011

Extraction and translation of safety knowledge in organizations using incident reports

The Incident Report-Based Safety Knowledge Transfer (IRSKT) model found in this paper identifies the elements necessary for social systems in workplaces to extract, disseminate and use new safety knowledge emanating from incident reports. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to understand how recent developments in systems thinking and materiality of knowledge can influence understanding of safety knowledge transfer...

Author(s): Ibraheem M. Dooba and Alan G. Downe

October 2011

Public policy: Myths and realities in the Nigerian nationhood since independence

  Nigeria is confronted today with the challenges of political and constitutional crises in a manner as never before. After 50 years of independence, the country still faces frequent sectarian turmoil that raises some very fundamental questions about the nature of Nigerian identity and its implications for integrity. A cursory look at the events that have occurred in the polity since 1960, one finds out that...

Author(s): Samuel C. Ugoh and Wilfred I. Ukpere

October 2011

Does trade integration affect the asymmetric behavior of export prices? The case of manufacturing exports of Turkey

  This article attempts to analyze the effect of trade integration on the asymmetric behavior of export prices with respect to exchange rate changes using the experience of Turkey’s trade integration and that of the European Union in 1996. In the course of this study, a fairly low exchange rate pass-through elasticity was found and the presence of asymmetry in the industries was considered. It was also...

Author(s): Hasan Vergil

October 2011

The effects of perceived justice in service recovery on firm reputation and repurchase intention in airline industry

  The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of perceived justice on repurchase intention and to examine the moderating role of firm reputation in the relationship between perceived justice and repurchase intention. Data were gathered by means of survey from airline passengers who experienced a service failure and subsequently a service recovery within past one year. The results show...

Author(s): Davoud Nikbin, Hamed Armesh, Alireza Heydari and Mohammad Jalalkamali

October 2011

Evaluating effective factors on the professional power of certified public accountants: Iranian evidence

  The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the effective factors on the professional power of certified public accountants (CPA) and to evaluate the status of these factors from user’s perspective in Iran. The sample population consist listed companies on Tehran Stock Exchange. A questionnaire with 0.892 Cronbach's alpha coefficient is employed in order to gathering data. The results...

Author(s): Mahdi Salehi, Sommayeh Yousefi Darestani  and  Alimeh Mofidi

October 2011

Why does strategic plans implementation fail? A study in the health service sector of Iran

  This research aims to identify effective factors on the failure of strategic decisions implementation in the Iranian health service sector. Reviewing the literature and using experts' opinion, 16 variables were identified. Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, variables were categorized in the form of 4 factors. This model, in the order of effect, identifies context dimension (0.94), content...

Author(s): Nader Seyed Kalali, Mohammad Reza Akhavan Anvari, Ali Asghar Pourezzatand Davod Karimy Dastjerdi

October 2011

A study of influential authors, works and research network of consumer behavior research

  With the proliferation of consumer behavior research in recent decades, the ability to effectively identify the most influential and representative collection of research articles had become significantly important. Research in the consumer behavior area had developed rapidly, but no recent studies had examined contemporary consumer behavior research. This paper employed author co-citation analysis, a...

Author(s):   Pauline Pei-Ning Tu

October 2011

Effects of virtual teams of supply chain collaboration on new product development

  Through different case studies in an information technology (IT) manufacturing firm, this paper investigated how the collaborations among the supply chain partners in the form of virtual teams affect the performance of the new product development (NPD). This paper proved that it can be achieved by enhancing their NPD performance through supply chain collaboration (SCC) in the form of virtual teams under the...

Author(s): Yueh-Hua Lee, Teresa Wang and Chun-Hsien Liu,

October 2011

Integration of leadership styles of school director

  Management style can be defined as a special behavior of directors in the work process that affects the performance in an organization, in this case - school. Management style has two related meanings: the first is the behavior of directors to employees; second is directors’ approach in school regarding management, participation of employees in decision making processes, relationships and communication....

Author(s): Nebojša Pavlović, Milka Oljača and Svetlana Kostović

October 2011

Predicting model of organizational identity toward its effect on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs)

  The purpose of this paper was to describe the predicting factors of organizational identity and the effect of this factor on employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) in service industry and to develop a structural equation model for organizational identity versus OCBs. This paper was based on the results of literature review and conducting a conceptual model in order to illustrate the...

Author(s): Akram Hadizadeh Moghadam and Maryam Tehrani

October 2011

Analysis of social network sites diffusion in Mongolia

  This paper is proposed to examine the diffusion of social network sites in Mongolia, as well as to understand diffusion pattern at aggregate level. The historical data on the number of monthly subscribers were obtained from two newly launched Mongolian social network sites, and Additionally, the Bass diffusion model was employed as a forecasting technique following nonlinear...

Author(s): Tian-Syung Lan, Chun-Hsiung Lan and Oyuntuya Tserendondog

October 2011

Combined effects of perception of politics and political skill on employee job outcomes

  This cross sectional field survey was aimed at exploring the direct and combined effects of political skill and politics perception on employee job outcomes such as job stress, affective commitment, intention to quit and contextual performance. Using a sample of 300 managerial employees from public and private sector organizations of Pakistan, results revealed significant differences in intention to quit and...

Author(s): Farooq Ahmed Jam, Rauf Ahmad Sheikh, Husnain Iqbal, Bilal Hassan Zaidi, Yasir Anis and Mashood Muzaffar

October 2011

Entrepreneurship and human rights: Evidence from a natural experiment

  Entrepreneurship and human rights which comprise two large areas of modern life do not seem to be on talking terms with each other. They appear to inhabit two different worlds with nothing in common, except a bit of antagonism. The view that the perspectives of the two disciplines are incompatible is strengthened by a lack of empirical studies. We utilise the staggered implementation of a human rights...

Author(s): Anand N. Asthana

October 2011

The role of knowledge and knowledge management in sustaining competitive advantage within organizations: A review

  The utilization of knowledge and knowledge management (KM) is being highly considered as an organizational capability and a potential source of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA). This paper aims at figuring out the roles of knowledge and knowledge management in achieving SCA within organizations. Assuming knowledge and KM practice as strategic and tactical element respectively, a systematic...

Author(s): Omar R. Mahdi, Mahmoud Khalid Almsafir and Liu Yao

October 2011

Right website model (RWM): Selecting the right website for publication of internet advertisements

  This study embarks to answer the question "what is the most appropriate website for publishing a display ad on the World Wide Web?" The key features identified in this regard included: electronic service quality, user-based (user-centered) design, electronic business model, interactivity, and website involvement. This research considered each of the extracted features to design and evaluate the...

Author(s): Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee, Mehdi Behboudi and Allahyar Ardakani

October 2011

Forecasting the Taiwan stock market with a stock trend recognition model based on the characteristic matrix of a bull market

  Investors have expended enormous efforts on trying to find a useful tool or tools that could forecast stock market trends accurately, enabling them to maximize their profits. Past forecasting models, however, have two noticeable drawbacks, summarized as follows: (1) the forecasting used to produce daily forecasts method, and which is evaluated by the forecasting error, may not be particularly useful for the...

Author(s): Tai-Liang Chen

October 2011

Engaging employees for improved retention at a higher education institution in South Africa

  Engaging and retaining valuable and skilled employees is a major challenge faced by South African universities. The main aim of this study was to measure the levels of engagement of staff at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) and to determine whether labour turnover can be contained through effective engagement strategies. The methodology followed included a quantitative-descriptive survey distributed...

Author(s): Elizabeth Kedibone Ngobeni and Adelé Bezuidenhout

October 2011

The advertisement effectiveness of animated spokes-characters

  Many studies have discussed the advertisement effectiveness of endorsements by spokespersons such as celebrities, experts, executives, and typical consumers. However, few studies have investigated the advertisement effectiveness of endorsements from animated spokes-characters. This study focuses on animated spokes-characters and the involvement concept to examine the correlations between animated...

Author(s): Wen-Shin Huang, Tsuifang Hsieh, and Han-Shen Chen,

October 2011

What offers solution to the poverty reduction of the Haor people in Bangladesh? Seasonal migration or a new inshore economic livelihood policy

  Researches from different disciplines are yet to provide a concrete standpoint on causal relationship between poverty and migration. With a market driven attitude, seasonal migration has been increasing dramatically with a hope to reduce the poverty. So far, research has not confirmed if migration helps to reduce poverty or poverty is forced to be migrated. Whatever the fact, it would be realistic that the...

Author(s): Talukder Golam Rabby, Gazi Mahabubul Alam, Leo Jocelyn Fredericks, Sulochana Nair, Mohammad Nurul Azam, Abul Quasem Al-Amin, Kamaludin Ahmed Sheikhand Issa Khan

October 2011

The perceptions that grade twelve learners have about sexual violence against girls in the school context

  There has been increasing levels of sexual violence against girls in South African schools. Girls continue to face obstacles to their learning even though some progress has been made in terms of gender equality in education. The opportunities that girls have to learn should in no way be compromised by their gender. Sexual violence leads to dropping out, interruption of studies, unwanted pregnancies and...

Author(s): Kalula Mpiana

October 2011

A new approach to robust modeling of the multi-period portfolio problem

  In this paper, we developed a new robust model of multi-period portfolio problem. One of the key concerns in any asset allocation problem is how to cope with uncertainty about future returns. There are some approaches in the literature for this purpose including stochastic programming and robust optimization. Applying these techniques to multi-period portfolio problem may increase the problem size in a way...

Author(s): Mohsen Gharakhani and SeyedJafar Sadjadi

October 2011

Analysis and investigation of the role of brand in keeping and increasing purchase portfolio of customers of air freshener industries in Pars Rayehe Saz Company in Iran

  This research aims to analyze and investigate the role of brand in keeping and increasing the buying portfolio of customers. In this respect, three hypotheses have been developed. In carrying out this research after exploration of models and approaches in brand, questionnaire was used for customers of the company, Pars Rayehe Saz. Based on the hypotheses of the research, a questionnaire form consisting of 24...

Author(s): Asadollah Kordnaeij, Mehran Mohtadi, Gholamreza Jandaghi and Ali Mokhtari Mughari

October 2011

A comparative analysis of web-based corporate mission statements

  This study aims to identify the nature of the mission statements of the largest companies in Turkey and around the world and to analyse these statements in a comparative fashion. To that end the web-based mission statements of companies have been examined according to a content analysis method with three distinct criteria, which are used frequently in the literature. In order to determine whether there is a...

Author(s): Eyyup Akbulut and Yavuz Bayram

October 2011

The ethical orientation and professional commitment: An empirical examination on Turkish accountants

  This research, conducted through the collection of data from professional accountants throughout Turkey, aims to examine the relationship between the individual ethical orientation (ethics philosophy) and professional commitment of professional accountants. The collected data were analyzed according to the structural equation model and the structural relationship between the ethical orientation, ethical...

Author(s): Metin UYAR and  Gökhan ÖZER