February 2010
Lecithin: Cholesterol acyltransferase, lipoprotein lipase and lipoproteins in adult Nigerians with sickle cell disease
Lecithin: Cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is a glycoprotein enzyme involves in the esterification of plasma cholesterol to form cholesteryl ester and is important in the maturation of high density lipoprotein. Lipid metabolism in sickle cell anaemia patients may be affected. The objective of this study was to determine the activities of serum lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase, lipoprotein lipase, lipids and...
February 2010
Toxic effect of lead on kidney function in rat wistar
Lead is one of the environmental pollutants that can threat the life of living creatures in many ways. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of lead exposure on kidney function. Fourteen male Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups; group 1 was given a tap water diet and group 2 was given 1000 ppm lead acetate in drinking water for 8 weeks. Lead concentration in blood was determined by atomic absorption....
February 2010
Changes in haemorrheologic and fibrinolytic activities upon hypertension and diabetic chemotherapy in Calabar diabetic residents, Nigeria
This research was carried out to assess the effect of hypertension on haemorrheologic and fibrinolytic activities in fifty (50) diabetics resident in Calabar municipality and the values obtained were compared with those of fifty (50) age and sex-matched non diabetics in the same locality. Relative plasma viscosity plasma fibrinogen concentration, euglobulin lysis time and fasting blood sugar were determined using...
February 2010
The response to iron deficiency of two sensitive grapevine cultivars grafted on a tolerant rootstock
Two sensitive cultivars were examined, Vittoria and Italia, grafted on a tolerant rootstock (140 Ruggeri). Two levels of iron chlorosis in scions were selected, initial and evident, and compared to the healthy rootstock (control). The fractions of extracellular and cytoplasmatic cations, chloroplastic mobile, loosely linked, strongly linked and residual cations as well as the active fraction were...
February 2010
The effects of aqueous extracts of the leaves of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn on renal function in hypertensive rats
The leaves of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn (Family Malvaceae) have been used in ethnomedicine for the treatment of various human diseases such as aphrodisiac, hypertension, wound healing, diabetes mellitus and cancer. In this present study, the effect of 200 mg/kg of the aqueous leaf extract on the renal function of hypertensive rats was investigated. The administration of H. rosa-sinensis leaves...
February 2010
Effects of soaking and boiling and autoclaving on nutritional quality of Mucuna flagellipes (Ukpo)
The effect of soaking and boiling, and autoclaving on nutritional factors (proximate and mineral) and anti-nutritional qualities of legume, Mucuna flagellipes were studied. Batches of seeds were soaked for 6, 12, 18 and 24 h in distilled water at room temperature, then boiled in water for 30, 45, 60 or 90 min respectively. Another batch of the M. flagellipes was autoclaved for different duration of...