African Journal of
Microbiology Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0808
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 5239

Table of Content: June 2022; 16(6)

June 2022

Antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria isolates from ward environment of a hospital in Tema, Ghana

Community and hospital-acquired antimicrobial resistance is on the increase worldwide and threatens the ability to treat patients effectively. This can result in high levels of morbidity and mortality from microbial infections. Susceptibility patterns help track microbial resistance potentials in order to enhance antibiotic prescription and use. The susceptibility patterns of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi...

Author(s): Apenteng John Antwi, Yeboah Esther Eyram Asare and Kyere-Davies Gertrude

June 2022

Antibiogram and multidrug resistant pattern of Escherichia coli from environmental sources in Port Harcourt

Antibiotics are the most successful form of therapeutics developed for the treatment of disease caused by bacteria. The study aimed to assess the prevalence of Escherichia coli and multidrug resistant pattern from environmental sources in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Forty samples were collected from environmental sources including poultry litter, soil, waste water and cloaca. All samples were inoculated onto...

Author(s): Agbagwa O. E., Chinwi C. M. and Horsfall S. J.

June 2022

Aflatoxins B1 contamination levels in maize and awareness of aflatoxins among main maize stakeholders in Chemba and Kondoa Districts, Tanzania

Maize (Zea mays) is the staple food for the majority of people in Tanzania which plays a key role in subsistence and a cash crop among actors of the maize value chain. Environmental factors such as soil contamination by fungi, water stress, warm and humid conditions are among several factors contributing to fungal growth and aflatoxins contamination in maize, leading to significant economic loss, reduced household...

Author(s): Ndwata Asha Hamad, Rashid Suleiman A., Chaula Davis Noboth

June 2022

Assessment of handwashing knowledge, attitude and practices among healthcare workers at Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania

The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) as one of the top ten causes of hospital death worldwide. Hand hygiene is arguably the simplest and most effective way to prevent the transmission of HCAI between one patient to another or from patients to healthcare workers. The practical implementation of hand hygiene depends on the attitude and knowledge of health practitioners regarding...

Author(s): Mtweve Deus M. and Sangeda Raphael Z.

June 2022

Biodegradability of polystyrene plastics by bacterial isolates from plastic composted waste soil and molecular characterization of plastic degrading bacterial isolates

This study examined the biodegradability of polystyrene (PS) plastics. Soil samples were collected from Oluku Community in Egor Local Government Area, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Heterotrophic bacteria were enumerated and screened for PS degradation potential. Plastics degrading potential of the isolates was determined by Shake Flask method, degradation of PS plastics was determined by analyzing the formulated PS...

Author(s): Udochukwu Ugueri, Atuanya E. I. and Usman Zainab