African Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmacology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0816
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPP
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 2298

Table of Content: 8 January, 2014; 8(1)

January 2014

Orthogonal test design for optimizing the extraction of total flavonoids from Flos pueraria

The conditions for extraction of the total flavonoids from Flos pueraria was optimized and the purification and separation process were conducted to identify the main constituents of the total flavonoids as well. The solvent for extraction and its concentration, the solid-to-liquid ratio, extraction duration, temperature and ultrasonic frequency were investigated through a single-factor experiment. An orthogonal design...

Author(s): Fei Cai, Chen Xiao, Qingjie Chen, Changhan Ouyang, Ruixue Zhang, Jiliang Wu and Chao Liu

January 2014

Antiproliferative and cytotoxic properties of honey in human prostate cancer cell line (PC-3): Possible mechanism of cell growth inhibition and apoptosis induction

Honey has long been used in medicine for different purposes. Only recently, however, its antioxidant property and preventive effects against different diseases, such as cancer, have been highlighted. In this study, we investigated the potential of honey to induce cytotoxic and apoptosis effects in cultured carcinomic human prostate cells (PC-3), a commonly used cell culture system for in vitro studies on prostate...

Author(s): Saeed Samarghandian, Fariborz Samini and MohammadrezaTaghavi

January 2014

Evaluation of the modulatory and antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extract and fractions of Duguetia furfuracea A. St.-Hil.

Medicinal plants have been the subject of research in several countries such as Brazil. The Duguetia furfuracea A. St.-Hil., popularly known as araticum-bravo, ata-brava and ata de lobo, has been used in folk medicine as anti-rheumatic drugs, for the treatment of renal dysfunction, spinal pain and stomach, and against pediculosis. This work aimed to analyze the antibacterial effect of the crude extract and fractions...

Author(s): Cicera Norma Fernandes, Heloisa Helena Ferreira Sousa, Maria Cristina Melo Borges, Celestina Elba Sobral Souza, Glaucia Morgana Melo Guedes , Fernando Gomes Figueredo, Saulo Relison Tintino, José Galberto Martins Costa, Henrique Douglas Melo Coutinho, Irwin Rose Alencar Menezes, Cícero Francisco Bezerra Felipe and Marta Regina Kerntopf

January 2014

Wound healing activity of leaf methanolic extract of Ficus hispida Linn.

In this study, the wound healing activity of methanolic extract of the leaves of plant Ficus hispida Linn. was evaluated on excision wound model. The leaves of F. hispida Linn. were successively extracted by using solvent methanol and screened for phytochemical constituents. Wistar rats (either sex) were given orally doses of 75 and 150 mg/kg body weight at 24 h intervals and their wound contraction area were calculated...

Author(s): Ramandeep Singh, Preeti Thakur, Alok Semwal and Satinder Kakar

January 2014

Application of Ipomoea batatas starch as suspending agent in acetaminophen suspension

Natural plant mucilage has gained importance over synthetic ones because of low toxicity, low cost and good availability. The objective of the study was to search for a cheap and effective natural raw material that can serve as an alternative suspending agent in the formulation of acetaminophen suspension. The phytochemical and the physicochemical properties of the mucilage of Ipomoea batatas L. were studied. The...

Author(s): Onyishi Ikechukwu V., Chime Salome A. and Kanu Ifeoma