June 2017
Minority rights protection under the second house: The Ethiopian federal experience
Right after the overthrow of dictatorial military regime since 1991, Ethiopia underwent a remarkable change of political system. It has restructured the society based on federal state arrangement which creates nine self-administered regional government taking linguistic, settlement pattern, and consent of the governed into consideration. Addis Ababa and although not mentioned in the constitution, Dire Dawa become...
June 2017
Route for sustainable development in Ethiopia: Opportunities and braves of good governance
The landmark of good governance in order to bring sustainable development in Ethiopia was the ratification of 1995 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) constitution. Within this constitution, the individual and group rights of people were protected, indicators of good governance was identified and mentioned and recognitions for different institutions were given. Even though the constitution was drafted with...
June 2017
Ethiopia’s growth and transformation plan and its implications for synergic sum effect contextualized into regional cooperation in the horn of Africa
The East African region, in which Ethiopia is located, is commonly known as the Horn of Africa. It is branded for its economic underdevelopment and political instability. The region is economically poor, politically unstable and very volatile security wise. In lieu of this, it is prudent to describe the region as one that represents one of the most complex sub-regions in Africa. To resolve these and associated problems,...