International Journal of
Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-243X
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJBC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 679

Full Length Research Paper

Ethnobotanical study of indigenous knowledge on medicinal plant uses and threatening factors around the Malga District, Southern Ethiopia

Sintayehu Tamene
  • Sintayehu Tamene
  • Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Hawassa University, P. O. Box 128, Shashemene, Ethiopia.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 04 May 2020
  •  Published: 31 July 2020


The study conducted in Malga district in 2019 aimed at documenting indigenous medicinal plants use among the Kebeles community, and the factors threatening local knowledge on medicinal plants before suggesting ways to overcome such threats. A total of 100 informants were selected and snowball sampling techniques were used. Ethnobotanical data were collected using semi-structured interviews, field observations, guided field walk, and group discussion with traditional medicine practitioners. The ethnobotanical study reveals that 60 medicinal plant species are inventoried and are distributed across 55 genera and 37 families while they are used as a cure for 40 ailments. Of these, 36 medicinal plants were reported for human ailments treatment, 7 for livestock, and 17 for both human and livestock ailment treatment. Leave were reported as most frequently utilized plant part with 45.78%. Intestinal parasite ailments were reported as one of the common problems along with oral administration. Informant consensus analysis showed that ailments like rabies, poisoning, and snakebite scored the highest value (0.98), while and pneumonia and jaundice scored the lowest values (0.63). Agricultural expansion, firewood, deforestation, and cash crop expansions were reported as driving factors for the loss of medicinal plants. Here the Wereda administration, as well as concerned governmental and non-governmental bodies should interven to minimize the loss of medicinal plant and associated knowledge.


Key words: Malga Wereda, medicinal plant, Indigenous knowledge, Informant, consensus.


Ethiopian has used traditional and veterinary medicine to treat diseases for generations (Anteneh et al., 2012) and majority of the population relies on traditional medicine as their primary form of health care (Elizabeth et al., 2014). Owing   to   its   long   period  of  practice  and  existence, traditional medicine has become an integral part of the culture of Ethiopian people (Mirgissa, 1998). In Ethiopia, approximately 80% of humans and 90% of the livestock population rely on traditional medicinal plants to cure different  ailments  (Dawit,  2001) as a result of difficulties
in accessing modern health facilities, the cultural acceptability of healers and low cost of traditional medicine invited local communities to dwell traditional healers (Nguta et al., 2010).
Besides the importance, Ethiopia’s traditional medicine and indigenous knowledge as elsewhere in Africa is faced with the problems of continuity and sustainability (Ensermu et al., 1992; Elizabeth et al., 2014). Nowadays herbal practitioners have to walk greater distances for collection of herbal medicine that once grew in the vicinity of their homes. Bizuneh et al. (2018) in their ethnobotanical study reported that, valuable indigenous knowledge associated with medicinal plants was under risk and need to be properly documented. Those studies so far conducted on medicinal plants in Ethiopia also reported that, the existing medicinal plants were on conservation risk (Belachew and Behailu, 2018; Muluken et al., 2018). Bizuneh et al. (2018) also stated that the problem is further compounded by the fact that traditional knowledge on traditional medicine is also being lost at an alarming rate.
Additionally, According to Gonfa et al. (2015), Solomon et al. (2016), Banchiamlak and Young (2019) reports those medicinal plants available in the study region (Sidama Zone) are becoming extinct through human induced factors or in the verge of disappearance and the associated knowledge held by elders has received less attention in the past. Furthermore, the rich ethnomedicinal knowledge held by the Sidama community at large and traditional medicine practitioners in particular needs an in-depth study and documentation (Nigatu et al., 2018) and medicinal plants are exposed to various destructive anthropogenic activities. Thus, this study aimed at inventorying the medicinal plants used and documenting the associated indigenous knowledge while raising awareness about the drivers threatening both knowledge and the sustainability of the resource around the Malga district of Southern Ethiopia before suggesting ways to overcome such threats.


Description of the study area
The study was conducted in Malga district Southern Ethiopia. The district is bordered by Wondo Genet Wereda in the north, by Goriche and Shebedino Wereda in the South, to the west by Tula Administration and the east by Kokosa Wereda in Oromia Regional State. The Wereda geographically extends from 7° 0' N to 7° 00' 0.00" N Latitude and 38° 29' 59.99"   to 38°  49' 99" E Longitude (Figure 1). The Malga district is divided into 23 Kebele Administrations (the smallest administrative unit in Ethiopia) and has three rural towns. The capital town of Malga district is Manicho which is located 26 km from the regional state capital, Hawassa town. Based on the data from the Wereda/district, the total land area is 32,651 hectares (ha) of which an estimated 18,177 ha are under cultivated land, 6,988 ha are used for cereal and Enset venticosum production and the rest are covered by forest, water, and  grazing  land.  Cereal  crops  are  grown  in  the  highland part consisting of wheat, barley and beans, vegetables are also grown seasonally and continuously through irrigation at some distance of the rivers. Out of agricultural crops, scattered tree species were also observed in their homegardens including: Croton macrostachyus Del., Juniperus Procera Hochst. ex.Engl., Erythrina brucei Schweinf. emend. Gillett, Eucalyptus species, Arundinaria alpina K. Schum., Cupressus lusitanica Mill., Ficus species and Euphorbia species. During field observation and discussion session’s local elders raised that previously, traditional homes of Sidama were constructed using timber from Juniperus species, but now days these tree species are becoming increasingly scarce and it is now common to use timber from eucalyptus as well. The rainfall and the temperature condition of the area were described based on the data collected from 1998-2009 by the National Meteorological Service Agency (NMSA) from Hawassa Station. The result of the analysis of data from NMSA showed that the range of mean monthly minimum and maximum temperature of the study area is 12.6 and 20°C and average annual rainfall will vary from 1,201-1,600 mm. The elevation of the area ranges from between 1,501–3,000 m above sea level.  The agro-ecology of the Wereda has a 78% humid and 22% sub-humid tropical climate. Wereda had an estimated population of 127,844 in 2010, based on the 2007 census projections (Central Statistical Agency, 2007): having 50.6% male and 49.4% female.
Sample size and sampling techniques
The study was conducted in six Kebeles in the Malga Wereda/district from July to August of 2019. Kebeles were purposively selected based on reconnaissance surveys and recommendations from local society (knowledgeable elders, religious leaders, and development agents). The selected Kebeles were ‘Mellow,’ ‘Haro,’‘Haru merisa,’‘Elula chirariso,’‘Weteraresu, and ’Sintaro‘ (Figure 1). A total of 100 informants were selected. Based on Martin (1995) from a total 100 informant, 24 key informants were purposively selected based on recommendations from local authorities (Kebele administrator, knowledgeable elders, religious leaders, development agent and local guides). Appointments were made before visiting the key informants and the informants except for the key informants were selected through the Snowball method (Bailey, 1994) which consists in the search for new interviewees by the indication of people already interviewed. They were asked to give their knowledge about the plants they use against a disease, plant parts harvested methods, preparation of the remedy, details of administrations and the dosage (Banchiamlak and Young, 2019). The ages of the informants were between 18 to 93 years.
Ethnobotanical data collection
Following techniques described in Martin (1995) and Cotton (1996), ethnobotanical data were collected from July to August 2019. The techniques employed for data collection were group discussions; field observations, guided field walks and observation, and a semi-structured questionnaire pre-prepared in the Sidama language and finally translated into English (Appendix 1). Besides, four focus group discussions each of which consists of 6 members of traditional healers, religious leaders and knowledgeable elders were carried out. During this discussion session, questionnaires that were employed for informants were brought to discussion and validation of the information that was previously given by respondents. Floristic voucher specimens were collected with the help of traditional healers, knowledgeable elders, and development agents. The collected specimen was properly identified by comparing with already identified specimens in National Herbarium of Ethiopian using taxonomic literature such as Edwards et al. (1995,
1997, 2000); Hedberg and Edwards (1989, 1995), and Hedberg et al. (2003, 2004, 2006).
Data analysis
In this section, both qualitative and quantitative approaches to data analysis were used. Qualitative methods used were based on percentages and frequency to summarize the data on medicinal plants (Martin, 1995; Cotton, 1996). The most useful qualitative information gathered on medicinal plants reported by local people included: medicinal value, application, methods of preparation, routes of administration, disease treated, and parts used, and the habit was analyzed through descriptive statistics. To make a simple calculation, to determine proportions and to draw bar graphs, MS Excel spread sheet was also utilized. Regarding quantitative data analysis, the Informant Consensus Factor (Fic) was used to measure the total usage of plant species according to culture applicability. Health disorders were categorized into eight groups like plants with high FIC versus low FIC value to compare its pharmacological active. The FIC values will be high if maximum respondents acknowledge one or a few plants to treat a specific disease. The FIC value can be calculated by the formula FIC = nur – nt/nur – 1;   Where   FIC   =   informants  consensus  factor,  nur = number of use citation, nt = number used species (Canales et al., 2005).
Ethical considerations
Participants gave their informed consent (EPIC) before commencing with the interview schedules as required by the University of Hawassa University ethics committee. Approval for the study was obtained from the Hawassa University, approval number: VPRTT/027/2019.


The results of the ethnobotanical survey contributed to the inventory and document of 60 plant species divided into 55 genera and 37 families (Table 1). The dominant family was Fabaceae with five species, followed by Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Rutaceae, and Solanaceae each with four species and Asteraceae with three   species.   Different   scholars   in  their  study  also reported similar findings such as Balcha (2014), Mekonen et al. (2015), Banchiamlak and Young (2019). Of these 36 plant species, 60% were used as human medicines, seven plant species (11.67%) as livestock medicines and 17 plant species (28.33%) were used for treating both human and livestock diseases (Table 1). Regarding habit diversity, 18 plant species (30%) were trees, 22 (36.67%) shrubs, 15 (25%) herbs and 5 (8.33%) were climbers (Table 1). Alemayehu (2010), Kefyalew (2015) and Abiyot et al. (2018) reported that shrubs were the most harvested forms as source of medicines.
Socioeconomic characteristics of the interviewed respondents
As can be seen in Table 2, 100 informants participated in the ethnobotanical survey of the Malga district. Of these, 77% were men, 23% women, and 24 were key informants. The majority of respondents were more than 50 years old (37%). Eleven informants were between 20 and 30 years old, 19 informants were between 31 and 40 years old, 33 informants were between 41 and 50 years old and 37 informants were above 50 years old. Majority of the informants had attended different level school (53%) (Table 2).
Common ailments and plant species used in the study area
As shown in Table 1, traditional healers had amazing and surprising indigenous knowledge on diagnosis, treatment, and determination of ailments. The medicinal plant species recorded in the Malga are also used as remedies in other parts of Ethiopia. Among a total of 60 medicinal plants, 11 in Gonfa et al. (2015); 21 in Nigatu et al. (2018) and 26 species in Banchiamlak and Young (2019). Hence, this widespread report on the   use   of  these  medicinal  plants  by  different groups of the societies in different localities could be attributed to different cultural groups, which could validate the medicinal properties of these species. People of Ethiopia over a wide area therefore may tend to use the same medicinal species as a result of the wider distribution of medicinal plants in the country and to a certain extent their usefulness (Gonfa et al., 2015).
The practitioners commonly diagnose each health problem by interviewing and visual inspection of the patient. The patients are commonly interviewed for symptoms observed and the duration of the diseases. Such as changes in eye color, tongue color, throats are all visually inspected by the practitioner. For diseases like fibril illness, evil eye, and Jaundice, the local people prefer traditional healers for treatment (Figure 2). Some of the medicinal plants in this study were also reported to cure specific diseases (Miruts, 2010; Banchiamlak and Young, 2019). Vernonia  amygdalinaSolanum  incanum, Croton macrostachyus, Carica papaya, Arundo donax, and Momordica boivinii were reported to cure intestinal parasites and associated illness. Datura stramonium and Vernonia auriculifera were also reported to cure head infection (Fungal disease) and Allium sativum, Vernonia amygdalina, Zingiber officinale, Artemisia abyssinica, and Melia azedarach were claimed as the treatment for malaria.
Similarly, the medicinal value of Commelina benghalensis, Croton macrostachyus, Hypoestes forskaolii, Phytolacca dodecandra, Ruta chalepensis, and V. amygdalina as a treatment for intestinal parasite and skin infection was reported by (Gonfa et al., 2015; Nigatu, 2018). In Nepal, Shandesh et al. (2009) in their ethnobotanical study reported that Achyranthes aspera and Urtica dioica are the most effective medicinal plants to cure intestinal parasite and fever-related ailments.
Importance of medicinal plants
Informant consensus factors
Based on the conditions of the disease and treatment resemblance, diseases in the study area have been grouped into different categories as described by Canales et al. (2005). As shown by Table 3, the medicinal plants that were presumed to be effective in treating a certain disease had higher ICF values, which indicated that these diseases were more common than those with low ICF. Based on the used citations of the key informants, plant species were clustered into eight different categories) to calculate the ICF values. The ICF values range between 0.63 (Pneumonia and jaundice) and 0.98 (Rabies, poisoning, and  snake  bite).  Thus,  all clusters had an ICF value greater than 0.5 showing that all of them could be considered for validation in support of its traditional use.
Nineteen plant species were reported to be used for the treatment of intestinal parasite alone and wound and body swelling together followed by a lung infection and liver problem (15 species); malaria, vomiting, and typhoid (11 species); common cold, asthma, nasal blooding, fibril illness (10 species); skin and head infections (10 species); rabies, poisoning, and snake bite (5 species); evil spirit and the evil eye (4 species). The ailments rabies, poisoning, and snake-bite scored the highest value (0.98) with 166 use-reports for 5 plant species. The species responsible for this high consensus were Antiaris toxicaria, Dovyalis caffra, Senna occidentalis, Solanum incanum and Phytolacca dodecandra with 166 of the 60 reported medicinal plants, followed by the evil spirit and evil eye were scored the second highest value (0.97) with 122 use-reports for 4 plant species. The species responsible for this high consensus was Acokanthera schimperi, Olea europea subsp. Cuspidata, Ruta chalepensis and Urtica dioeca with 122 of the 60 reported medicinal plants. Skin and head infections scored the third highest value (0.93) with 121 use reports for 10 plant species were as Calpurnia aurea, Commelina benghalensis, Datura stramonium, Dodonaea angustifolia, Kalanchoe petitiana, Measa lanceolata, Millettia ferruginea, Rhamnus prinoides, Ranunculus multifidus and Vernonia auriculifera. This indicates that informants use relatively few taxa to treat specific disease conditions and they tend to have consistency in the use of plant species.
Medicinal plants used to treat those ailments were more popular and effective to cure the ailments and the ailments  are  more  common  than the others in the area.
Informants reported that they would not need modern medicine for those diseases treatment rather they used traditional medicinal plants. The low value of ICF indicates that the informants disagree on taxa to be used in the treatment within a category of illness. In this study, the lower ICF value scored for the category of diseases like Pneumonia (Lung Infection) and jaundice (Liver problem) scored the lowest value (0.63).
Parts of medicinal plants used
Leaves were reported as the most frequently utilized plant part with (45.78%) (Figure 3A). A large proportion of herbal preparation from leafs was also reported by Gonfa et al. (2015), Bizuneh et al. (2018), Abiyot et al. (2018), Nigatu et al. (2018);  Banchiamlak and Yound (2019). Those from root sources were reported by Alemayehu (2010), Lulekal et al. (2014), Melesse et al. (2015). Similarly, leaf are claimed as the dominant plant parts used in  the  remedy  preparations  for  livestock   ailment treatment (Gonfa et al., 2015; Banchiamlak and Yound, 2019). Both leaf and stem bark accounts for 75% (Figure 3B) from the total remedy preparation followed by whole plant parts and root (12.5%) each respectively. Like human remedy preparation, the leaf is the most harvested form in remedy preparation for livestock ailment treatment. But, remedy preparations from stem bark, roots, and whole plants are risk to plant survival. So, in this work, the researcher suggested that, the local people must adopt alternative ways of conservations of medicinal plants in their home gardens to minimize losing of the floral diversity. In both human and livestock treatments, leaves are more harvested parts of the plants which covered 38.71% followed by bark (20.97%), seed (16.13%); root (14.52%); whole plant (4.84%); fruits (3.23%) and latex (1.61%) (Figure 3C). The preference of leaves to other plant parts may be due to the easy preparations compared to remedy preparations from other plant parts. Furthermore, leaves carry copious amounts of plant secondary metabolites that have medicinal  properties  as reported (Bhattarai et al., 2006).
Methods of preparation
The principal methods of remedy preparation are chewing (24.69%), followed by pounding (19.75%), crushing and pounding (14.81%) and rubbing (12.35). Among those, crushing, pounding, and powdering are common ones. Crushing and pounding cover 50%, pounding 37.5%, and powdering (12.5%). This result is in agreement with the earlier founding (Emiru et al., 2011; Gonfa et al., 2015; Bizuneh et al., 2018) who noted that the principal method of remedy preparation was through crushing. The highest medicinal plant knowledge acquisition by the healers in this study area was from parents or close relatives. They have the only oral-based transmission of knowledge. The healers have very high intentions to keep their traditional knowledge secret. These limits the knowledge transfer from generation to generation and lead to destruction of the indigenous knowledge which held by local communities. Some informants argue that mixing and using some medicinal plants taken with foods is better than taking alone. For instance, dry fruit of F. sur mixed with honey and taken orally as food is used to treat malaria. Leaf of V. amygdalina and Croton macrostachyus mixed with salt and honey used as medicine to treat intestinal parasites and   M.   lanceolata,   Croton   macrostachyus    and    V. amygdalina powdered and mixed to treat milk production shortages of the livestock.
Forms used
Informants claimed that fresh forms of the preparations were considered more powerful than dried ones; to treat humans and livestock ailments. Similar results were reported in earlier studies (Belachew and Behailu, 2018; Abiyot et al., 2018 and Nigatu et al., 2018). This could be associated with the components and activities of active principles of fresh preparations. They also claimed that the application of remedy in fresh forms is more relevant than a dry one because it is easy to prepare and handle. This account for 74.52% of the total plants and 25.48% were used in dry forms (Figure 4). Similar results were reported earlier (Belachew and Behailu, 2018, Abiyot et al., 2018; Nigatu et al., 2018) which could be associated to the components and activities of active principles of fresh preparations. Here harvesting of the fresh plant parts minimizes the chances of preservation for later use and affects the sustainable utilization of medicinal plants. In this study, remedy preparation from single plant parts accounted for 88.77% and preparations from combined plant species were about 11.23%. This consensus was in agreement with those of Bizuneh et al. (2018).
Routes of administration and dosage used
Internal ailments were commonly treated by drinking, chewing and swallowing. Skin infections like snake bite were treated by rubbing and painting on the infected parts. Ailments like jaundice and pneumonia were treated by crushing and pounding, decoction and infusion applied through oral administration. Headache was treated through nasal smell and evil eye through oral administration and different methods were used to the other ailments (Table 1). The choice of oral administration is related to the use of some solvents or additives (honey, milk, butter and food) that are commonly believed to serve as a vehicle to transport the remedies (Tolosa et al., 2013; Balcha, 2014; Nazim et al., 2017; Abiyot et al., 2018, Belachew and Behailu, 2018; Nigatu et al., 2018; Banchiamlak and Young, 2019). For example, stems and roots of Bersama abyssinica are chewed or powders and drunk against intestinal parasites. There was not a proper dosage observed like modern medicines but were taken according to disorder and need. Ethno medicines were used with tea-spoons and finger-tips which passing from generation to generation. Such as finger length for root and stem bark, pinch for powdered plant parts, numbers for leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, cup for decoction and infusion for plant parts, were used to estimate and fix the dosage of the medicine (Nazim et al., 2017). The healers believe the effectiveness of the traditional medicines but the measurements used to determine the dosages are not standardized and doses are given depend on the age, physical fitness, stage of illness, pregnancy, and the presence or absence of any disease other than the disease to be treated. The absence of adverse effects of traditional medicines was frequently mentioned by the healers. If the dosage is more than the treated person can handle milk is added to minimize the power of the medicine.
Threats to medicinal plants and opportunity to overturn the threats
In the study area, human induced factors were recorded as the main threats to plant species in general and medicinal plants in particular. As shown in Figure 5, the most important threatening factors include in descending order the agricultural expansions (25%), firewood (20%), deforestation (18%), cash crop expansions (16%) and charcoal production (7%) reflected a threat on medicinal plants. According to elder local informants, most of Malga area was covered with forests until about the 1940s. However, high deforestation rates over the years have left only highly disturbed remnant forests which are now confined to the mountain slopes.


The results of the study has revealed that about 60 medicinal plant species used by the local community were inventoried reflecting the richness and the diversity of the medicinal plant resource of the Malga District Southern Ethiopia. The associated knowledge of the local people is deep-rooted in the time-honored use practices of herbal medicine as illustrated by the end use of the medicinal plants:  36 species were noted to treat human ailments, 7 species for livestock ailment treatment, and 17 species for both human and livestock health treatments. In addition, 28 different human and 12 livestock ailments were recorded. Shrubs were found to be dominant as traditional medicinal plant remedy sources in the study area followed by trees, herbs, and climbers. Leaves were also found to be the most harvested plant parts for the preparation of the remedies followed by bark and roots. In the preparation of medicines, single plants were used to prepare the medicines to cure the diseases rather than mixing. The routes of administration are mainly internal in which oral administration is the common one. However, both the plant  resources  and the indigenous knowledge of herbal medicine are under threat. The main factors leading to the loss of plant species in the study area are agricultural expansion driven by population growth and cash crop expansion (Catha edulis and Coffee Arabica). The study site had rich medicinal plant diversity. But, the knowledge on medicinal plants is shrinking due to its secrecy, and oral-based knowledge transfer to close relatives. The medicinal plant resources, the associated traditional knowledge, and medical practices are in great need of protection through the implementation of appropriate conservation strategies.


The author has not declared any conflict of interests.



Special gratitude goes to Hawassa University for providing funds for this research. The staff of the Wereda Agricultural Office and farmers of Malga are duly acknowledge for their input in identifying informants, studying Kebeles, and data collection. The inputs and valuable comments made by reviewers are also appreciated.


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