May 2013
Access and quality in education in resettlement schools: The case study of Zvivingwi Secondary School in Gutu District, Masvingo Province in Zimbabwe
In Zimbabwe, the discourse on access and quality in education has been a raging one since the colonial days of bottlenecks and outright discrimination against black Zimbabweans in education. The doors to education were declared open to all at independence in 1980 with the new Zimbabwe government’s enunciated policy of education for all. It is an uncontested fact that strides were made soon after independence to...
May 2013
Assessment of corporate management practices in public universities in Kenya
In order to continue attracting and retaining high-class intellectual power and hence guarantee quality service delivery, public university management will need to change and adjust in line with increasing local democratisation and globalisation pressures. Scenarios that depict participatory decision-making and respect of divergent viewpoints will have to characterize the relationships among all stakeholders in the...